

Sunday, Jun 30


Only five days left to save the green belt in Barnet

There’s only five days left to save the green belt in Barnet from attack by Labour!

Saturday, Jun 29


General election email update from Theresa Villiers

You’ve seen the polls. You’ve heard the commentators. You know who they say is going to be the next government.

Friday, Jun 28


David Cameron expresses Conservative support for a settlement in Cyprus

Foreign Secretary David Cameron has today released a video statement published by Theresa Villiers, confirming Conservative support for the efforts of Cypriots to negotiate a settlement to reunite the island on the basis set out in UN…

Monday, Jun 24


Re-elect Theresa Villiers – a strong voice for your values

You’ve seen the polls. You’ve heard the commentators. You know who they say is going to be the next government.

Re-elect Theresa Villiers in Barnet – Don't give Labour a supermajority!

You’ve seen the polls. You’ve heard the commentators. You know who they say is going to be the next government.

Protecting nature and protecting our climate

Protecting nature and protecting our climate

Protecting nature and our environment

In this general election update, Theresa Villiers, parliamentary candidate for Chipping Barnet, commits to action to restore nature nature, address climate change, and protect our environment: “Throughout my years in elected office, I have…

Saturday, Jun 22


Our plan for the economy and higher living standards

In her latest general election update, Theresa Villiers, parliamentary candidate for Chipping Barnet, has been writing about the Conservative economic plan: “This country has faced unprecedented shocks to our economy during these past few…

Sunday, Jun 16


Our plan for the economy

In her latest general election update, Theresa Villiers, parliamentary candidate for Chipping Barnet, has been writing about the Conservative economic plan: “This country has faced unprecedented shocks to our economy during these past few…


Villiers backs pledge on Cyprus

Theresa Villiers, Conservative candidate for Chipping Barnet, has reiterated her longstanding support for Cyprus and backed four key pledges from the National Federation of Cypriots.


Theresa Villiers: Action to support Israel and the Jewish community

Theresa Villiers has backed the "Pledge for Israel" campaign from the group. She has signed up to the following four commitments from the group "We believe in Israel": To oppose the extremists who challenge Israel's right to exist.

Friday, Jun 14


Jewish community support for Theresa Villiers

In recognition of her strong commitment to supporting the Jewish community and Israel, Lord Polak, Honorary President of Conservative Friends of Israel has published this letter endorsing her as the candidate for Chipping Barnet.

Monday, Jun 10


Boosting social mobility through apprenticeships

The latest general election from update from Chipping Barnet Conservative candidate Theresa Villiers focuses on apprenticeships: “Apprenticeships are a crucial way to give people the skills they need to get well paid jobs and great careers…


Safer streets with 8000 more beat cops!

In her latest general election campaign update, Theresa Villiers, Conservative Parliamentary candidate for Chipping Barnet has written about the importance of boosting police numbers and saving Barnet police station: “Ever since Sadiq Khan…

Sunday, Jun 9


Villiers welcomes commitment to 8000 more police

Following today’s announcement that the Conservatives would recruit 8000 more neighbourhood police officers if they are returned to Government, Theresa Villiers said: “I have successfully argued for bigger budgets for policing and more…


Giving Barnet children the best start in life

Theresa Villiers has issued a general election campaign update on schools and early years education: “At every general election, the parties need to set out what they would do to provide opportunities for children and young people. Giving…


Ulez expansion to be scrapped!

In her latest general election campaign update, Theresa Villiers has welcomed Conservative plans for a “Backing Drivers Bill”, publishing the following article: “I fought hard against Mayor Khan’s hated Ulez expansion past the North…

Wednesday, Jun 5


The NHS will always be one of my top priorities

In her most recent general election campaign update, Theresa has written about her commitment to the NHS and improving services for Chipping Barnet residents. She has written the following article on the plan to deliver this: "I know how…

Tuesday, Jun 4


Let’s stick with our plan for Chipping Barnet

As the general election continues, Theresa Villiers has asked voters to let her continue to work on vital local issues set out in her plan for Chipping Barnet.

Saturday, Jun 1


Backing a free and united Cyprus

Theresa Villiers has issued the following statement about her work on Cyprus: "For over two decades I have championed the Cyprus cause. No one has highlighted it more often in Parliament than I have, and I’ve visited the island several…

Wednesday, May 29


Villiers pledges support for Israel and the Jewish community

As general election campaigning steps up, Theresa Villiers, Conservative Parliamentary candidate for Chipping Barnet, has reiterated her long-standing support for the Jewish community and Israel.

Tuesday, May 28


Villiers aims for sixth general election victory

Theresa Villiers has completed her first full weekend of campaigning in the general election. This will be the sixth time she has stood as a candidate in the Chipping Barnet constituency, having been elected in 2005 and re-elected in 2010,…

Friday, May 24


Re-elect Theresa Villiers as MP for Chipping Barnet

Throughout my time as your MP, I’ve campaigned on issues that matter to people in Barnet: protecting our green spaces; more police; expanding NHS services; the best schools and skills for young people.

Thursday, May 23


Defending the green belt

Theresa Villiers has published the following article on why she will always work to safeguard Barnet's green belt and open spaces: "Ever since I was elected 19 years ago as MP, it has been a priority to protect to protect the natural…

Monday, May 20


MPs visit Met control centre for briefing on policing Gaza protests

Theresa Villiers MP joined her colleagues Mike Freer and Nicky Aiken at the weekend for a visit to the control centre run by the Met Police to oversee mass protests and big events in London.

Wednesday, May 15

Villiers asks PM for further action to bring down NHS waiting times

In Prime Minister's question time in Parliament today, Barnet MP Theresa Villiers challenge Rishi Sunak to take further action to reduce how long people are waiting for NHS appointments and care.

Tuesday, May 14

Villiers welcomes victory in long campaign to end live exports

New laws banning live export of animals for slaughter have been welcomed by Theresa Villiers, MP for Chipping Barnet. This trade can give rise to severe animal suffering because of excessively long journeys and potentially inhumane…

Monday, May 13

Unprecedented support for Villiers' campaign against new bus lanes in Barnet

Theresa Villiers, MP for Chipping Barnet has received strong support for her campaign against new bus lanes in Barnet High Street, Whetstone High Road and Cat Hill.

Saturday, May 11

Villiers attends meeting with rabbis and the Met to discuss Gaza protest marches

Chipping Barnet MP Theresa Villiers attended a meeting at Kinloss synagogue in Finchley on Thursday, hosted by Mike Freer MP, to hear from the Met police on their approach to Gaza-related marches in London.

Tuesday, May 7

MP marks Yom HaShoa with Edgware synagogue

Chipping Barnet MP, Theresa Villiers, joined members Edgware United Synagogue yesterday, to commemorate Yom HaShoa, the day each year when the Jewish community come together to remember the victims of the Holocaust.