

Monday, Sep 23


Are You Prepared for a Disaster?


I write our kids, now all adults, a family letter every few weeks. I started the practice about 20 years ago. It can be on any topic, often some life lesson I’ve learned or maybe a current event. A recent letter began, “I promise I’m not…

Tuesday, Sep 10


Updates as the Election Countdown Begins!


Thanks for allowing me to update you on some recent events. Now that Labor Day is behind us, it’s full steam ahead to the upcoming November 5th Election, including tonight’s high-stakes presidential debate. The Biden/Harris administration…

Saturday, Aug 24


Dems Pro-Abortion Worship vs Texas’ Culture of Life; Blocking the Biden/Harris Woke Agenda; Unclaimed Funds Waiting for You? And More!


Thanks for taking time to hear my thoughts on important issues and allowing me to update you on some recent news. Top of mind for me is the deeply concerning messages coming from Democrats this week at their national convention,…

Tuesday, Aug 13


Watch Tonight: Did God Spare Trump? Plus Earl King Award, UTA West, Another Corporate Relocation


Butler, PA: Did God Spare Trump – or Simply a Coincidence? Tonight at 7PM, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick will join Matt Crouch, President and Chairman of Trinity Broadcasting Network, Dr. Phil, a pastor and a news anchor to discuss whether God…

Friday, Aug 9


CenterPoint Deceived Me, the Texas Legislature, and the Public


Senator Phil King Sets Record Straight on CenterPoint Debacle; Calls for Financial Transparency, Accountability to Ratepayers In light of recent news reports which I believe to be misleading and inaccurate, I would like to set the record…

Thursday, Aug 1


Conservative Legislators Gather From Around the Nation – ALEC Report


As many of you may know, I serve on the Board of Directors of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), an organization comprised of legislators from all 50 states united in passing policies rooted in federalism and free market…

Monday, Jul 15


Grateful for President Trump’s Protection


On Saturday, we were all shocked and angered at the turn of events in Pennsylvania, when President Trump survived a near-miss assassination attempt. Terry and I are so grateful that God saw fit to spare the life of our 45th President.…

Tuesday, Jul 2


Important Summer Hearings, National Fox News Appearance, Runoffs Settled


With summer well underway, I want to check in and update you on some recent news. I hope your summer is going well. Fox News Appearance: Restoring the Ten Commandments Back in Schools Early on a recent Saturday morning, I was interviewed…

Tuesday, May 28


It’s Election Day!


Today is Election Day! You’ll find links for voting locations for counties in SD 10 that have local runoffs at the bottom of this email. Polls are open from 7 am to 7 pm. As long as you’re in line by 7 pm, you’ll be able to vote. I have…

Wednesday, May 22


Early Voting Ends Friday: Vote Craig Goldman, Brent Hagenbuch


Early voting ends Friday in the runoff elections, and Election Day is Tuesday, May 28. There is no weekend voting during this runoff period. You’ll find links for Early Voting and Election Day locations for counties in SD 10 that have…

Wednesday, May 1


Setting the Record Straight


I have ten grandchildren in public schools in Texas Senate District 10. All are doing very well. Two have Down Syndrome and I couldn’t be more grateful for the love and support they receive from the staff and other students. In 2023, the…

Friday, Apr 26


Anti-Israel Protests at UT, Border Update, and Other News of Interest


Governor Abbott and UT President Take Strong Stand Against Anti-Israel Demonstrators I have been a strong and vocal advocate in support of Israel, and in underscoring how important it is for Texas to always stand with our most important…

Friday, Apr 5


Teachers Can Earn Up to $32,000 More a Year!


Created by the Texas Legislature in 2019 as part of House Bill 3, the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) provides independent school districts (ISDs) and charter schools with the exciting opportunity to award qualifying teachers with…

Monday, Mar 4


Election Day is upon us! If you haven’t voted already, tomorrow is the day to get out and vote! Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.


