

Thursday, Sep 26


Scene Setting Meetings


We have been delighted to welcome parents into school for our annual Scene Setting meetings over the past few weeks. They have already taken place for Years 10 and 11

Musical Success Stories


From Director of Music, Mrs Madden: “Congratulations to Vinchy, Year 12, and former student Ben, who both achieved the top grade of 9 in GCSE Music and were both awarded

Art Exhibition


We were delighted to hear that the work of our Art Psychotherapist, Mr Andrews, has been on display in an exhibition at the James Freeman Gallery, London, for the month

…outside of the school


Congratulations to Year 12 student, Irene, who spent her summer holidays representing Great Britain in the Eurobasket Championships in Turkey. Irene captained the U16 team to a historic bronze medal



On Friday, 13th September, we were delighted to welcome Revd Ross Malkin, from St Hilda’s, Firswood, to lead our Eucharist service.


School Shoes


Further to the message sent out to all parents last week, we would like to confirm our new initiative regarding all students wearing appropriate school shoes. We now have a

Friday, Sep 20


A Level Results


Following on from our fantastic GCSE results, I am pleased to let you know that our Sixth Form students performed equally well in this year’s A-level and BTEC exams with


Summer Success for Trinity performers


From Director of Music, Mrs Madden: “We are delighted to share some good news about our incredible musicians, actors and singers and their achievements over the summer period! Firstly, congratulations

Harvest Appeal


From Head of House, Mr Cater: “The first of our charity appeals was launched in our House assemblies this week. Once again, we have partnered with Manchester South Central Food

Jinger Drinks Talk


Ms Ashraf tells us more: “CEO of Jinger Drinks Limited, Alya Rafiq came into talk to Year 10 Creative Media and Business students last week. The students learnt about how




Please note that the school will be CLOSED to students on Friday, 27th September, 2024, due to a staff INSET day.

Open Evening – Thursday 26th September


Next week, our annual Open Evening will take place on Thursday, 26th September, from 6.00pm – 8.30pm for our Main School and Sixth Form. If you attending the Sixth Form

Friday, Sep 13


What A Wonderful Set Of Results!


In our 40th year it is a delight to report the ‘best’ examination results Trinity has ever achieved! If the government produces a league table of achieve-ments on the key

Welcome to our new Year 7s


On Wednesday, 4th September, we were delighted to welcome our newest Year 7 cohort to Trinity. The students started their day with an assembly and time with their forms. The


Minister Visit


On Friday, 19th July, the last day of term before the summer break, we were delighted to welcome the new Minister for Early Education, Stephen Morgan MP to discuss mental

Save The Dates!


We have some important ‘save the dates’ for parents of students who are currently in Year 5 or 6. Our tours of the school begin on Tuesday, 17th September, 2024.




Our End of Year Eucharist service took place on Friday, 19th July, and we were delighted to welcome Revd Augustine Tanner-Ihm to lead the service.

International Teachers


Last Thursday we were very pleased to host a visit for a group of international trainee teachers from the University of Manchester, in order to give them an insight into

Friday, Sep 6

Trinity’s 40th Celebration


In the last week of term, we had the pinnacle of our 40th anniversary celebrations, a magnificent showcase event at the Royal Northern College of Music. All students, staff, parents,

Year 9 Graduation and Year 10 Celebration of Progress


In our last week of term, we celebrated students achievements with our Year 9 Graduation and Year 10 Celebration of Progress. The events were a great way to recognise the

Trinity Governing Body


From 1st September, 2024, we are delighted to announce that Revd Ann Meadowcroft became the school’s new Chair of Governors. Revd Meadowcroft is a long-standing foundation governor, and former parent,

Welcome back!


We hope everyone has a positive start to the new 2024/25 academic year following a relaxing and enjoyable summer break. In the coming weeks, we are looking forward to sharing

Monday, Jul 22


Activities Week


Our thanks go to all involved in our magnificent activities week! There was a whole host of activities across the school, including; an arts week for Year 7, a residential

Trinity’s Mock Election


The date of the general election (and the Trinity mock election!) just so happened to coincide with our 80s retro day! All students had an election lesson where they were


Showcase Rocks @ Band on the Wall


From Director of Music, Mrs Madden: “Our Year 9 and Year 10/11 Band Skills were invited to perform in the Showcase Rocks Festival at iconic venue Band on the Wall

Trinity’s Got Talent


Our thanks go to all of our talented students and the House team for organising our wonderful ‘Trinity’s Got Talent’ competition.

What a year!


Today marks the end of the 2023/24 academic year – and what a year it has been! A year in which we have had an Ofsted inspection, a national society

Friday, Jul 12


80s Retro Day


As part of our 40th anniversary celebrations, on Thursday 4th July, 2024, we hosted an ‘80s retro day’. Students and staff were given the opportunity to dress in 80s clothing,

Sports Awards


Towards the end of last month, it was our magnificent Sports Awards evening! It was an extra-special occasion this year, as students were presented with a whole host of awards

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Expedition


From our DofE Co-ordinator, Mr Kirsten: “Our Year 10 Silver Duke of Edinburgh Cohort completed their assessed Expedition in the Peak District at the end of June. Each group enjoyed