

Monday, Jun 3


Opinion: How Black Americans' refusals of injustice have shaped our national story


This month, as we celebrate Juneteenth and Pride, it's worth remembering the power of a collective saying "no."


Editorial: Mayor Bass has no more excuses for delaying Venice Dell homeless housing


No more excuses for delaying the construction of Venice Dell homeless housing, Mayor Bass


Op-comic: What one doctor learned as a guinea pig for AI


I was skeptical of bringing artificial intelligence into the exam room, but it promised to reduce my screen time and shift the focus back to the patients.

Letters to the Editor: A lifeguard who can't tolerate the LGBTQ+ Pride flag shouldn't be a lifeguard


The lifeguard so upset by the presence of an LGBTQ+ Pride flag that he's suing L.A. County might want to find another line of work.

Letters to the Editor: California's new electricity billing scheme discourages conservation. That's crazy


A flat fee of $24.15 on most utility customers. Reduced per-kilowatt hour rates. How is this supposed to encourage power conservation?

Sunday, Jun 2


Editorial: Californians don't have to accept skyrocketing electric bills. Here's how to fight back


Electric bills are rising. Here are ways to reduce the burden without slowing the shift to home and vehicle electrification to meet our climate goals.


Was my favorite teacher gay? Maybe a belly dancer could find out


I feel compelled to confess. That belly dancer in my 9th grade history class in 1982 at my L.A. magnet? I hired her. My bad.

Calmes: Alito and Thomas taint the Supreme Court's all-important Jan. 6 decisions


Would anyone reasonably question the impartiality of Justices Alito and Thomas? Without a doubt.

Letters to the Editor: The economy is fine, but the Biden campaign's economic strategy is brain-dead


Voters care only about prices. Biden might as well be speaking another language when he tells them that the economy is improving.

Letters to the Editor: L.A.'s short-term rental law couldn't stop the party house in my neighborhood


A reader says L.A.'s short-term rental law didn't stop a party house in his quiet neighborhood from causing problems.

Letters to the Editor: Metro needs its own police force -- no more contracting with outside agencies


Contracting with multiple police agencies isn't working for Metro. The transit system needs its own security fully under its command.

Saturday, Jun 1

10 books to add to your reading list in June


Critic Bethanne Patrick recommends 10 promising titles, fiction and nonfiction, to consider for your June reading list.

Letters to the Editor: Who cares what polls might say? Trump was convicted, and that's important


Immediately wondering what a felony conviction will do to Trump's poll numbers is the wrong way to cover something so important.

Friday, May 31


Letters to the Editor: With Trump convicted, is our long national nightmare almost over?


A reader cites Winston Churchill: "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."


Opinion: How Black Americans' refusals of injustice have shaped our national story


This month, as we celebrate Juneteenth and Pride, it's worth remembering the power of a collective saying "no."


What the rise of the caesarean section reveals about pregnancy and childbirth in the U.S.


Rachel Somerstein's "Invisible Labor" examines the history of the C-section, the medicalization of birth, and racism and misogyny in the U.S. healthcare system.


Granderson: With this guilty verdict, Trump has gone full Bond villain


The same week that he became a felon, the former president was rumored to be forming an unholy alliance with Elon Musk. Be afraid.


Opinion: Mexico's June 2 election has already made history — for violence


This Sunday's election in Mexico will probably yield a first: a woman president. But the nation's electoral machinery is struggling to deliver free and fair elections.


Editorial: Phew. Anti-transgender measure won't be on the November ballot


It's a relief that California voters won't have to face the discriminatory anti-transgender initiative on the November ballot. But the debate isn't over yet.


Opinion: I live in Northern California. Why do I have to travel hundreds of miles to take the SAT?


The lack of testing sites in the Bay Area means some students will miss out on admission and scholarship opportunities to colleges and programs that require test scores.

Opinion: Why California's housing crisis has serious consequences for pets as well as people


Shortages of homes and apartments across the country have driven more dogs and cats into shelters — and spurred a movement for pet-inclusive rental policies.

Letters to the Editor: Justice Alito was in the Army. His upside-down flag excuse isn't believable


A Navy veteran and political science professor says Alito, a former Army officer, should know how extreme it is to fly an upside-down flag.

The novel 'Old King' explores the meaning of 'Unabomber' Ted Kaczynski today


Maxim Loskutoff's second novel is an attempt to sort through Kaczynski's contradictions, to acknowledge his foresight while stressing that he was a sociopath.

Letters to the Editor: Ignore faith-based opposition to human composting, the greenest burial option


The belief that our bodies will resurrect shouldn't hold states back from legalizing human composting as a burial option.

Letters to the Editor: What it was like to grow up with Bill Walton, a 'local legend on city playgrounds'


A reader who grew up in San Diego County in similar circumstances as Bill Walton says the basketball legend's death hit him hard.


Opinion: The guilty verdict only makes Donald Trump stronger


The guilty verdict, on 34 felonies that few can fully explain, is already boosting campaign contributions and energizing Republicans.


Litman: Does it matter that Donald Trump just became a convicted criminal? Of course it does


A jury convicted the former president and presumptive Republican nominee on all counts in the New York hush money trial, a remarkable victory for the rule of law.


Letters to the Editor: 'Disgrace'? That describes Donald Trump, not the guilty verdict in New York


"No, former President Trump, the trial wasn't rigged," says a reader. "It followed procedures for giving attention to actual facts."

Editorial: Even before guilty verdict, Trump was unfit to serve


It shouldn't take a criminal conviction to convince conscientious voters of Trump's epic unfitness. But those who support him must now reckon with the fact that their candidate is a convicted felon.

Thursday, May 30


Calmes: Red states don't like 'Zuckerbucks" donations? They should pony up more public funds for elections


When states ban donations to their underfunded election offices, they aren't protecting your right to vote, they're undermining it.