

Thursday, Jul 25


Saddleworth Women’s Morris and Clog stepping up for Manchester Day parade


A VIBRANT new addition to the local cultural scene is set to showcase its talent on a bigger stage. Saddleworth Women’s Morris and Clog –…


Enjoy a Summer of Hockey with Oldham Hockey Club


AS both Great Britain men and women hockey teams secured a place at the 2024 Paris Olympics – Oldham Hockey Club are planning to celebrate…


School aims to turn the page on Oldham’s literacy challenges


AN OLDHAM school has launched a new competition to promote literacy and creative writing among young people in the local community. Hulme Grammar School has…

Family Hub helps autistic dad strengthen bond with son


A FAMILY hub in Oldham has helped a doting dad who was diagnosed with autism at 21 years old to strengthen the bond with his…


How a theatre trip turned into a Herculean effort amid ‘Groundhog Day’


THE BREAK A Leg column went a bit further afield for its musical theatre fix – in a different language. But Ian Cheeseman tells fans to expect…

Opponents of Saddleworth level crossing closure win latest battle


CAMPAIGNERS have won a key battle in their fight to stop the ‘unfair’ closure of a Saddleworth level crossing. But the future of Moorgate Halt…

Tuesday, Jul 23

Hundreds dedicate roses to remember loved ones at hospice


HUNDREDS of people turned out for a summer celebration at a local hospice to remember lost loved ones. Dr Kershaw’s Hospice recently held their third…

Adapting to Change How Businesses Can Thrive in Uncertain Times


THE ability to adapt to change has never been more crucial, especially in today’s rapidly shifting business world. Uncertain times can pose significant challenges, there’s…


125 years of Greenfield cricket celebrated – with more to come


GREENFIELD has celebrated having 125 years of cricket as its club is already looking to the future. Not bad for somewhere that could have been…

Mountain rescue team gets behind cycling challenge


OLDHAM Mountain Rescue Team have been visited by their counterparts from Derby as they embarked on a gruelling cycling challenge. Natalya Kennedy and her colleagues…


Cost-Effective Minibus Options for UK Charities and Sports Clubs


MINIBUSES play a crucial role in the operation of charities and non-profit organisations. They provide a reliable means of transportation for staff, volunteers, and those…

Top Emerging Football Talents in Greater Manchester


GREATER Manchester has long been renowned for its footballing heritage, producing some of the finest talents in the game. The 2023/24 Premier League season continued…

Monday, Jul 22


Day of records at Mossley 10k


RECORDS fell as Mossley became the centre of the local running scene with one word dominant among those watching – already. That was the main…

Sunday, Jul 21


Investigation launched into reports of Uppermill knife attack


POLICE have launched an investigation after a man’s face was slashed in a vicious Uppermill attack. Officers were called to the village’s High Street at…

Friday, Jul 19


Saddleworth to celebrate musical work of Roger Tanner


THE MUSICAL work of one of Saddleworth’s most favourite sons will be celebrated and played at a special fundraising concert. Roger Tanner died in 2022…

Successful Strawberry Tea hosted by Saddleworth Parish Council


THE annual Strawberry Tea, favourite in the calendar, was a resounding success. Hosted by Saddleworth Parish Council at Uppermill Civic Hall on July 16, chair…

How Your Car Can Enhance Your Travel Experience


IF you mostly drive to get around the country rather than relying on the rail or bus networks, then you could be having a more…

Thursday, Jul 18


Former police officer takes the helm at Saddleworth Rotary


A FORMER police officer has been chosen to be Saddleworth Rotary Club’s new President for the year ahead. Clint Elliott’s career was spent between being…


More prestigious awards for Saddleworth greenhouse maker


MORE honours are making their way to Saddleworth after a greenhouse and glasshouse won another award at one of the country’s most prestigious shows. Hartley…

Saddleworth School issues academy status update


SADDLEWORTH School has moved a step closer to becoming an academy after receiving the green light from the Government. The Diggle establishment announced last month…


Saddleworth Golf Club triumphs in Oldham and District Championship


SADDLEWORTH Golf Club celebrated a resounding victory at the Oldham and District Centenary and 36-hole District Championship, held at Werneth Golf Club. The club’s professionals…

Anti-social behaviour on Marsden Moor puts wildlife at risk


A NUMBER of illegal off-road motorbikes have been spotted on Marsden Moor on recent weekends and rangers are liaising with the police taskforce to stop…

Wednesday, Jul 17


Colossal achievement to save Oldham Coliseum


THE NEWS that Oldham Coliseum has been saved has been a huge boost to the area’s theatrical community. And much of it is down to…


Uppermill FC shoots for bigger future with Mossley AFC arrangement


UPPERMILL FC have received a huge boost as they look to one day join the non-league football pyramid by agreeing to play matches at Mossley…

Tuesday, Jul 16


Boarshurst Silver Band ‘humbled’ by Coliseum celebrations invite


BOARSHURST Silver Band was ‘humbled’ to entertain at a special event celebrating the announcement that Oldham Coliseum has been saved. The historic theatre became a…


Heritage Walk and Yoga Class bring boost to Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund


A HERITAGE Walk and Yoga Class were the latest fundraisers to bring a boost of more than £2,000 to the Saddleworth Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund.…

Monday, Jul 15


Linda’s exhibition takes visitors on journey ‘All Around The World’


SEE eye-catching sights from ‘All Around The World’ without even leaving Saddleworth thanks to the latest exhibition in Uppermill. Linda Edwards presents her collection of…


Metrolink plans still mean ‘public transport wasteland,’ says Saddleworth councillor


A SADDLEWORTH councillor believes the latest plans for the expansion of Metrolink will still leave Oldham borough a ‘public transport wasteland.’ Greater Manchester Combined Authority…

Oldham’s children’s services officially rated as ‘good’


CHILDREN at risk in the area have a much-improved service looking after them, inspectors have found. For Oldham Council’s department responsible has risen from an…

Thursday, Jul 11

Oldham council to request government-led review into historic child sexual exploitation


By Charlotte Hall – Local Democracy Reporter OLDHAM council will request a government-led review into historic child sexual exploitation in the borough following the bombshell…