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I bought sex toys and offered husband a dirty weekend but he’s not interested

I’m now convinced I’ve left it too late and he’s no longer interested in me

DEAR DEIDRE: WHEN I suggested spicing up our sex life with a dirty weekend my husband just looked totally disgusted.

We’re both in our fifties and have been married for more than two decades.

He’s been on at me to try something more adventurous for years but my confidence has never allowed me to take the plunge.

This week I finally bought some new toys.

I was excited to see what was in store but as soon as I suggested the sexy weekend he turned it down flat.

I’m now convinced I’ve left it too late and he’s no longer interested in me. What can I do?

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Well, I’m wondering if your hus-band felt threatened by the toys you bought.
Pick a moment to talk to him about how you feel and say you want to work with him to get your sex life back on track.
Explain that you thought he would like these toys, and were confused by his reaction.
Ask him what he would be comfortable trying.
My support pack Looking After Your Relat-ionship will help you communicate better both in and out of the bedroom.



Dear Deidre on relationships, jealousy and envy