

Friday, Jun 28


Votes for kids: why we should be giving children a say in elections


It’s not controversial to say that contemporary affluent societies do a rather poor job of taking the interests of younger generations into account. This is not only because children can’t vote and the elderly tend to turn up to elections…

Wednesday, Jun 19


Mauritius’ next growth phase: new plan needed as tax haven era fades


Mauritians will head to the polls by November 2024 and politicians are considering the economic direction of the island country.

Tuesday, Jun 4


Election 2024: current positions and post-election aims for each party

With polls predicting huge losses for the Conservatives and huge gains for Labour, the election campaign so far has focused on the battle between the two biggest parties in Westminster. But the parliamentary dynamics are exceptionally…

Wednesday, May 15

Most Gypsy and Traveller sites in Great Britain are located within 100 metres of major pollutants, shows research


Gypsy and Traveller communities are among the more socially excluded groups in the UK. There is a long history of government failures in meeting these groups’ housing needs.

What being a teenage girl in 1960s Britain was really like


Dressed in a mini skirt and passionate about boys, music, dance and fashion, the 1960s teenage girl is a pop culture icon, the seeming beneficiary of the ascendancy of mass youth culture in the west and of unprecedented social and cultural…

Tuesday, Apr 9


Fintech has a gender problem – here’s why you should care

Fintech (financial technology) is everywhere. It’s the catch-all term for technology-enabled financial services innovation.

Thursday, Feb 8


Trees can make farms more sustainable – here’s how to help farmers plant more

Imagine making one change to a farm field so that as well as producing food, it also generated building materials, fuel and fodder. At the same time, this change would nourish the health of the soil, regulate the micro-climate and support…

Thursday, Jan 4


Why David Cameron's past and present relations with China could be Rishi Sunak's first political headache of 2024

Almost immediately after being appointed as foreign secretary, David Cameron’s ties with China generated difficult headlines for Rishi Sunak’s government.

‘Leaveism’ and ‘presenteeism’ continue even when employers are more flexible – here’s how to be happier at work

Way back in February 2020, before most of us really knew anything about COVID, we wrote an article for The Conversation about “leaveism” and its impact on flexible working.

Thursday, Sep 7


The Conservatives have seized on cars as a political wedge – it’s a bet on the public turning against climate action

“Talking about freedom, sat in Margaret Thatcher’s old Rover” read the UK prime minister’s tweet in July 2023. Earlier that day in an interview with The Telegraph newspaper, Rishi Sunak had declared that the Conservative Party he leads are…

Thursday, Aug 24


70 years ago, an Anglo-US coup condemned Iran to decades of oppression – but now the people are fighting back


The 1953 coup d'etat in Iran ushered in a period of exploitation and oppression that has continued – despite a subsequent revolution that led to huge changes – for 70 years. Each year on August 19, the anniversary of the coup, millions of…

Tuesday, Jun 6


The UK’s recycling system is confusing, chaotic and broken – here’s how to fix it

Maybe you have one bin or many boxes. You might even have a compost caddy. Whatever your recycling setup, chances are that at some point you’ve been left wondering what should go where and if a particular item is indeed recyclable or if it…

Wednesday, May 24


Peace in Sudan depends on justice for the Darfur genocide


I asked the pilot to deviate from our approved flight path and go low over Darfur. It was 2003 and I was the United Nations Humanitarian and Resident Coordinator in Sudan investigating reports of violence. What I saw was a genocide…

Thursday, Feb 23


To clean up England’s rivers we need to know how much sewage is dumped – but water firms won’t tell us


UK environment secretary Thérèse Coffey has demanded that water companies share plans for how they will reduce sewage discharges into rivers. They could start by coming clean on how much sewage is being dumped. If we don’t know how much…

Monday, Jan 23


Prince Harry is wrong: unconscious bias is not different to racism


When Prince Harry sat down with ITV journalist Tom Bradby for a conversation about his marriage, his estrangement from the royal family and his tell-all memoir, Spare, one particular segment stood out. Bradby said that Harry had accused…

Tuesday, Jan 17


The UK needs a national energy advice service


The UK government recently launched “It all adds up”, a campaign aimed at providing “simple, low or no-cost actions that households can take to immediately cut energy use and save money”. The campaign speaks to persistent calls to increase…

Tuesday, Jan 3


Austerity has its own life – here’s how it lives on in future generations

Austerity in the UK is here to stay. The Bank of England has warned that the country is facing the longest recession since records began, predicting that the economic slump will extend well into 2024.

Thursday, Nov 3


James Bond’s ethnicity might change – but his accent probably won’t

The cinematic character of James Bond has changed with the times since the first Bond film Dr No was released back in 1962. We have seen Bond as a chauvinistic womaniser, a fun-loving bon vivant, and, more recently, a sometimes brutal yet…

Wednesday, Oct 26


T-Levels: more vocational courses roll out – but post-16 choices in England are still limited


The first cohort of students in England taking T-levels – the new vocational equivalent to A-levels – have completed their course, been assessed, and have received their results.

Monday, Oct 10


Young adults and the courts: prosecution and prejudice


New findings from the Universities of Manchester and Sheffield and have highlighted long term trends in court appearances for young adults.

Wednesday, Jun 29


Inflation: how experts pick goods to track price changes and what it says about UK consumers


For the first time in several generations, inflation is a concern for people in the UK. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by 9% in the year to April 2022, the highest 12-month inflation rate since reliable records began.

Friday, May 27


Champions League final 2022: the economic tactics that drive Liverpool and Real Madrid


Liverpool against Real Madrid in the Champions League final is a fixture for football fans to savour – two giants battling it out for one of the most prized trophies in the game. And regardless of the result, some will also see this match…

Wednesday, Apr 27


Bullying: why most people do nothing when they witness it – and how to take action


Imagine that you are at work, and you witness a colleague repeatedly bullying another colleague. What would you do?

Thursday, Apr 21

Kashmir: what happens after Imran Khan’s downfall?


Since Imran Khan was ousted as prime minister of Pakistan on April 9, the future of the long disputed and war-torn Kashmir region, on the borders of India and Pakistan, is at the forefront of many minds.

Friday, Mar 18


The history and evolution of Ukrainian national identity – podcast


What does it mean to be a Ukrainian? In this episode of The Conversation Weekly podcast, we talk to three experts about the origins of Ukrainian nationalism, and how Ukrainian national identity is changing.

Wednesday, Mar 9


Ukraine’s opiate users: Russian invasion has severely disrupted access to drug-treatment services

About 317,000 Ukrainians inject drugs like heroin regularly. As of January, 14,868 of them were receiving substitute opiates such as methadone and buprenorphine.

How to write to your MP if you’re concerned about the crisis in Ukraine

We’ve all been moved and concerned by the events taking place in Ukraine, and many of us want to know how we can help.

Tuesday, Feb 15


Addis Ababa yet to meet the needs of residents: what has to change


With an estimated population of more than 3.7 million people, Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, is home to about a quarter of Ethiopia’s urban population.

Thursday, Feb 10


From ‘super-recognisers’ to the ‘face blind’ – how tests reveal the underlying cognitive processes


The ability to recognise faces is important in many different real life contexts and fundamental to our social relationships and interactions. It allows us to identify people we care about, and respond appropriately to them.

Wednesday, Feb 9


‘I did not see them; I saw their soul’: retreats are more about magical encounters than self-exploration

Going on a retreat seems like the very definition of a solitary experience. You leave behind your friends, family, and colleagues, giving up everyday life, responsibilities, cares and frustrations, for some quality time on your own.