Major benefits changes are happening this year impacting millions of people. Claimants of a number of benefits are being moved over to Universal Credit.

It means people affected will have to apply for Universal Credit as the changes will not happen automatically. Those who are impacted will receive Migration Notice letters from the DWP over the coming weeks and months.

Millions of claimants have already been moved over to Universal Credit but the long process is continuing this year. Those who get Housing Benefit only are the next to be moved over.

READ MORE: Expect a letter from the DWP if you claim one of these benefits - and do not ignore it

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Migration Notice letters should start dropping on doormats in June. These people will then have three months to apply for Universal Credit otherwise they will lose their benefits.

They will need to take action to ensure there is no disruption their usual benefits. Then in July it will be the turn of those on Employment Support Allowance with Child Tax Credits followed by Jobseekers Allowance in September.

In a recent update, the Government said: "Our plans for 2024/25 are to undertake the issuing of Migration Notices to in scope Working Age benefit households sequentially, starting with Income Support claimants and those claiming Tax Credits with Housing Benefit from April, Housing Benefit only claimants from June, Employment Support Allowance with Child Tax Credits from July and Jobseekers Allowance in September. Households may be in receipt of a combination of benefits, for example an Income Support recipient could also be claiming Housing Benefit and/or Child Tax Credits."

Anyone who is worried or unsure about what is happening and how they will be affected can find support information online at or by searching 'move to Universal Credit'.