A single woman has caused a mixed debate online as she asked whether her date is a "walking red flag" or not for having five children with three different women.

She claimed she's only just started dating him, and while the fact he has children doesn't put her off, she's unsure about his dating history and said people have told her to "run a mile". The anonymous woman said his youngest child is one and the oldest is 16, but said she would feel like a "hypocrite" if she left him, as she also has three children with her ex.

She said she thinks his relationship with the three mothers is "amicable" and looks after all five every other weekend and pays child support, however is unsure whether she should carry on chatting and spending time with him as she wonders if something is a "bit off" with him as he's had three failed relationships.

The mum then took to Mumsnet to ask others their thoughts and asked: "Would you continue talking with a man you've met (in person) if he told you he has five children with three women? (The youngest is a one-year-old, oldest is 16.) From what he has said, the relationship he has with the mothers of his children is amicable, and he has all 5 of them (3 with 1 mum, then one each with the other 2) every other weekend and pays child support for all 5."

She then further detailed that she has three children with her ex-partner and added: "I feel like a hypocrite for even wondering if there is something just a bit off…that with three women things didn't work out, that he has had the last two children fairly early into each relationship and that the youngest is only 1, and that relationship ended 6 months ago…. Red flag or second date?"

Fellow mums were quick to share their thoughts, as one commented: "Three exes to deal with?! No way," while a second added: "I see no future. That's too many schedules to juggle. As a stepmum, it's hard enough with just one ex to cope with." Another said: "Red flag whether it was a man or a woman. No way."

However, another shared: "Loveliest man I ever dated had three children with two different mum's, similar age spread to what you're saying and youngest only two whereas oldest was 15. Both women were very troubled, one was an alcoholic and the other was very poorly with an eating disorder. He had the children all the time, lovely proper gent and hard worker, very humble. He'd been very unlucky."

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