TV farmer Jeremy Clarkson aims to swap odour for eau de with a perfume range.

The stinking-rich Clarkson’s Farm star wants to boost his £55million wealth by selling candles and women’s scent. He has applied to trademark the products, which will be called Diddly Squat Wet and linked to his Diddly Squat Farm Shop, from his Amazon Prime series. Clarkson, 64, has also protected his “I am a f***er” slogan – in which the f-word is farmer – and hopes to use it on products like T-shirts and mugs.

The Grand Tour host already sells a £22.50 This Smells Like My B******s candle in a dig at actress Gwyneth Paltrow’s This Smells Like My Vagina candle on her lifestyle site. In an Insta clip, he tells her: “Eat your heart out. Mmm, the great smell of scrotum.”

Clarkson’s Cotswolds neighbours the Beckhams are also in the perfume trade. Victoria’s is £170 but hubby David’s is just £13 in discount stores.