

Thursday, May 30


Wednesday, May 29


Our Man in Westminster - A Big Thank You


That all happened rather suddenly didn’t it! With the Election on July 4th, I remain the MP for the existing Ashford seat until Parliament is dissolved…

Friday, May 24


Environment Agency to clear Hoad's Wood waste


The Environment Agency has received a government mandate to remove thousands of tonnes of illegally dumped waste from Hoad’s Wood, a Site of Special Scientific Interest near Ashford, Kent. Campaigners have long advocated for the site’s…

Thursday, May 16

Our Man in Westminster - Protecting Hoad's Wood


The terrible desecration of Hoad’s Wood near Bethersden by repeated fly-tipping has gone well beyond being a local story and is now featuring in national newspapers as well as national news bulletins.

Thursday, May 2

Our Man In Westminster - Celebrating the Freedom of the Borough Ceremony

Last week saw the first Freedom of the Borough Ceremony I have ever attended, and it was a suitably moving occasion. The two people honoured were the former Council Leader Gerry Clarkson and the former head of the Kent Invicta Chamber of…

Tuesday, Apr 23


Monthly Update - April 2024


The last month has had a distinctly rural feel, as I have visited farms, a vineyard, and spent a happy morning at the Ashford Market surrounded by cattle and sheep. There has also been a sporting element, as I have been at games at Ashford…

Thursday, Apr 18


Our Man in Westminster - Remembering Lieutenant Bill Johnson


Last Saturday saw one of the most moving ceremonies in the area, when the Hamstreet branch of the Royal British Legion held a service to honour the memory of the Lieutenant Bill Johnson, an American airman in World War Two.

Friday, Apr 5


Our Man in Westminster - Supporting English Tourism Week 2024

I always like to support English Tourism Week, because tourists are increasingly important to our local economy, and Visit Kent does good work in trying to attract more visitors our way.

Thursday, Mar 28


Social Care Campaign Update


I am pleased that the Minister of State for Social Care, Helen Whately MP, has responded to my open letter on making social care better. You can see the open letter and my other work on reforming social care here.

Tuesday, Mar 26


Select Committee Update – Grassroots Music Venues


Today the CMS Committee held an evidence session for our inquiry into Grassroots Music Venues. We heard from three panels today. In the first panel we heard from Jon Collins (CEO, Live Music Industry Venues & Entertainment), Mark Davyd …

Wednesday, Mar 20


Select Committee Update – The Work of the BBC


Today the CMS Committee held a regular scrutiny session with the BBC, partly linked to the publication of the Government’s Mid Term Review in January. We heard from Tim Davie CBE (Director General, BBC), David Jordan (Director of Editorial…


APPG on Adult Social Care 'Future of Care 5' Report Launch


The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Adult Social Care has launched its latest report ‘Future of Care 5’ in Parliament. This is the latest report from the group which I co-chair, summarising policy recommendations from the Social…


Select Committee Update – British Film and High-End Television


Today the CMS Committee held its third evidence session of the British Film and High-End TV inquiry. We heard from two panels. In the first panel we heard from Jane Tranter (Co-Founder and CEO, Bad Wolf). In the second panel we heard from…

Monday, Mar 18


Monthly Update - March 2024


As we approach Easter and (hopefully) Spring, I have been busy following up a number of concerns people expressed in my recent survey. I have fixed to talk to Primark about any prospects of them coming to Ashford, I have asked the Rail…

Thursday, Mar 7


Our Man in Westminster - An Update About Local Schools

I have been visiting a number of primary schools in recent weeks, and apart from my admiration for the teachers (my mother was a primary school teacher so I am unashamedly biased in their favour) there is one overwhelming thought that has…

Thursday, Feb 22


New Funding for Farmers


Good news! The Government will introduce a £15 million fund to help farmers redistribute surplus food, preventing millions of meals worth of edible food from going to waste.


Our Man in Westminster - Spending in Ashford


Following my Town Centre Survey, which showed some of the reasons people may not be using the town centre as much as before, there is now some interesting information which shows that there is more spending power than there has been in…

Wednesday, Feb 21


Select Committee Update – British Film and High-End Television


Today the CMS Committee held its second evidence session of the British Film and High-End TV inquiry. We heard from three panels. In the first panel we heard from James Hawes (Director and Vice-Chair of Directors UK). In the second panel…

Tuesday, Feb 20


Select Committee Update – Cricket Follow Up


Today the CMS Committee held an evidence session to follow-up on the Committee’s previous work on racism in cricket. We heard from three panels today. In the first panel we heard from Cindy Butts (Chair, Independent Commission for Equity…

Thursday, Feb 8

Our Man in Westminster - There is a clear message from the results of my survey

I was delighted that nearly twelve hundred people filled in my survey on Ashford Town Centre and how they would like to see it change. The large number shows how important an issue it is for many people. Of those who responded, about a…

Tuesday, Feb 6

Select Committee Update: Tourism Joint Ministerial Follow-Up

Today at the CMS Committee we held a joint ministerial session an opportunity to question Ministers from across Government on the findings of the Committee’s ‘Promoting Britain Abroad’ inquiry and on the latest evidence it heard from…

Thursday, Jan 25


Our Man in Westminster - Ashford Jobs Fair 2024


This week see one of my regular Jobs Fairs, which I hope will have been another successful way of helping people find a fulfilling future. Because of the joys of printing deadlines, I am having to write this before the Fair, but you will…

Tuesday, Jan 23


Select Committee Update - British Film and High-End Television


Today at the CMS Committee we held our first evidence session of the British Film and High-End TV inquiry. We heard from two panels today. In the first panel we heard from Gurinder Chadha OBE. In the second panel we heard from John McVay …

Tuesday, Jan 16


Select Committee Update – Football Governance


Today the CMS Committee held a one-off evidence session following reports in December of an ongoing stalemate between the Premier League and the rest of the football pyramid on agreement of a financial settlement. It also follows the…

Thursday, Jan 11


Damian Green Holds Debate in Parliament on New Dementia Treatments


Yesterday, Damian Green held a debate in Parliament on new dementia treatments. This debate follows Alzheimer’s Month in September 2023 and the recent developments of two new treatments that slow the progress of Alzheimer’s disease.

Wednesday, Jan 10


Our Man in Westminster - New Dementia Treatments


With Parliament returning this week I am taking the opportunity to hold a debate on the increasingly important and always difficult subject of dementia. I have been working closely with Alzheimer’s Research UK in preparing for the debate,…


Select Committee Update – Women’s Sport


Today the CMS Committee held its fifth and final evidence session on its inquiry into Women’s Sport. We heard from two panels today. In the first panel, we heard from Stephanie Hilborne (Chief Executive, Women in Sport) and Jeanette Bain…

Tuesday, Jan 9

Damian Green will hold a debate on New Dementia Treatments on Thursday 11th January

Following World Alzheimer’s Month in September 2023 and the recent developments of two new treatments that slow the progress of Alzheimer’s disease, Damian Green is holding a debate in Parliament on new dementia treatments.

Thursday, Dec 14


Our Man in Westminister - Addressing concerns about local postal services


As this is my last column before Christmas I will talk about the seasonal topic of Christmas cards. Sadly I won’t be doing this with any festive good cheer, as I am soon to be having a meeting with the management of the Royal Mail about…

Wednesday, Dec 13


Select Committee Update – BBC Chair: Pre-appointment Hearing


Today the CMS Committee held a pre-appointment scrutiny hearing of Dr Samir Shah CBE, following the Government’s announcement that he is the preferred candidate for the post of Chair of the BBC Board. We focused questions on the role of…