

Thursday, Jul 18


Nigeria, Africa and LGBT panic


When information minister Mohammed Idris addressed the public on the Daily Trust’s recent controversial report, he took the worn path of adding moral panic to the existing one. Rather than address the matter at stake straightaway, he first…

Thou shall not let corruption kill Nigeria


There is no gainsaying the fact that the scourge of corruption has brought Nigeria to its knees, from economic underdevelopment to sociopolitical decadence. Over the years, we have had leaders who promised to end the plague, but corruption…

Wednesday, Jul 17


Olatunji Dare: Shavian in every material particular


Professor Olatunji Dare, journalist, teacher, scholar, public intellectual and mentor to many, turns 80 years old today. This man of letters, who writes to advance the cause of citizens on Main Street, Nigeria, deserves his flowers in the…

Matters arising from Supreme Court LG autonomy verdict


“It is the position of this court that the federation can pay local governments allocations directly to the local governments or through the states. In this case, since paying them through the states has not worked, justice demands that…

Tuesday, Jul 16

Is God recognised as creator of human beings in Igbo cosmology?


Christianity has so overtaken and reshaped the lifestyle of the Igbo people of Nigeria that it is hard to say for certain what is originally Igbo and what is not. The fact that the Igbo – like many pre-colonial African societies – did not…


Differences between i.e. and e.g.


Among all word pairs with confusing meanings and uses, i.e. and e.g. occupy a peculiar position. They are identical especially because they are two-letter abbreviations. They are, however, not to be used interchangeably because their…

Monday, Jul 15


Recalibrating the Nigerian economy


Some government policy announcements this past week indicate that Nigerian economic managers are rethinking the appropriateness of existing policy measures to move the economy in the desired direction for economic prosperity. The Governor…

Sunday, Jul 14


How to prevent back pain


This week we have cause to return to the topic of back pain because many readers continue to ask questions related to this topic. Last year, we did a two-part essay on lower back pain and also did another one on upper back pain. And the…


Lactose intolerance (2)


Our skin has given the baton to our kidneys in water elimination from the body. Do you notice that you sweat less now that the weather is cold, unlike when the weather was hot? Our urine output has also increased. You must have noticed…

Bola Tinubu’s $2.5bn slave loan


By now, you must have heard the fascinating tale, “How they catch monkeys in Brazil,” as graphically captured in James Hadley Chase’s “The Paw In The Bottle.” “…They put a nut in a bottle, and tie the bottle to a tree. The monkey grasps…

Saturday, Jul 13


God saves the very best for the sexually-pure!


Dear Aunty Temilolu, I am a 34-year-old lady who decided at a very tender age never to give room for premarital sex, I have suffered a lot just because of this one decision. I have been sacked simply because of this, I have been given a…

Understanding uterine fibroids


If you’re a woman in your 30s, 40s, or 50s, you have a good chance of developing fibroids which are mostly non-cancerous growths in your uterus. Don’t be surprised that these growths may be painful and even debilitating for you while other…

Friday, Jul 12

Edun’s ‘ways and means’ audit


Recently, the finance minister, Mr Wale Edun, appeared before the Senate and commented on Ways and Means, a temporary loan the Central Bank of Nigeria gave governments. He said the current administration was “interrogating the N22.7…


How I quit smoking (1)


Now that my father and mother are dead and have gone to where the elderly go to rest their bones in death, I can confess my cigarette addiction. Not that either could put their hands on a Bible and vow that their firstborn was a nicotine…

Thursday, Jul 11


To Chief Ajibola Ogunsola at 80


Former PUNCH Chairman, Chief Ajibola Ogunsola, is going to be 80 on Sunday. As someone who has worked under his management, it is fitting to take out this week to celebrate a man I have come to regard as one of my “destiny helpers.” Every…


Every Nigerian needs to be carbon literate


There are many benefits in fighting climate change, but for a country like ours, the major incentive should be the poverty-eradication potential. Millions of citizens would be lifted out of poverty when they are connected to modern green…

Wednesday, Jul 10


Kongi’s 90th harvest


As Eni Ogun, Cap’n, Captain Blood, Prof. Oluwole Akinwande Babatunde Soyinka, Nobel laureate, writer, essayist, playwright, poet, critic, actor, musician, wine connoisseur and (maybe not exactly) a sharpshooter (in the estimation of former…


Nexus between campaign finance and corruption in Nigeria


Campaign finance is a sub-set of party finance. “Money is the mother’s milk of politics’’, according to a devotee of politics and power, Jesse Unruh. Tell me, what is done for free in politics? You’re expected to pay membership dues,…

Tuesday, Jul 9


Nigeria is ridiculously materialistic


Something devastating happened to the psyche of Nigerians in the mid-1980s from which they have not recovered. A culture change occurred. That period coincided with the entry of General Ibrahim Babangida (retd.) in August 1985 as the head…

Soyinka @ 90: Differences between pronunciations of ‘Nobel’ and ‘noble’


It is a great moment for foremost writer and human rights defender, Professor Wole Soyinka. On July 13, he will be 90 and a number of activities are on to celebrate the milestone. Also, as expected, a mistake that many make in the…

Monday, Jul 8


Nigerian economy in need of accountability


The Nigerian economy continues to be pushed into bankruptcy by unrelenting and unyielding corrupt practices. Former United States President, Donald Trump, in his speech on why he hates Africans and Arabs, which is being circulated in…

Sunday, Jul 7


ICYMI: Millenials are changing the unchangeable in their marriage


A successful marriage does not happen by luck or chance even though some couples will disagree. In reality, it takes hard work, tenacity, and understanding which is where planning and cooperation take precedence. An intentional couple can…


Lactose intolerance (1)


I got text messages like “What is Noni” after the second part of the article on Noni was published. That question was confusing. I did not know what reply to give because the articles were detailed enough. Some sent “What is the Yoruba…

Edo Go Be Lagos?


How long can Nigeria’s Fourth Republic last? Perhaps it is over already. In 2023, a heavily-flawed candidate won the presidency in a manipulated election, taking over the leadership from the hapless Muhammadu Buhari. Nigerians have now…


Artificial intelligence in healthcare


It is the belief of many thinkers that it is important to contemplate the intersection of artificial intelligence and healthcare from a perspective of compassion, wisdom, and human well-being. The advancements in artificial intelligence …

Saturday, Jul 6

Serial marriage is not a trophy!


“Social Media will bring your legs outside” was my reaction to the hullabaloo that greeted an actress’ marriage recently, after a blog claimed that their union is her groom’s fourth attempt at marriage. Don’t be surprised that, that…


Girls, don’t turn your life to a cess pit!


Dear Mummy Temilolu, You are one of the important women in my life. You’ve been a great mother to me. Thank you for all you do. I’ll be 23 years old on Saturday and I know that if I had not been reading your articles since my early teens,…

Friday, Jul 5


Another chance at another shot


There is a bugbearing and exasperating season in people’s lives when things around them may be neck-deep in the fiery furnace of affliction and confusion. It is like crawling down the rabbit hole solo in a fiery fog of bemusement with none…


The FCT senator’s promise


A fire incident happened at the old Karu market of the Federal Capital Territory and the senator representing the FCT, Ireti Kingibe, arrived at the site at the earliest time possible. There, she spoke to sellers who lost their wares,…


Ojude Oba: Farooq’s far look beyond the grave


The flamboyant Ojude Oba festival of flourish and colours is nothing but the cat’s pyjamas. The lavishness of the Ijebu and their thriftiness are bemusing contradictions. As a matter of fact, the Ijebu and their intimidating panache are…