White laundry items such as t-shirts, bed sheets, and pillows can quickly lose their brightness or become plaguede with unsightly stains.

Socks especially endure a lot - even regular washing can see their crisp whiteness turn to yellow or grey.

While many households might reach for bleach to restore the whiteness, it's known that bleach can damage the fabric by weakening the fibres and potentially removing any logos on the socks or garments.

On the Mrs Hinch Cleaning Tips and Tricks Facebook page, one cleaning fan sought advice from fellow members about using bleach on some particularly stubbornly stained white t-shirts and socks, which all featured small coloured logos.

She queried: "I'm going to try bleach on these stubbornly stained white t-shirts and socks. They all have a little different coloured logo on them though. Can I still use it?", reports the Express.

Her fellow cleaning buffs advised against it, suggesting she opt for an alternative product - Napisan.

One group member cautioned: "I would avoid using that stuff. I used it on school shirts and it turned them yellow I had to bin them. I would try Napisan."

Echoing this sentiment, another added: "I agree. I used this and all the logos turned a different colour so now I swear by Napisan. The bleach didn't even whiten the socks well."

A third cleaning fan recommended: "I would recommend Napisan. Bleach used to be my go-to until it turned my socks and a top yellow. Napisan is amazing, doesn't affect other colours and works so much better than bleach."

And someone else advised: "Best using Napisan. Just add two scoops to the washing machine as normal. Can use on colours as well."

For optimal results, it's suggested to add two tablespoons of Napisan to your usual laundry detergent.

An 800g box of Napisan is priced at £4.50 in Asda and Morrisons, equating to 16p per usage. Shoppers can also find Napisan on Amazon, where a pack of two currently costs £14.99.

In the past, some homeowners have recommended using a dishwasher tablet to brighten socks, while certain specialists advocate for the use of baking soda and white vinegar to tackle stubborn stains on white socks.

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