

Monday, Jul 15


My final speech at the 2024 General Election Count

I have been lucky enough to have been the Member of Parliament for Lincoln for 12 of the last 14 years. It has been the best years of my life. My ambition when first elected was to always serve the people of Lincoln and that's what I have…

Friday, May 17


Restored Cornhill Market opens thanks to large Conservative Government support

Our wonderful Cornhill Market is officially now open.

Monday, Apr 29

Conservatives – Putting Lincoln and the Country First

This month has seen the Government announce a huge range of measures putting our wonderful City and Country First. I have also been busy making sure the voices of people in Lincoln, Skellingthorpe, Bracebridge Heath and Waddington East…

Wednesday, Apr 3


Karl fully supports Conservative childcare expansion which benefits Lincoln families

This week, the Conservative Government has launched the rollout of the largest ever expansion of childcare in England’s history. It will be potentially benefit over 1,300 Lincoln families right now. I fully support this.

Wednesday, Mar 20


RAF Scampton - Reduced numbers are welcome but still should be none

The Government has written to Sir Edward Leigh MP (Gainsborough) and me stating that the number of male immigrants, of whom most, if not all, have entered our Country illegally, will now be reduced from 2,000 to 800. Albeit, the Government…

Friday, Mar 8


Karl fully supports Conservative Government’s tax-cutting Budget - on the side of Lincoln’s workers, families, pensioners and businesses

The Conservative Government’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP, announced a number of key measures in his Budget today. These will support workers, families, pensioners and businesses right across Lincoln, Skellingthorpe,…

Tuesday, Feb 27

New Government Transport Funding for Lincolnshire

The Secretary of State for Transport, Rt Hon Mark Harper MP, visited Lincoln on Monday at the site of the final piece of the bypass (Southern Bypass/North Kesteven Relief Road). This is on the back of the Government’s announcement of a new…

Monday, Feb 26


Tribute to Lord (Patrick) Cormack

I am greatly saddened by the news of Lord Cormack’s passing. We met only a week ago where he once again passed on his wise counsel on both Parliamentary matters and the future of our City. He has always been first among many in Lincoln to…

Friday, Feb 16


Overwhelming support for bringing back a refreshed and traditional Lincoln Christmas Market

Results from a survey organised by Lincoln MP, Karl McCartney MP, to residents in Lincoln, Greater Lincolnshire and from elsewhere in the UK, show overwhelming support for bringing back the world-renowned Lincoln Christmas Market. This was…

Monday, Jan 29


Lincoln MP asks County Council to increase City Centre street lighting to make residents feel safer

Lincoln MP, Karl, has asked Lincolnshire County Council to ensure that every second streetlight in the City of Lincoln is lit during the early morning hours through to daylight. This is in support of requests from the local universities.

Friday, Jan 12


In response to the Post Office Horizon Scandal

In response to the Post Office Horizon Scandal, Karl has said: “The Post Office Horizon scandal is a huge miscarriage of justice that a number of MPs have campaigned incessantly on and asked pointed questions of various Ministers, over…

Thursday, Dec 28


Putting Lincoln First in 2023 and looking forward to 2024

This time last year, I reflected that 2022 had seemed like the longest year ever. I think this year easily beats it. Some things have changed, and others have not so much.

Friday, Dec 15


Hartsholme Academy student wins Lincoln MP’s Christmas card competition

The winner of Karl McCartney MP’s annual Christmas card competition has been chosen from among a wide range of entries submitted by young artists at Lincoln’s primary schools.

Thursday, Dec 7


Lincoln MP, launches survey to Bring Back Lincoln Christmas Market


Wednesday, Nov 22


Karl hails Greater Lincolnshire devolution as huge opportunity

In response to the announcement, made by the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer, with regard to devolution for Greater Lincolnshire which will result in a Greater Lincolnshire Mayor and Combined Authority, Kark who is…

Tuesday, Nov 7


King’s Speech will deliver Lincoln’s priorities

Lincoln’s Conservative MP, Karl McCartney, who always Puts Lincoln First!, has praised the range of Government laws put forward in the King’s Speech today.

