

Monday, Jul 1


Which countries care most about violence in movies?


I have previously looked at how censorship bodies around the world deal with sexual content in movies. This prompted a few readers to get in touch and ask about other aspects of possibly objectionable content. Well, I’m glad you asked as I…

Friday, Jun 14


What percentage of movies are written by women over 40?


A few months ago, Elizabeth and Nitza from The Writers Lab approached me with a simple question: “What percentage of movies are written by women over the age of 40?” The Writers Lab is an organisation set up specifically to nurture the…

Monday, Jun 3


Which countries care most about sex in movies?


Sex in movies is a hot topic. Only last month, my research caused a substantial amount of conversation online when I teamed up with The Economist to track the level of sex in movies over the past quarter century. I found that levels of…

Monday, May 27


What jobs are women allowed to do in movies?


I have previously studied gender representation across all acting roles (see Do films directed by women have more women in the cast?), so today I will zero in on particular jobs, as revealed by the credit the actor received. I identified…

Saturday, May 18


What are the most commonly used movie clichés?


Last week, a group of friends and I watched Last Action Hero (1993). The script started life as a satire on dumb action moves (its original title was “Extremely Violent“) but was so heavily re-written during development and production that…

Sunday, May 12


Things I’ve overheard at the Cannes Film Festival


I have been attending the film Cannes Film Festival for almost twenty years, and over that time, I’ve heard some pretty mad things. I used to keep a loose list of the funniest and most revealing comments, as a part of my lessons to film…

Thursday, May 2


Why is sex in movies declining?


A couple of years ago, I looked into whether erotic thrillers were indeed dying out or if it was just availability bias due to the fact that the main examples which come to mind are mostly from the 1980s. More recently, Rachel Lloyd from…

Monday, Apr 22


Are there more movie sequels than there used to be?


Last week, I examined the origin of movie scripts, showing that Original Screenplays still account for over half of all movies — the same figure it was forty years ago. This prompted a few readers to write in and ask whether there is now a…

Monday, Apr 15

Are movies becoming more derivative?


Today, I’m checking in with the data behind a question I get asked often. Almost every week, a reader or journalist asks me why modern movies aren’t as original as they used to be. So I turned to the data on almost 60,000 movies to find…

Monday, Apr 8


How often are Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and Princeton mentioned in movies?


My work covers a range of topics; some studies look at pressing issues of inequality or untangle the dense web of the film industry’s economic frameworks. This article is not one of them. It’s one of the other ones. By which I mean it’s…

Monday, Apr 1


When did talkies take over from silent movies?


This is the second half of a mini-project I set myself to pay penance for not paying enough attention during film school. In a previous article, I examined when colour movies became more prevalent than black-and-white ones. Today, I am…

Monday, Mar 18


When did colour films eclipse black-and-white films?


Although I attended film school, (a) it was two decades ago; and (b) I shamefully skipped many of the classes on film history. As time has passed, I have become increasingly aware of just how poor of a decision it was to eschew the chance…

Monday, Feb 12

How many films employ an Intimacy Coordinator?


The film industry is pretty slow to change and usually opts to do whatever it was doing last year rather than embrace change. This is never more true than in the area of employment and the roles on-set. However, two types of roles which…

Monday, Feb 5


Tips for attending the European Film Market


In just over a week, many of the world’s film industry professionals will be trying to keep warm in Berlin. That’s because it’s the start of the annual ten-day film industry gathering in Berlin which is half film festival (the “Berlinale”)…

Monday, Jan 29


How are 3D movies performing at the box office?


A reader has been in touch to ask how 3D movies are faring. They said “I reckon the 3D bubble has well and truly burst – has it? Are we free from 3D movies blighting the big screen?“. It’s a great question, and so I turned to the data to…

Monday, Jan 22

Which country makes the sweariest movies?


Warning: This article contains 17 uses of the f-word, 9 uses of the s-word and 8 uses of the c-word, among other examples of foul language. Even the graphs are graphic. You have been fucking warned. Like last week, this is another offshoot…

Monday, Jan 15


How often is the film title mentioned in James Bond movies?


One of my most enjoyable side jobs is the work I do for Guinness World Records. They work with wonderful Bruce Nash at The Numbers for the headline records (Top Grossing Movie, Biggest Budget, etc) and so they look to me for the slightly……

Tuesday, Apr 18


How I caught the UK government not doing their homework


Sometimes things are so silly you just can’t make them up. The UK government is trying to bring in a policy to force all students to study maths until the age of 18. In a hurried attempt to back up this policy, they reached out to a number…

Sunday, Apr 2


Do women prefer films made by women?


I was contacted by a reader who asked whether “female audiences respond more positively to feature films that have at their heart a female creative team? In particular, a female director and writer“. It’s a fascinating question as it…

Monday, Mar 20


How has the cost of making a movie changed in recent years?


As we start to ease out of the ‘pandemic emergency’ phase, I’m getting an increasing number of questions about the effects the pandemic had on the film business. The short answer to almost everything I’m asked is – it’s too early to tell.…

Monday, Feb 13


How many producers is too many producers?


Last week I investigated if there was a link between the number of people thanked in a movie’s credits and the quality of the movie. This week I am testing a related industry truism; namely, that a greater number of producers is an…

Monday, Feb 6


Does thanking too many people in the credits indicate a movie is bad?


David Wilkinson got in touch yesterday asking for advice on his new crowdfunding campaign. One of the topics he wanted to chat about was the ‘cost’ of offering a “Thanks” credit to his backers. This involves awarding someone who backs the…

Sunday, Jan 15


Do films directed by women have more women in the cast?


Last week I looked at the popularity of various first names in movies over the past two decades. The process involved building up a vast database of acting credits, noting both the gender of the fictional role and of the performer…

Monday, Jan 9


What are the most common character names in movies?


As regular readers will know, last year I was hired by a film producer to “write” a feature film screenplay entirely using artificial intelligence (more on that here). One of the challenges that I, and my collaborator Dr Eliel Camargo…

Monday, Nov 28


How we got hired to create an AI-generated feature film screenplay


For the past six months, I’ve been working in secret on a real-world experiment. Today, I’m delighted to begin sharing what we’ve been doing, why we’ve been doing it and to be part of a larger public debate about the questions it raises. I…

Monday, Oct 24


Understanding movie genre emotions


At the core of any movie-watching experience are the emotions you feel. The marketers will have used all their skills to create certain emotional expectations, the movie itself will take you on a journey, and afterwards you may continue to…

Monday, Jul 25


Are lower-budget horror films more profitable than expensive ones?


Regular readers will know that I’ve conducted a number of research projects into horror films over the years. Despite not being much of a watcher of horror movies, the business side fascinates me. The genre seems to break many of the rules…

Thursday, May 26


The experiences of American Pavilion interns at the Cannes Film Festival


I have just returned from a trip to the Cannes Film Festival and market. While I was there I learned more and more about what it is like for the 200+ interns attending Cannes via the student programs run by the American Pavilion (“AmPav”).…

Monday, May 9

Do older audiences want to watch older actors?


Today’s topic comes from a reader. They are in pre-production and were challenged by a stakeholder on their casting choices. The objection came from an experienced professional who said “My concern is that this film will play to an older…

Sunday, Apr 17


Are ‘erotic thrillers’ dying out?


An opinion piece in The Guardian last week caught my eye. In it, Gwilym Mumford argues that the Erotic Thriller is due to a comeback (if you’ll pardon the pun). The piece takes as a given that the heyday of the subgenre “seems to be all…