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DWP guarantees PIP payments for four groups of people 'for next five years'

Under light touch review reviews, thousands have a monthly award of up to £737.20 for five years or more.

DWP guarantees PIP payments for four groups of people 'for next five years'
DWP guarantees PIP payments for four groups of people 'for next five years'

The Department for Work and Pensions is handing four groups of people who claim Personal Independence Payments payouts for the next five years. Under light touch review reviews, thousands have a monthly award of up to £737.20 for five years or more.

A ‘light touch’ review from the DWP is typically awarded to claimants who have very stable needs which are unlikely to change over time OR high level needs which will either stay the same or get worse OR a planned award review date due on or at State Pension age OR a special rules for end of life claim due when of State Pension age.

mSome Personal Independence Payment (PIP) claimants whose condition is severe and unlikely to change are subject to a ‘light touch review’. This means your award will only be reconsidered after 10 years. This can apply if a claimant is over pension age, or has a severe, lifelong condition and receives the enhanced rate of both daily living and mobility components.

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As PIP was introduced in 2013, some of these awards will now be subject to review. The DWP has developed a simplified form to be used in these cases. These are due to be introduced in August 2023. The DWP do not expect an assessment with a health professional will be required for most of these claimants.

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Contact should be restricted to checking whether anything has changed and confirming that information held by the DWP is up to date. The length of time that PIP is awarded is based upon each claimant’s individual circumstances. PIP awards can vary in length. The shortest award is 9 months. The longest is an ongoing award with a ‘light touch’ review at 10 years.

The letter they receive when their claim is approved will tell them when their claim will end and if it will be reviewed. We do regular checks on awards that need a review to make sure that everyone continues to receive the most appropriate level of support.

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