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HOMEOWNERS have various ingredients that could encourage hair growth in their kitchens.

An expert shared three hair mask recipes for shiny, long tresses free from dandruff and frizz.

Dr. Balwi shared his expert tips for hair growth and reducing shedding (stock image)
Dr. Balwi shared his expert tips for hair growth and reducing shedding (stock image)Credit: Getty

Dr. Balwi is a medical director at the hair loss clinic, Elithair, which has helped over 100,000 patients achieve full hair.

Speaking to The U.S. Sun, he shared tips for caring for thinning tresses.

“Hair loss can have a range of causes,” Dr. Balwi said.

“The most common include hereditary reasons, medications and treatments, stress, nutritional deficiencies, autoimmune diseases, and thyroid problems.”

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He said the time it takes for hair loss to stop varies depending on what caused it and the treatment used. 


Dr. Balwi revealed daily dietary choices can have a huge impact on hair health.

He recommended a diet rich in iron, protein, and essential vitamins and minerals to prevent shedding.

“These include vitamin C, omega 3, vitamin A, zinc, and vitamin E,” he said.

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“People should incorporate iron-rich foods such as spinach, lentils, and red meat, as well as eggs for vitamins A, D, and B12, fruit for vitamin C, and salmon for vitamin D and omega 3.

“Supplements such as biotin and keratin tablets can also help.”


As well as eating nutritious food, Dr. Balwi said topical application of specific ingredients can also be beneficial.

Look for argan oil, green tea extract, silk proteins, vitamin E, and hyaluronic acid in your haircare products.

Dr. Balwi

He said a banana mask can reduce frizz and dandruff while also promoting hair growth. 

“Blend one to two bananas with egg, avocado, coconut, or honey,” he said. 

“Apply to your hair and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing.”

He recommended a milk hair mask for stimulating growth, making hair softer, and adding shine. 

Banana hair growth mask

Blend one to two bananas with egg, avocado, coconut, or honey.

Apply to your hair and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing.

Benefits: reduces frizz and dandruff, promotes hair growth

“Mix milk with honey, banana, or egg,” he said. “Leave on hair for 20 to 40 minutes before rinsing.”

He suggested a lemon mask for reducing dandruff and encouraging hair growth. 

“Mix equal parts lemon juice and conditioner or add lemon juice to a cup of water,” he said.

“Let it sit on the hair for two to three minutes before rinsing.”

Lemon hair growth mask

Mix equal parts lemon juice and conditioner or add lemon juice to a cup of water.

Let it sit on the hair for 2 to 3 minutes before rinsing.

Benefits: reduces dandruff, promotes hair growth


Dr. Balwi said people should opt for products that are sulfate- and silicone-free when investing in their haircare. 

Sulfates are a type of salt found in many shampoos but can strip hair of its natural oils and cause frizziness.

“Products with proteins, vitamins, and natural oils should be prioritized,” he said.

“Look for argan oil, green tea extract, silk proteins, vitamin E, and hyaluronic acid in your haircare products.”

Dr. Balwi recommended avoiding hair products that have sulfates or silicone
Dr. Balwi recommended avoiding hair products that have sulfates or siliconeCredit: Dr Balwi


“Tight, high ponytails or buns can risk causing traction alopecia by placing excessive tension on the area, causing bald patches or thinning around the temples and forehead area,” Dr. Balwi said.

“To avoid this, people should change their hairstyle regularly. 

“Using scrunchies instead of hair elastics is also recommended as the silk is less likely to pull.

“People should also take breaks from extensions between uses and only wear them for a short time.”

Hair growth oils, sprays, and supplements

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Dr. Balwi said hair transplantations are another option for restoring full hair.

“By restoring a natural hairline and fuller hair, our clients often experience a boost in self-confidence, leading to improved social interactions, heightened self-worth, and a greater sense of attractiveness,” he said.

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“This ripple of positive change can have far-reaching effects on various aspects of life, including personal relationships, career opportunities, and overall quality of life.

“With the ability to permanently address hair loss, hair transplantation provides individuals with a renewed sense of identity, enabling clients to approach life with renewed enthusiasm and confidence.”

Dr. Balwi said home hair masks can promote growth and reduce dandruff (stock image)
Dr. Balwi said home hair masks can promote growth and reduce dandruff (stock image)Credit: Getty