

Saturday, Jun 29


Communicating During Grief: Two Critical Lessons To Reduce Friction


You've lost a loved one. How do you communicate with others during grief to dispel friction, forge collaboration, and ensure the smooth execution of funeral programmes? Lucille Ossai, who unexpectedly lost a brother, offers two…

Friday, May 31


Four Evergreen Presentation Practices To Make You A Master


Presentation ‘hacks’, techniques, and solutions abound online. But how can you shift through the noise to get results? In this detailed post, Lucille Ossai, bestselling author and international award-winning communications trainer, shares…

Tuesday, Apr 30


Three Potent Reasons You Should Switch To Timed Video Presentations


Timed presentations are your secret weapon in your speaking arsenal. In this post, Lucille Ossai, keynote speaker, shares three potent reasons to ditch PowerPoint and use timed mp4 presentations — based on the success of her speech at the…

Monday, Mar 25


The Three Biggest Lessons From 12 Years Of Blogging


What do you gain when you write thought-provoking articles every month for 12 years? In this post, Lucille Ossai, the bestselling author of 'Influence and Thrive' and editor of the multi-award-winning Rethinking Business Communications…

Tuesday, Feb 27


Three Non-Negotiable Points To Address When Writing To Clinch An MBA Scholarship


You’re applying for an MBA scholarship, and you’ve been told to write a ‘personal statement’ or similar piece to support your application. Now, swap ‘MBA scholarship’ for any scholarship category, and the dilemma remains. Note three non…

Wednesday, Jan 31


5 Reasons You Should Speak Your Way To Incredible Opportunities


Ah, yes, public speaking. It always filled you with dread. It still does, by the way. But you can't avoid it indefinitely. In this article, self-professed introvert and keynote speaker Lucille Ossai provides five compelling reasons to…

Friday, Dec 29


The Top 8 Posts Of 2023 To Catapult Your Communication Skills


As you reflect on your journey in 2023, arm yourself with evergreen communication techniques. Gain valuable insights from eight of the year’s most useful articles published on the multi-award-winning Rethinking Business Communications Blog…

Wednesday, Nov 29


The 4 Cs Of Captivating Presentations


It's more difficult to move your audience with your presentation these days. They've heard it all and seen it all. However, with the four Cs—confidence, conciseness, clarity, and conviction—you'd deliver captivating presentations they won…

Tuesday, Oct 31


How To Deliver Brilliant Communication Programmes For Young Professionals


Young professionals are smart, inquisitive, and tech-savvy. But they could also challenge your expertise and become disengaged if you don't consider three critical tactics in your delivery. Learn how to ace your next presentation or…

Saturday, Sep 30


Persuasive Communication: Three Steps To ‘Know Your Audience’


You've been repeatedly advised to 'know your audience' when seeking to communicate persuasively. But what does that entail? Learn three steps to ensure you analyse the audience, connect with them, and inspire them to action.

Wednesday, Aug 30


The 3 Ps Of Persuasive Writing To Trigger Results


Sooner or later, you’d be required to write a persuasive piece under tight constraints. Learn the three Ps of persuasive writing and note how they will elevate your work, so you intrigue the reader and trigger results.

Monday, Jul 31


How To Coach Executives On Business Writing – In Five Simple Steps


As an executive who's considering private coaching in business writing, what practices will generate results? Note five steps that will help you improve your writing skills and set you up for success beyond the programme.

Thursday, Jun 29


Effective Communication: Four Practical Ways To Connect With International Professionals


Learn four simple ways to connect with international professionals across regions and boost collaboration with effective communication. In this article, Lucille Ossai, an international award-winning communications trainer, shared insights…

Monday, May 29


What You Need To Know About Leadership Communication, Persuasion, And Influence


Effective leadership doesn’t happen by chance. You can differentiate yourself from your peers by following four simple principles. In this article, Lucille Ossai, an international award-winning communications trainer, reveals what you must…

Friday, Apr 28


Ten Hard Truths About Excellent Public Speaking That No One Told You—Until Now


No one has really told you what it would take to hone your speaking skills. In this useful article, Lucille Ossai, a facilitator, speaker, and international award-winning communications trainer reveals all. She lists ten tough truths you…

