Keir Starmer praises incoming ambassador — a former European trade commissioner — for his "unrivalled experience," as former colleagues rate his diplomacy chops.
Für SPD, Grüne und die FDP war 2024 kein gutes Jahr, für die deutsche Politik insgesamt allerdings auch nicht. Wo lagen die Fehler, wer trägt die Hauptschuld und wie kann es besser weitergehen? Darüber diskutieren Gordon Repinski und der…
Politics are driving a growing culture of secrecy at the European Commission, warns European Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly in this week’s episode of EU Confidential. In an exclusive exit interview with host Sarah Wheaton, O’Reilly shares her…
For the final episode of the year, new host Patrick Baker and a selection of expert guests take you through 2025 — a year that looks like it might well be even crazier than the last. The FT’s Stephen Bush sets out the prime minister’s…