

Today News


What They’re Saying: Phillies Phifth Starter Edition

With Spencer Turnbull out of action, it falls to the younger Phillies arms to pick up the slack.

Fantasy Starting Pitcher Planner ’24: Week 13

The savior of the Braves' rotation is in the mix twice next week.

Friday, Jun 28


TA94: It Begins to Dawn

Baseball is still seeing transactions as 1994 heads to summer, but the end is in sight.


Golden Age: Weeks of June 17 & 24

Celebrating another round of 50th birthdays.

MLU: A Coby Jack; Cheddar From Chandler

Plus Luis Baez bucking for a promotion, and a couple of Nats trade acquisitions have nice nights.

Jared Jones and the Plight of the Max-Effort Starter

This content is for Premium, Super-Premium, and Premium Monthly members only. Visit the site and log in/register to read.

Candidatos a ser intercambiados a mitad de temporada–una serie. Hoy: Jack Flaherty

Los sueños de postemporada de los Tigers se han desvanecido, pero al menos tienen a un serpentinero rentado resurrecto.

Thursday, Jun 27


Deep League Landscape ’24: Week 13

Graham Ashcraft might be a Red, but Nathan really blue it here.

Even Rutherford B. Hayes Made History

The post Even Rutherford B. Hayes Made History appeared first on Baseball Prospectus.


Slopball: Michael Kay is Not the Best

And it doesn't bother him, he doesn't care.


Box Score Banter: Early Bird

With a haircut that bears just a hint of Fidrych.

MLU: All Jacked Up

A big night on the mound for the Angels' Kochanwicz, plus a C.J. Kayfus breakout season rolls on, and more.

The Best Thing About the 2024 White Sox

Even the brightest spot on this team is a little terrifying, in its way.

The Most Dominated Teams of All Time: 8

The eighth-most dominated team of all time might rank first in terms of arousing pity.

The Call-Up: David Festa

The Twins are down a starter and have two teams on their back in the Wild Card race.

Midseason Trade Candidate Series: Jack Flaherty

The Tigers' postseason hopes have been dashed, but at least they have a resurrected rental ace on their hands.

El comodín ya no lo es tanto

En teoría, la paridad es una buena idea para los deportes profesionales. ¡Todos tienen una oportunidad! ¿No es emocionante? Sin embargo, en la práctica, podría terminar con algo así como la Liga Nacional de 2024. Todos tienen una…

Wednesday, Jun 26


What They’re Saying: Cedric Mullins Edition

This content is for Premium, Super-Premium, and Premium Monthly members only. Visit the site and log in/register to read.

The Stash List ’24: Week 13

A slow week for hitters allows us to focus on starters on the rise


Box Score Banter: Tossing Cookies

Adding insult to injury to a hitting streak.

The Not-So-Wild Card

There are too many teams in the picture, and MLB only wants more.

The Reinvention of Hunter Brown

This content is for Premium, Super-Premium, and Premium Monthly members only. Visit the site and log in/register to read.

Batting Average is Dead

All hail SLGcon; The post Batting Average is Dead appeared first on Baseball Prospectus.

MLU: Maximum Anderson

Plus a sparkling performance from David Davalillo, and big outings from recent IFA signees Emil Morales and Angel Feliz.

Steven Kwan no puede batear .400… seguramente.

¿Cuánto tiempo ha pasado desde que tuvimos a alguien con opciones reales de batear .400? En una temporada completa de 162 juegos nadie ha terminado por encima del .360 desde que Joe Mauer lograra .365 en 2009. Y la última vez que alguien…

Tuesday, Jun 25


Dynasty Hitting Prospect Standouts, June 2024

There's big power among the big risers in dynasty hitting circles.


BSB: Duran Becomes Campbell’s Hero

If this were a different era, we could call him The Hero with a Thousand OPS.

Is Baseball About to Be Eaten By Rats

Divided by an ocean, two baseball leagues struggle with declining offense.

Something To Be Proud Of

For fans of the White Sox and Cubs, this year's failure is personal.