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Friday, Jun 28


Populism is sweeping France whoever wins the elections June, 2024 by Francis Ghilès, CIDOB

I just came across this interesting piece on politics by Francis Ghilès published by CIDOB on the upcoming June 30th election. For one, I just learned the term, "Euroscepticism," that captures the notion within Europe of opposition to the…

Thursday, Jun 27


BOOK RECOMMENDATION: Alberta, Tim (2023). The kingdom, the power, and the glory: American evangelicals in an age of extremism

I highly recommend this book. It was authored by former Politico Magazine chief political correspondent Tim Alberta who now writes for The Atlantic. He grew up in a white protestant church where his father served as a preacher for many…

Wednesday, Jun 26


UNODC World Drug Report 2024

UNODC World Drug Report 2024; Published June 26, 2024 at 11:05PM; Read more at unodc.org

Tuesday, Jun 25

First Person: Moving from fear to hope after war on drugs in the Philippines

First Person: Moving from fear to hope after war on drugs in the Philippines


‘Ninety per cent stronger’ families in the Philippines helping to prevent drug abuse

‘Ninety per cent stronger’ families in the Philippines helping to prevent drug abuse

Monday, Jun 24


First Person: Philippines ‘cyber cops’ tackle explosion of online child abuse

First Person: Philippines ‘cyber cops’ tackle explosion of online child abuse

Sunday, Jun 23

'Bumping Stocks and Hanging Ten' Funnies

Michael Ramirez, The Las Vegas Review-Journal @Ramireztoons #BumpStocks pic.twitter.com/NagaZvr5iw

Saturday, Jun 22


What is 'Indoctrination,' Anyway? Bringing politics into the classroom isn't necessarily wrong.

Even if one is not up front with one's political views, students can generally guess what their professor's views are. A really good point here on the question of indoctrination is that many views are discredited and should not be taught…

Friday, Jun 21


Gen Z voters like me should be mad at Biden. But we can't risk another Trump presidency.

This is absolutely Gen Z's and Millennials' opportunity to pick the next president. Together, according to Harvard University pollster, John Della Volpe (2022), they represent close to 40 percent of the electorate. Pretty impressive.


Gen Ztressed: A New Generation of College Students, by Alan Dennington, M.D., May 14, 2021

Interesting read. Though not as scholarly as I would have preferred, what I am reading here tends to nevertheless align with what I've read about Generation Z (Gen Z). Dr. Dennington nevertheless provides a framework that gets at sources…

Thursday, Jun 20


Explainer: Understanding Human Trafficking for Organ Removal

Explainer: Understanding Human Trafficking for Organ Removal


Collateral Damage: Texas anti-diversity and Austin HOME laws both harm Blacks and Latinos by Alberta Phillips, Austin Free Press

Alberta Phillips, a member of the Austin Planning Commission, writes cogently on how politics often makes for strange bedfellows. Good ol' liberal Austin leaders are, in effect, converging with the anti-diversity agenda in the making of…


I encourage all to view this short video featuring NAACP President GaryBledsoe from a talk he delivered at UT during the 2023 Texas legislative session. He explains why the Texas State Legislature planned to remove Diversity Equity and…


Among Latino voters, the biggest threat to Joe Biden is not Donald Trump: Among swing-state Latinos, Biden actually leads Trump

Fascinating analysis by Maria Teresa Kumar who leads an important national organization named Voto Latino (or Latino Vote). The growth of the Latino population means that their share of the vote has also increased. Based on the…

Wednesday, Jun 19


How violence against women and girls, including human trafficking, is used as a weapon of war

How violence against women and girls, including human trafficking, is used as a weapon of war

Tuesday, Jun 18


The corruption climate: how corruption stands in the way of the response to climate change

The corruption climate: how corruption stands in the way of the response to climate change


Cracking the Case: UN Toolkit on Synthetic Drugs Launches New Module on Crime Scene Investigations

Cracking the Case: UN Toolkit on Synthetic Drugs Launches New Module on Crime Scene Investigations

Monday, Jun 17


State laws threaten to erode academic freedom in US higher education: The public must stand up to this de-democratizing, billionaire agenda

Here is an article appearing in Youth Today, authored by Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut Professor Isaac Kamola, that provides a helpful over-arching sense of the ultra-conservative political landscape that should concern us all.

'Perilous': Detroit NAACP president calls out Trump's anti-Black record

Such eloquence by the Rev. Dr. Wendell Anthony, president of the Detroit branch of the NAACP calling out Trump's hypocrisy when he visited a Black church in Detroit over the weekend. According to another news source, The New Republic,…

Sunday, Jun 16


'Theater of the Absurd' Funnies

Hunter Biden should've gone to a Texas gun show | Opinion https://t.co/FJOQiO3pgR

Friday, Jun 14


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace: A majority of U.S. workers say focusing on DEI at work is a good thing,

As we consider the current politics surrounding DEI programs, there are many things to consider as there is often a big distance between saying one values workplace diversity and the task of actually carrying it out and managing it well.


Protecting the FIFA World Cup 2026 and 2028 Summer Olympics from corruption: 5 key takeaways

Protecting the FIFA World Cup 2026 and 2028 Summer Olympics from corruption: 5 key takeaways

Wednesday, Jun 12


"A Century of Eugenics on our Borders" symposium on May 28, 2024

Sharing with you this opportunity to listen to all the recordings from this powerful, recent symposium titled, "A Century of Eugenics on our Borders" held on May 28, 2024 You may find ample resources at their website, too, that I encourage…


Excerpts of DEI March and Press Conference in Austin Texas—May 14, 2024

Video excerpts of DEI March and Press Conference in Austin Texas on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 by videographer Rene Renteria.

Sunday, Jun 9


Trump-Free Funnies

Mostly; It might be the genocide that the people in charge say isn't happening.

Friday, Jun 7


UN General Assembly calls to leverage the power of sports to reduce crime and drug use among youth

UN General Assembly calls to leverage the power of sports to reduce crime and drug use among youth

Thursday, Jun 6


Leverage the power of sports to reduce crime and drug use among youth, UNODC Executive Director tells UN General Assembly

Leverage the power of sports to reduce crime and drug use among youth, UNODC Executive Director tells UN General Assembly

Sunday, Jun 2


Choices Funnies

A convicted felon or a Zionist who funds genocide?

Friday, May 31


How Bad is Academic Censorship, Really? It turns out we're not so afraid of tackling controversial subjects

I found this piece to be encouraging, particularly in attempts at censorship within academia. Authors Dromi and Stabler are absolutely correct that we are often too quick to call out cancel culture, overlooking scholars who challenge…

Thursday, May 30


The Billionaire Bully Who Wants to Turn Texas Into a Christian Theocracy, by Russell Gold, Texas Monthly

This piece by Russell Gold in this month's Texas Monthly is a lengthy, worthwhile read. You can't make this stuff up. It's interesting to juxtapose Tim Dunn's vision of a theocracy from marked declines in religious affiliations according…