

Monday, Jul 8


John Lamont comment on re-election as Borders MP


Thank you to everyone who voted to re-elect me as your MP for the Scottish Borders.

Monday, Jun 17


Ruth Davidson appeals to Borders residents to vote for John Lamont


Former Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson appealed to Borders residents to re-elect John Lamont this week during a visit to Hawick.

Tuesday, May 28

Vote for me to beat the SNP in the Borders


I have officially launched my campaign to beat the SNP and be re-elected as MP for Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk.

Thursday, May 23

General Election on 4 July is opportunity to beat the SNP


The General Election in the Borders is about beating the SNP so we can get all of the focus onto creating good jobs, reducing NHS waiting lists, fixing the roads, investing in schools and improving public services.

Wednesday, May 15

John Swinney offers more of the same independence obsession


Humza Yousaf has departed as First Minister after a Scottish Conservative vote of no confidence forced him to resign.

Wednesday, May 8

John Lamont MP: community hospitals must be protected


By John Lamont MP; Scotland's NHS has been under severe strain for some time.

Local MP launches Volunteer of the Year awards for 2024


I have launched Volunteer of the Year awards for 2024 to celebrate “unsung heroes” across the Borders.

Tuesday, May 7

John Lamont MP welcomes new cash machine in Duns


I am pleased we have been able to secure a new free-to-use cash point in Duns and I want to thank the team at the local Post Office for introducing it.

Friday, May 3

Over 2,500 people join MP's campaign to save community hospitals


Over 2,500 people have signed up to my campaign to save the community hospitals in Duns, Hawick, Kelso and Peebles.

Friday, Apr 19

John Lamont MP starts campaign to stop community hospital closures


I have started a campaign to stop community hospital closures across the Scottish Borders.

Thursday, Apr 11

SNP leaving 20,000 visitors to Borders 'in the dark'


The SNP have been accused of leaving 20,000 visitors to the Borders "in the dark" after Visit Scotland announced they would close the Jedburgh tourist information office.

Wednesday, Apr 10

'Worrying drop' in Borders patients starting cancer care within target time


There was a "worrying drop" in the percentage of Borders patients starting cancer treatment within the target time in the last quarter, new statistics from Public Health Scotland show.

Wednesday, Apr 3

Local MP joins in Eyemouth Easter Bike Bash


I joined in the fun at Eyemouth's Easter Bike Bash over the weekend.

Monday, Apr 1

John Lamont MP: Flawed Hate Crime Act must be scrapped


This week, the Hate Crime Act will officially come into force for people in the Borders and across Scotland.

Thursday, Mar 28


SNP criticised for closure of Jedburgh information centre


SNP agency Visit Scotland announced on Wednesday they would close all 25 visitor information centres across Scotland, including the Jedburgh location.

Friday, Mar 22


Humza Yousaf must focus on fixing Borders roads


I have recently been overwhelmed by the number of local people who are extremely concerned at the state of roads across the Scottish Borders.

SNP must focus on fixing Borders roads


I have recently been overwhelmed by the number of local people who are extremely concerned at the state of roads across the Scottish Borders.

Wednesday, Mar 20

Three wins for Borders businesses in Scottish rural awards


Borders businesses won big in the 2024 Scottish Countryside Alliance awards, dubbed the ‘rural Oscars’ by organisers.

Friday, Mar 8

Let's work together to Boost the Borders, says John Lamont MP


In my book, the Borders is already the best place in the country to live and work.

Tuesday, Mar 5

Borders farmers attend Downing Street reception on 'backing Scottish and British food'


I recently hosted farmers from the Scottish Borders at an event in Downing Street to honour people 'backing Scottish and British food and drink'.

Friday, Mar 1

UK Veterans’ Minister visits Scottish Borders heroes


I was delighted to recently welcome the UK Minister of State for Veterans' Affairs to the Borders to meet with former Armed Forces personnel.

Friday, Feb 23

Scottish Conservatives win Jedburgh by-election


The Scottish Conservatives have defeated the SNP in the Jedburgh and St Boswells by-election.

Wednesday, Feb 21

John Lamont MP launches Boost the Borders plan


I have launched my Boost the Borders plan to focus attention on the things that really matter to local people.

More investment needed in Borders GP services


By John Lamont MP; GP surgeries are the frontline of our NHS.

Tuesday, Feb 13


Education and NHS must be top priorities


There should be no greater priorities for Scotland's politicians than supporting our NHS and investing in a brighter future for the next generation.

Borders MP and MSP write to Humza Yousaf over escalating local NHS crisis


Rachael Hamilton MSP and I have written to the First Minister over the NHS Borders financial crisis.

Monday, Feb 12


Scottish Borders MP unveils new food labelling plans at NFUS conference


I recently revealed more details of new food labelling plans that would give consumers more information about produce and help Borders farmers during a speech to the National Farmers Union of Scotland (NFUS).

Thursday, Feb 8

Hawick rugby champions attend Downing Street reception


Representatives of the title-winning Hawick Rugby Club team were recently honoured at a prestigious Downing Street ceremony.

Wednesday, Feb 7


Health services to suffer from NHS Borders financial crisis


Reports have revealed "significant and radical decisions" will be made about local healthcare services in the coming months as a result of the perilous financial situation at the local health board.

Tuesday, Feb 6


SNP challenged over 'significant negative impact' on Borders College


On Friday, the Borders College Principal and CEO, Pete Smith, said the current Scottish Government budget "will have a significant negative impact on learners, businesses and the government’s own ambitions to grow the Scottish economy and…