Wednesday, Oct 25

Karl hails new Government investment in local buses

The Conservative Government has re-used funding that was due to be spent on the northern part of HS2 Rail Project to improve local bus services in Lincoln and around the County.

Monday, Oct 23


Flooding Update in Lincoln and Western Growth Corridor answers needed.

Following the flooding over the weekend in Lincoln and the surrounding area caused by Storm Babet, and the continuation of flood alerts in the early part of this week, Lincoln's Member of Parliament, Karl, said: “It was sad to see the…

Wednesday, Oct 4


Karl praises Conservative Prime Minister speech on the need to focus on core Conservative values and policies

Karl has praised the Conservative Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak’s, speech on the need to focus back on Conservative values and policies. This is especially true on crime, immigration, Net Zero, education and the ending of the woke nonsense…

Monday, Oct 2


Karl makes pledge to Lincoln’s taxpayers not to increase taxes

In signing a letter with a number of his Conservative colleagues, Karl has made a pledge to the taxpayers of Lincoln and to the British People, that he will not vote for or support any new taxes that increase the overall tax burden.

Thursday, Sep 21

Karl backs Prime Minister’s common-sense plans on cars, heat pumps and Net Zero

Following the Conservative Prime Minister’s announcement on Government’s common-sense plans to: scrap the proposal for the Government to interfere in how many passengers you can have in your car and the idea that we should force you to…

Wednesday, Sep 13

Karl’s views on the banning the American XL Bully Dogs

“I have been asked for my views on banning the American XL Bully Dogs.

Monday, Aug 14


Karl concerned about additional Skellingthorpe Road congestion problems caused by Labour’s new housing development

With respect to the much worse recent traffic problems on Skellingthorpe Road, caused by the construction of the first houses on the Western Growth Corridor (WGC) development, Lincoln MP, Karl, said: “One of the main reasons that I, local…

Tuesday, Aug 8


Lincoln’s new NHS testing centre shows Government takes the City’s health seriously

The Conservative Government has announced today that Lincoln is one of 13 places in England that are to receive a new community diagnostic centre (CDC) to cut NHS waiting lists. This means people in Lincoln and the surrounding area will…

Friday, Aug 4


Karl welcomes Government funding for St Giles Community Centre

Following the announcement that YMCA Lincolnshire has been awarded over £2 million from the Conservative Government’s Youth Investment Fund for its St Giles Community Centre, Lincoln’s MP, Karl, said: “I am very pleased to see that YMCA…

Monday, Jul 17


Karl pleased with RAF Scampton decision allowing a legal challenge

With respect to the decision by the High Court to allow a legal bid to challenge the Home Office's decision to use RAF Scampton as an immigration detention centre, Lincoln MP, Karl has stated that he is “very pleased that West Lindsey…

Monday, Jul 3


The Government’s Net Zero fuel and engines policy needs to change and change fast

The Government needs to change its position on fuel and engines and change it fast. It needs to be far more pragmatic, base its policy in the real world and stop listening to people who are out of touch. There are huge risks in stopping…

Friday, Jun 30


Karl slams Labour Council's replacement events for Christmas Market

Following the announcement of the Labour-run City of Lincoln Council’s plans to replace the City’s famous Christmas Market with a series of small events, Lincoln’s Conservative MP, Karl, said: “The Labour Council's new schedule of…

Thursday, Jun 15


Karl calls Government response today confirming their position on electric-only ‘fuel’ a huge mistake

With respect to the Government’s response today to the Transport Select Committee’s recent report, “Fuelling the Future” (March 2023) which raised many concerns including specifically that the Government had decided that electricity as a…

Friday, May 26


Karl says new immigration figures are a concern, Labour would make it worse.

The recent immigration figures which showed net migration to the country had reached 606,000 in just one year are of concern albeit there are exceptional circumstances in some cases such as those from Hong Kong and Ukraine.