

Tuesday, Jun 18


Britain is already at war, and nobody wants to admit it

The threat posed by the axis of totalitarian states is the dog that hasn’t barked during the general election.

Thursday, May 30


Iain Duncan Smith - Chingford & Woodford Green. A record of delivery, a promise of more.

30 years in three minutes was a challenge - but I tried! Watch to see all the amazing achievements we've done together in Chingford and Woodford Green.

Wednesday, May 15


I campaigned to make ‘cuckooing’ an offence – now the Government has listened.

The exploitation of vulnerable people by criminals is a heinous matter. At last the police will have the tools to tackle it.

Thursday, May 9

Menopause Awareness Event

I am writing to invite you to my “Menopause Awareness Event” on Thursday 20th June between 1430pm-1630pm at Woodford Rugby Club (The Highams, High Road, Woodford Green, IG8 9LB).

Saturday, Apr 6


Britain is ignoring China’s most sinister threat yet

We must protect our genetic data from Chinese scientists, who could use it for targeted bioweapons.

Monday, Mar 25


Too little, too late: we are still not facing up to the China threat

The Beijing regime is spying on us, destroying the vestiges of freedom in Hong Kong and pursuing genocide against Uyghurs and Tibetans.

Wednesday, Mar 13

The Vatican needs a new strategy for dealing with dictators

The Pope’s suggestion that Ukraine ought to ‘raise the white flag’ is utterly inexplicable.

Friday, Mar 8

The rights of Hong Kong’s women are under siege from the Chinese Communist Party

With today’s further tightening of the draconian national security law, the city’s few remaining freedoms are being extinguished by Beijing.

Wednesday, Feb 28


Friday, Feb 16


The Army officer exodus is about to get much worse

Woke new housing rules set by a weak Ministry of Defence undermine the attractiveness of service life.

Wednesday, Jan 24

If UK allows UAE to buy The Telegraph, it will set a dangerous precedent

If UK allows UAE to buy The Telegraph, it will set a dangerous precedent.

Sunday, Dec 3

We can’t let a foreign state take over The Telegraph

The free press lies at the heart of our democracy, and we cannot permit that to be undermined.

Tuesday, Nov 28


The New Authoritarian Axis: The Growing Threat to the Free World from China, Russia, and Iran

The Growing Threat to the Free World - Heritage Foundation Speech, Washington, D.C.

Thursday, Nov 23


Fix benefits to fix the economy

This Autumn statement is a critical moment. Whether or not it is the last autumn statement before the election, what is certain is that it is among our last chances to resolve some of the problems afflicting the economy.

Thursday, Oct 26


No conservative should trust NatWest ever again. The bank has shown itself to be in the grip of cancel culture.

The latest disclosures of what was going on behind the scenes at NatWest when Nigel Farage was “de-banked” are both revealing and quite shocking.

Monday, Oct 16


Pro-Hamas protesters are vile people and should be arrested. We cannot allow these protestors to get away with such hate-filled bile.

Hamas’s assault on Israel was an act of war by this brutal terrorist organisation. Their murder of innocent men, women and children, abduction, even rape was appalling. Here, in the UK it was right that the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak’s…

Sunday, Aug 6


Net Zero and the threat from China

The Uxbridge by-election was one of those moments in political life when ordinary people, who were not political activists or campaigners were given the chance to cast their verdict on what was being done to them, by politicians who took…

Monday, Jul 31


FCA must be investigated over failure to tackle de-banking.

Letter sent to The Chancellor today from Conservative MPs and former financial industry figures raising our concerns that the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) may have inadvertently encouraged the culture within banking that led to Nigel…

Wednesday, Jul 26


Brexit Britain must seize on science superpower status outside EU

Rishi Sunak and Ursula von der Leyen have been discussing the terms upon which the UK could rejoin the scientific community. The UK must urgently seize on science superpower status outside the EU.

Saturday, Jul 22

Uxbridge by-election shows why Conservatives must stand against net zero.

Ulez became a lightning rod, a moment when politicians had to face up to the fury of people having yet another tax imposed on them.

Tuesday, Jul 18


Keeping up the struggle against modern-day slavery while also stopping the boats.

It is right for the Government to try and deter those who are at present paying huge sums of money to criminal gangs of traffickers in an attempt to get them to the UK. Sadly, their money leaves too many of them in craft that are not…

Saturday, Jul 15


Britain’s policy on China is simply disgraceful.

Confusion and obfuscation prevails in Whitehall, as No10 and the Foreign Office fail to reckon with the severity of the threat from Beijing.

Friday, Jul 14


I was sanctioned by China. We must see the scale of the threat from Beijing. The ISC report is a siren call for us not to repeat the mistakes of the 1930s.

Months after it was completed in which the government blocked the release of the latest Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) report on China, it was finally released on Thursday.

Thursday, Jun 8



I'm extremely pleased the Government has reconfirmed its commitment to building a new Whipps Cross Hospital, part of the £20 billion funding for the New Hospital Programme. This funding will deliver a brand-new hospital that’s fit for the…

Thursday, May 25


Government's commitment to building a new Whipps Cross Hospital

I’m extremely pleased the Government has reconfirmed its commitment to building a new Whipps Cross Hospital, part of the £20 billion funding for the New Hospital Programme. This funding will deliver a brand-new hospital that’s fit for the…

Monday, Apr 24


UK policy on China is worse than an episode of Yes Minister.

China clearly poses, as the PM once said when standing for election, a systemic threat to us and the rest of the free world.

Thursday, Mar 16


At last, a genuine plan to help the disabled back into work.

Removing the Work Capability Assessment is a step towards ending the financial penalties people with disabilities face when moving into work.

Thursday, Jan 19


Russia’s Grand Strategy Debate in the House of Commons

It is a real privilege to speak in this debate and I congratulate my hon. Friend the Member for Harwich and North Essex (Sir Bernard Jenkin) on obtaining it. I always feel slightly worried when the word “grand” is used of anything, because…

Monday, Jan 2


On Ukraine’s front lines, everyone said to me - ‘Please don’t forget us’

An unofficial trip to assist a British aid charity allowed me to witness a humbling testament to the spirit of endurance.

Saturday, Dec 31


Many Conservative voters have lost faith in us – Downing Street needs to act boldly to reverse the damage done

Our minds have turned to 2023 – and it will be a crunch year for the Conservative Party.