

Wednesday, Jul 31


Clifton-Brown urges international support for Guyana following Venezuelan election


Clifton-Brown urges international support for Guyana following Venezuelan election

Tuesday, Jul 23


Clifton-Brown questions PM on cross-channel illegal migration


22 July 2024; Clifton-Brown questions PM on cross-channel illegal migration

Wednesday, Jul 10


Oath of Allegiance


Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP is sworn in as Member of Parliament for North Cotswolds.

Wednesday, May 29


Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown discusses issues affecting Bibury, Arlington and Ablington


Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown discusses issues affecting Bibury, Arlington and Ablington

Thursday, May 23


Bibury Meeting


On 18th May Sir Geoffrey called a public meeting in Bibury Village Hall to serve as a platform to discuss the pressing issues affecting Bibury, Arlington and, Ablington and to listen to the concerns of residents. In attendance were Cllr…

Election Special


It was a bit of a shock for all of us who are standing that yesterday it was announced that we are having a General Election on the 4th of July! However, my team and I have already started making plans for a full and vigorous election…

Tuesday, May 21


Animal Testing (Beagles) EDM 25


I welcome that the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (ASPA) provides protections for animals bred in the UK for use in scientific procedures.

Dementia Diagnosis and Research


There are currently 900,000 people living with dementia in the UK and this is projected to rise to 1.6 million by 2040, so research is crucial to understanding the condition and improving outcomes for those affected.

Caged Farm Animals


I would like to assure you that my ministerial colleagues and I take the welfare of all animals seriously. Since publishing the Action Plan for Animal Welfare, the Government has delivered an ambitious legislative programme, bringing…

Global Plant Based Treaty


As you will likely know, the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has concluded that the world is warming faster than anticipated, the effects of which are being seen in every single region of our planet. Urgent action is needed…

Climate and Nature


The Government recognises the importance of climate action and I welcome that the UK was the first G7 country to legislate to achieve net zero by 2050 and is decarbonising faster than any G20 country.



Canals form an important part of the Government’s work in reintroducing biodiversity in nature. In addition to their history and industrial heritage, they also provide the backdrop to the health and well-being routines of many. I…

School Food


All children should be able to access healthy food at school every day. With the help of good nutrition, pupils will be ready to learn and have the chance to achieve their full potential. It will hopefully encourage healthy and stable…


Cotswolds Sewage Meeting


The MP’s annual river and sewage pollution meeting took place last Friday 17th May. In attendance were representatives from Stroud and Cotswold District, and Parish councillors, as well as representatives from the Environment Agency and…

Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown urges support for Ukraine to prevent global ramifications


Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown urges support for Ukraine to prevent global ramifications

Wednesday, May 15


Don't Abolish Furnished Holiday Lettings Regime


Don't Abolish Furnished Holiday Lettings Regime

Water Pollution: Agriculture


I would like to assure you that the Government is committed to the environment. Farming activities are a main source of water pollution in the UK and the Government is working with farmers to reduce pollution and encourage better practices…

Rwanda Scheme


I welcome that the Government is making significant progress in stopping the arrival of small boats, with crossings down by 36 per cent in 2023. In 2023, the Government prevented 26,000 crossing attempts, saw the small boats deal with…

Access to Affordable Food


The affordability of food is a serious issue and everyone has a right to nutritious and adequate food supply. High energy prices and pressures on global supply chains, exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, have put pressure on food prices…

Farm to Fork Summit


The first Farm to Fork summit took place in May 2023. These summits are now to become an annual event, with another summit due this Spring, at which the first draft Food Security Index will be published.

London's Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ)


Transport within London is devolved to the Mayor of London, who has taken the decision to expand the existing ULEZ across the whole of London. This is despite having said at the last mayoral election he would only expand it to the North…

Air Quality


Air pollution is the biggest single environmental threat to public health and Ministers are continuing to take robust action to improve air quality and minimise public health impacts. Air pollution has reduced significantly since 2010:…

Victims and Prisoners Bill


I welcome that the Victims and Prisoner Bill will fundamentally transform victims’ experience of the criminal justice system by enshrining the Victim's Code in law, reforming the parole system and stopping prisoners serving whole-life…

Frequent Flyer Levy


As part of a consultation on aviation tax reform between March and June 2021, the Government sought views on whether a frequent flyer levy could replace Air Passenger Duty (APD) as the principal tax on the aviation sector.

Tuesday, May 14

Voter Identification


A secure electoral system is vital to a healthy democracy, and the public must have confidence that our elections are secure and fit for the 21st century. I believe asking voters to bring photographic identification to their polling…

Ovarian Cancer


I fully recognise the urgency of the campaign being run by Target Ovarian Cancer to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms and reduce the time to diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Please be assured that the Government and NHS are committed…

UN Tax Convention


I believe that international cooperation is important in tackling global tax challenges, and the Government actively engages with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)'s and UN’s work on tax policy.

Post Office: Horizon & Sub-postmasters


Like many of my Parliamentary colleagues across the House, I am appalled by the treatment of the sub-postmasters who were accused of theft based on flawed evidence from the Horizon IT system. Victims' accounts of the impact of these…

Child Poverty


While there are 100,000 fewer children in absolute poverty compared to 2009/10, the Government remains committed to reducing child poverty and supporting low-income families. The Government’s approach to tackling child poverty is based on…

School Funding


More money than ever before is being invested in schools, ensuring every child gets a world-class education. In 2024-25, the total core schools budget will be at its highest-ever level, in both real terms and in real terms per pupil. This…