In the race to select a replacement for retiring Congresswoman Kay Granger in CD 12, Terry and I recommend our longtime friend Craig Goldman. In CD 25, we recommend Congressman Roger Williams. In the HD 60 for State Representative, we…

Saturday, Feb 17


Important Primary Election Information


As we approach the upcoming primary election, I want to ensure that you are well-informed and ready to exercise your fundamental right to vote. Your participation is crucial in shaping the future of our community, state, and nation.**Early…

Friday, Jan 19


It worked! Why your electricity stayed on during this cold weather.


We were very concerned. This week’s cold weather event was one of the most severe of the last 15 years. Arguably the second most severe. We all remember days of outages and resulting tragedies caused by Winter Storm Uri in 2021. That can…

Sunday, Jan 14


Will my electricity stay on during this extreme winter period?


With the winter weather conditions upon us, I would like to share some important information and resources that may be helpful for you, your family and friends. Please know that our state leaders are working nonstop to ensure necessary…

Friday, Dec 22


Final Thoughts on the Year, Celebrating Champions


This is a time to reflect on the year, be grateful for what we have, spend time with family and friends, and thank the Lord for our numerous blessings.

 Wishing You a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year This time last year, I was yet to…

Tuesday, Dec 5


Special Session Update, Important Water Projects, Gov. Abbott’s Endorsement and more!


The Christmas season is rapidly approaching, with Christmas Day only 20 days away. I hope you’ve started your shopping for friends and family! In the meantime, here’s an update from the last few weeks. Special Session #4: The Texas Senate…

Monday, Nov 20


My Latest Update


It’s hard to believe Thanksgiving is this week. Terry and I look forward to having time with our family. I hope you and your family will be able to unplug and relax. We all have so much to be thankful for living in Texas. As you gather…

Thursday, Nov 2


Emergency Meeting to Combat Growing Antisemitism, Support Israel


During a time of rising hostility toward Jewish citizens here in Texas and across the nation, I was invited on Monday to address an important emergency meeting of the Texas Holocaust, Genocide, and Antisemitism Advisory Commission (THGAAC)…

Tuesday, Oct 24


Early Voting is Underway for the Texas Constitutional Election


The polls are open for early voting, with major property tax relief ready for your approval! There are 14 proposed Constitutional amendments on the ballot, and early voting lasts until Friday, November 3. Election Day is Tuesday, November…

Friday, Oct 13


Information for the Texas Constitutional Election


As you know, on November 7th Texas will have a Constitutional amendment election, and early voting is October 23 – November 3. I have included an overview of each proposition on the ballot. During the regular and special sessions, the…

Monday, Oct 9

Israel Under Attack; The Texas Senate responds


I know you are stunned, heartbroken and outraged over the senseless murder of hundreds of Israeli citizens over the weekend at the hands of Hamas terrorists. The carnage and destruction is simply shocking. As of this morning, the death…

Thursday, Sep 28


Reporting In, Plus Mark Your Calendar to Vote YES on Prop 4!


The impeachment trial is behind us, but it looks like we will be back in Austin for another special session very soon, most likely in early October. Governor Abbott has not announced the specific “call” of the session, but I expect we will…

Tuesday, Sep 19


Final Thoughts on the Impeachment Trial of AG Ken Paxton and Interview with Mark Davis


As you no doubt know, the impeachment trial of Attorney General Ken Paxton ended on Saturday with the acquittal on all sixteen Articles of Impeachment. My work began months before the trial started and I took my role very seriously. I…

Thursday, Aug 31

I will follow the law and the evidence in the upcoming impeachment trial


I have been receiving calls, emails and other messages concerning the role of the Senate during the Attorney General Ken Paxton impeachment trial which begins at 9:00 am on Tuesday, September 5th. First and foremost, communication from…

Friday, Aug 18

Stopping Illegal Street Racing, Saving Women’s Sports, District Visits, Protecting Kids


As we approach the end of August, I hope you have enjoyed time with family and friends this summer. As for me, the cooler weather of the Fall months can’t get here soon enough! In the meantime, here are some updates on recent events and…

Thursday, Aug 10


Answering Your Questions on Property Tax Relief


Since the Legislature passed the historic $18 billion property tax relief package I’ve received a number of questions concerning the specific details and especially what part voters play in approving this tax relief in the November…