A flight attendant has issued a warning to travellers, advising them to avoid wearing shorts on a plane due to hygiene concerns.

While many might not consider specific attire when flying, an air steward has suggested that passengers should "never wear shorts" while flying. Tommy Cimato, an air steward with a significant TikTok following, shared the advice in a video on the platform.

Tommy, who has amassed over thousands of followers on his TikTok account @tommycimato, highlighted the potential health risks associated with wearing shorts on an aircraft. He pointed out that it's hard to know how clean the plane will be, so by wearing trousers, you're likely to come into contact with fewer germs.

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"Don't or try not to wear shorts when on an airplane. You never know how clean it's going to be, so if you're wearing trousers you're going to have fewer germs," he said in the video.

In addition to this tip, Tommy shared more insider knowledge with his audience. He advised against using bare hands to press the toilet flush button, describing it as unsanitary and suggesting the use of a napkin or tissue instead, reports the Mirror.

Moreover, he reminded viewers of the importance of staying hydrated during flights, recommending around 16 ounces of water for every flight taken.

"Do not fall asleep or lean your head on the window. You're not the only person to do that and you don't know how many people or children have wiped their hands or other things all over the window. Don't feel afraid to let a flight attendant know that you're feeling sick. We are there to help so if you need food, water, or an air sickness bag then please feel free to let us know."

As Easter holiday plans start taking off, a flight attendant has advised passengers to consider bringing disinfectant wipes in their carry-on. This comes after another flight attendant highlighted the less-than-sanitary conditions travellers may encounter.

In advice shared with Ski Vertigo, the cabin crew member shed light on the grimiest parts of an airplane seat, cautioning against using the seat pocket without cleaning it first. "If you must use the seat-back pocket, consider lining it with a disposable bag for your items," they recommended.

"This not only keeps your belongings clean but also simplifies clean-up and minimises your contact with potential contaminants. For longer flights, consider packing a small 'hygiene kit'."

The flight attendant suggested that the kit might consist of "face masks, hand sanitiser, disinfectant wipes, and even a spare set of clothes in your carry-on". Not only will additional clothes assist in quickly chilling germs, but changing after a long flight can contribute towards feeling refreshed - particularly useful as plane journeys often leave passengers feeling rather lethargic.

In contrast, encountering a few germs is unlikely to cause substantial harm.

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