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Phoenix Wright style cyberpunk adventure launches on Steam

Cyber Manhunt 2: New World, a cyberpunk adventure game in the style of Snatcher, Cyberpunk 2077, and Phoenix Wright, is out now on Steam.

Phoenix Wright style cyberpunk adventure launches on Steam: An excited brunette man's face, from Cyber Manhunt 2: New World.

Just after he worked on the first Metal Gear, writer and director Hideo Kojima put out a cyberpunk adventure game called Snatcher. Heavily inspired by movies like Blade Runner and The Terminator, Snatcher never made a big splash outside of Japan — mostly because its English version hasn’t been ported to modern videogame platforms — but its influence is felt in experimental, tech focused entries to the science fiction adventure game genre like Eliza, Orwell, République, and, notably, today’s launch of Cyber Manhunt 2: New World.

Cyber Manhunt 2: New World is a cyberpunk game that serves as sequel to 2021’s Cyber Manhunt. In it, players assume the role of a corporation’s artificial intelligence program in a vision of the world where advanced AI presents ethical issues directly at odds with the convenience it brings to its users’ daily lives.

From the perspective of one version of that AI, the player progresses through story chapters centered on various characters whose dramatic arcs explore the complexities of Cyber Manhunt 2’s setting. This takes the form of puzzles that involve tracking users across the internet and hacking targets to engineer specific outcomes that test the audience’s sense of morality.

The Early Access version of Cyber Manhunt 2 includes its prologue and first three chapters while the final version will refine that existing material and add two more chapters to the story.

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To celebrate its Early Access launch, Cyber Manhunt 2: New World is 10% off ($8.99 USD / £7.65) on Steam until May 23. Grab a copy right here.

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