Wednesday, Mar 29


Ten Hard Truths About Superb Business Writing That No One Told You—Until Now


No one told you what it would take to polish your business writing skills. In this detailed article, Lucille Ossai, a multi-award-winning blogger who's been blogging for over a decade, reveals all. She lists ten hard truths to guide you in…

Monday, Feb 27


Three Foolproof Tactics To Connect With Public Sector Clients


A fantastic opportunity to facilitate sessions for a government-owned organisation has landed on your lap. Congratulations! To ensure you connect meaningfully with senior executives in the public sector and get repeat bookings, remember…

Tuesday, Jan 31


Off to University? Practise Four Simple Communication Principles To Succeed


You've accepted that admission offer and have excitedly made the preparations. You're looking forward to beginning the next stage of your life at university. To set yourself up for success on campus and when your graduate, carefully…

Saturday, Dec 31


Three Simple Communication Lessons From 2022 To Power Your 2023


Three simple communication lessons in 2022 are invaluable to your success and impact in 2023. Learn what they are, why you should care, and how you should proceed to make 2023 the year you thrive.

Wednesday, Nov 30

Four Pillars Of Exceptional Business Presentations To Make You Unforgettable


You don't need to reinvent the wheel to deliver stellar business presentations. You can easily find excellent books, resources, and courses on the topic. However, best practices can be distilled into four pillars, one of which Steve Jobs…

Monday, Oct 31


What Executives Must Learn About Interpersonal Communication Skills


Executives: You’ve been doing things wrong. As a result, your team members are ‘quietly quitting’, and performance has plateaued. Learn two simple tactics to coax trust and boost performance to improve your interpersonal relationships.

Wednesday, Sep 28


The Pause: A Game-Changer In Your Presentations And Speeches


You've been underestimating the pause for ages. Yet, it's a simple tool to power your speeches and presentations. Learn why you should include pauses in your communication toolkit to sharpen your delivery and heighten your impact.

Wednesday, Aug 31


Connect Powerfully With Gen Z In Three Easy Steps


Gen Z is the future. Learn three foolproof steps to connect powerfully with your programmes so that you inspire them to greater heights and win for yourself avid supporters on social media.

Saturday, Jul 30


Want Communication Coaching? Great! But Ask Yourself Three Critical Questions


You've heard that one-on-one coaching works wonders for your communication skills. But before you dedicate time, money, and effort to a programme, ask three critical questions to assess your preparedness. In this article, Lucille Ossai, a…

Wednesday, Jun 29


Incivility At The Workplace: What It’s Costing Your Company And How To Solve It


Incivility at the workplace is a scourge that professionals continue to face in their careers. Learn what it is and how it negatively impacts business results. Then adopt the recommendations made in this article to battle this problem and…

Tuesday, May 31


Your Tone Is Ruining Your Emails – Here’s How To Fix It


Your email tone can generate goodwill in business relationships and spur quick results. Or it can increase tension, trigger defensiveness, and cause delays at the workplace. Avoid three mistakes you're making with your email tone and learn…

Saturday, Apr 30


Power Your Live Group Training Sessions With Three Simple Tactics


Live shows, seminars, and workshops are back as the pandemic gradually ebbs, and people take control of their lives. However, after over two years of virtual programmes, we need new tactics to ensure success. Use the three recommendations…

Saturday, Mar 26


3 Brilliant Life Lessons From A Decade Of Blogging


What critical life lessons would you learn if you blogged about communication and management every month for a decade? As the Rethinking Business Communications Blog clocks 10, founder and blog editor Lucille Ossai reflects on her blog…

Monday, Feb 28


Managers: Empower Your Teams And Drive Results With These 3 Communication Tactics


As a manager or supervisor, your interpersonal skills can either boost trust in your unit or mar your effectiveness. Note these three critical communication lessons, so you empower your team to achieve organisational goals.

Monday, Jan 31


5 Reasons You Should Write Your Way To Amazing Opportunities


Landing a job, launching a business, and generating exciting collaborations are just some of the benefits of solid business writing skills. In this post, Lucille Ossai lists five powerful reasons you should take your business writing…