

Friday, Jul 26


भीषण गर्मी में नींद की कमी से होता है नुकसान गर्भवती महिलाओं, नवजात शिशुओं को

गर्भावस्था के दौरान महिलाओं को होती है भरपूर नींद की ज़रूरत, लेकिन भारत और अत्यधिक गर्मी और भारी बाढ़ से प्रभावित अन्य क्षेत्रों में उन्हें मिल रही है कम नींद। इससे उनके स्वास्थ्य पर पड़ रहा है बुरा असर।


¿Qué podemos esperar para el resto de la temporada de huracanes?

No hemos tenido huracanes en el Atlántico en las últimas semanas, pero no dejes que eso te lleve a una falsa sensación de seguridad.


He had his dream career. But was it good for the climate?

After spending years in a conventional job, Felipe Morales decided he wanted to do his part to create a sustainable future for Mexico

How to protect your pets during a heat wave

On hot days, keep dogs and cats in cooler areas with air conditioning or shade — and watch them for signs of distress.

Thursday, Jul 25

Upstate New York development features fossil-fuel-free homes

Ultraefficient houses in the Catskill Project are powered by solar panels.

The greening of planes, trains, and automobiles

We need new fuels to transport people and goods around the globe as society moves away from coal, natural gas and oil. Here’s how things are shaping up.

Wednesday, Jul 24

Can a colossal extreme weather event galvanize action on the climate crisis?

Many extremes over the past 40 years might have triggered transformational change – but didn't.

Bridge helps Alaska town cope with climate change

During winter, residents used to leave town by driving across a frozen lake. But warming temperatures left the lake ice less dependable.

Tuesday, Jul 23

El calor extremo en Puerto Rico aumenta

Es posible que el verano del 2024 sea uno de los más cálidos que el archipiélago haya experimentado.

Tucson, Arizona, bets on buses

With free rides and bus stop improvements, the city hopes to turn out more ridership and reduce traffic pollution.

Monday, Jul 22


Cómo comparan las políticas climáticas de Donald Trump y Kamala Harris

Cómo comparan las pólizas climáticas de Donald Trump y Kamala Harris.


How Kamala Harris and Donald Trump compare on climate change

Harris has said, “the urgency of this moment is clear.” Trump has called climate change a “hoax.”


Massive solar farm planned for coal mine site in eastern Kentucky

Solar developer BrightNight is set to transform the Starfire coal mine into an 800-megawatt solar farm, bringing renewable energy and jobs to southern Appalachia.

Friday, Jul 19


Books for adapting cities to climate change

Equitable urban design can help these major population centers respond to and mitigate climate change


How camping skills can help prepare you for weather disasters

Many skills used while camping can help you stay safe during emergencies.

Thursday, Jul 18


Which hurricane models should you trust in 2024?

How the models did last year, how they did this year on Hurricane Beryl, and why you should pay the most heed to the National Hurricane Center forecast.


El equipo de YCC en español quiere tus preguntas sobre el cambio climático

Periodista Johani Ponce y Editora Perla Marvell hablan sobre el proyecto, Pregúntale al Experto

From flood zones to green zones

In Charlotte, North Carolina, flood-prone apartments were converted into a wetland habitat that now helps protect the community from flooding.

Wednesday, Jul 17

Why this doctor is worried about climate change

A Q&A with Dr. Gaurab Basu, who’s helping health care workers speak up for the planet.

The promise and potential pitfalls of locking carbon in soil

Farmers can help store planet-warming pollution in the ground. But some measures of the benefits may provide misleading results, a researcher says.

Tuesday, Jul 16



Beavers can help reduce damage caused by wildfires

The animals create wetlands that can reduce drying and burning.

A major milestone: Global climate pollution may have just peaked

Clean technology like solar panels, wind turbines, heat pumps, and electric vehicles are helping the world clean up its act.

Monday, Jul 15

The climate benefits of mangroves

Their roots and branches help break up waves and reduce flooding in coastal communities.

Why were the 1930s so hot in North America?

Climate skeptics sometimes point to heat records from that decade to dismiss the reality of global warming. They're leaving out crucial context.

Friday, Jul 12


June 2024: Earth’s 13th-consecutive warmest month on record

La Niña may push the planet just shy of record-smashing territory later this year.


Got climate anxiety? Taking action can be the right medicine.

“Being part of the solution is psychologically empowering,” says therapist Leslie Davenport.

Cartoons: “Now I’m listening”

Tom Toro’s latest work brings humor to the climate crisis

Thursday, Jul 11

Periodista venezolano-estadounidense habla sobre el cambio climático a audiencias hispanas

Mariana Atencio ha visto los efectos del cambio climático mientras informaba sobre las secuelas del huracán Harvey en Texas y el huracán María en Puerto Rico.