The new Mayor of Ipswich

Published16th May 2024

At the Annual Meeting of Ipswich Borough Council on Wednesday 15 May, the new Mayor of Ipswich for 2024-25 was confirmed as Councillor Elango K Elavalakan. During the Mayor Making Ceremony, Councillor Elavalakan was invested with the Chain of Office and Mayoral Robes.

Find out more about Elango Elavalakan, Ipswich Mayor (2024-25) at: The current Mayor of Ipswich | Ipswich Borough Council

Find out more about the role and duties of Mayor at: The role of Mayor | Ipswich Borough Council

The Deputy Mayor for 2024-25 is Councillor Lynne Mortimer.

A history of Mayoralty in Ipswich can be found at: The mayoralty in Ipswich | Ipswich Borough Council

All past Mayors of Ipswich can be found listed at: Mayors of Ipswich | Ipswich Borough Council