

Wednesday, Jul 10


Thank You

I loved being the MP for Wantage and Didcot and wish I was still MP for the constituency now, but I wish my successor all the best for representing this wonderful constituency.

Wednesday, May 29


David sends the results of his Local Roads Survey to Oxfordshire County Council

Today I sent my Local Roads Survey to Oxfordshire County Council to highlight the things you've told me we need fixing on our roads and to urge that they use the millions of pounds they receive from the Government to do this - after…

Tuesday, May 28


David visits Harwell Feast

There are only 2 times you'll find me with red on - at Liverpool games and for Play2Give, as one of its patrons.

David hosts SEND Fair for local children with special educational needs

My SEND Fair for local families of children with special educational needs was a great success and I am very grateful to all the organisations who attended including Autism Family Support Oxfordshire, MyVision Oxfordshire, SENDIASS…

Wednesday, May 22

David asks for your vote on 4 July

The Prime Minister has just announced there will be an election on the 4th July and I will be fighting for every vote to continue as your MP.

David's Herald article about Merv

A couple of years ago I wrote my article for the Herald on Merv, a then 86-yr-old I visited each week through the great Didcot Good Neighbour Scheme. Under the heading ‘everybody needs a Merv’, I described how, although I was supposed to…

Thursday, May 16

David speaks at the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards

It was great to be back at Williams Racing in Grove to attend the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards.

David speaks to the Wantage Chamber of Commerce

It was good to talk to and take questions from the Wantage Chamber of Commerce about issues affecting local businesses, including pedestrianisation, empty shops and regulations.

Wednesday, May 15

David meets with the Alzheimer's Society

Dementia is a devastating disease. I have had family members who have suffered from it, so I know how serious it is. I became a Dementia Friend with the Alzheimer's Society to help raise awareness of the support that is available.

Monday, May 13

David hosts second annual Wantage and Didcot Science and Technology Forum

Today I hosted my second annual Wantage and Didcot Science and Technology Forum and it was great to see a strong turnout from our local science and technology organisations from Diamond Light Source to OrbitFab to the Rosalind Franklin…

David welcomes Wallingford Beach receiving bathing water status

I am delighted that Wallingford Beach has officially been designated as a bathing water site by the Government. This is something that residents have long been calling for and the Water Minister has rightly recognised the strong show of…

Sunday, May 12

David announces applications are now open for Government funded childcare for 9 month olds

From today until 31 August, working parents of children aged between 9 months and 23 months (as of 1st September) can apply for the first 15 hours of funded childcare from the Government.

Friday, May 10

David visits UKAEA at Culham Campus

It was a pleasure to be invited back to Culham to once again visit UKAEA. The incredible work they are doing is world-leading and, combined with our great scientific organisations at Harwell and Milton Park, is part of the reason…

David takes constituent to meet the Safeguarding Minister

This afternoon, I took Niamh Dernie from Grove to meet Laura Farris MP, Minister for Victims and Safeguarding, so she could tell the Minister about her campaign against the sexual harrassment she and her friends have experienced and what…

Thursday, May 9

David meets with the Water Minister to call for public scrutiny over the proposed reservoir

I met with the Water Minister yesterday to again raise constituent concerns about the proposed reservoir and to call for public scrutiny of the proposal.

Wednesday, Apr 24


David to host second annual Wantage and Didcot Science and Technology Forum

I am hosting my second annual Wantage and Didcot Science and Technology Forum, which Andrew Griffith MP - Minister for Science, Research and Innovation has kindly agreed to speak at.


David's Herald article on his upcoming events

I am proud to have hosted many local events since I was elected as your MP including an Apprenticeship Fair, Pensioners’ Fair, Farmers Forum, Crime Summits, Climate Summits and more.

Tuesday, Apr 23


David welcomes increased defence spending

I am delighted to see this announcement which will be welcome news to all of the veterans and member of the armed forces that I am proud to represent.


David wishes his constituents a Happy St George's Day

Happy St George's Day to all my constituents and everyone across England!

Friday, Apr 19

David to host a SEND Fair in Didcot

I am holding a SEND Fair to bring together all the local and national organisations that provide support to SEND children and young people and their families.

Friday, Apr 12


David welcomes Oxfordshire County Council's reversal of their funding cut for Autism Family Support Oxfordshire

I am glad to hear today that Oxfordshire County Council have (finally) listened to the concerns that I and others raised with them and reversed their funding cut for Autism Family Support Oxfordshire.

Wednesday, Apr 10


David's Herald Article on Thames Water, flooding and the proposed reservoir

Along with the other Conservative MPs in Oxfordshire, I wrote to the CEO of Thames Water to demand that more action is taken to tackle sewage pollution in our waters, and we have secured a meeting with him to discuss this.

Monday, Apr 8


David welcomes launch of a call for evidence into barriers to community energy projects

Before I was made a Minister, I was Chair of the Community Energy APPG and lead sponsor of the Local Electricity Bill. In this role, I was proud to have helped secure the new £10 million Community Energy Fund to help communities develop…

Wednesday, Mar 27


Oxfordshire Conservative MPs write to Thames Water CEO to demand sewage pollution is tackled

David Johnston MP, Robert Courts MP, Victoria Prentis MP and John Howell MP have written to the CEO of Thames Water, Chris Weston, to demand more action is taken to tackle sewage pollution in our waters across Oxfordshire.


David's Herald article on campaigning for young and old

Since being elected in 2019, I am proud to have delivered for all my constituents - young and old.

Friday, Mar 22


David presents Local Hero Awards to pupils at Hendreds School

I was delighted to present well-deserved Local Hero Awards to Toby, George, Alfie, and Evalyn. Thanks to their quick-thinking and bravery they manged to secure help for someone in need. Thank you to Ms Rees for inviting me to the school to…

David marks English Tourism Week by visiting Happiness Horsebox in Uffington

It was great to meet the team at Happiness Horsebox and hear about their commitment to ensuring everyone has access to the countryside. Oxfordshire has so many brilliant attractions and I was delighted to meet with Experience Oxfordshire…

Wednesday, Mar 20

David welcomes £2 million in Government funding to make the A420 safer

I am delighted that after much campaigning the Government is investing over £2 million to make the A420 safer and pay for some much-needed safety improvements.

Monday, Mar 18


David meets constituents Major John Stanfield and Lady Audrey Wood

I had the absolute pleasure of meeting these 2 constituents: John (103) represented our country at the surrender of Japan at the end of World War II and was the person who signed the surrender document.

Friday, Mar 15


David hosts a pop-up surgery at Tesco in Didcot

I had a great couple of hours hosting a pop-up surgery at Tesco in Didcot, talking to constituents about everything from roads to immigration to special educational needs. It was nice to chat to everybody and I hope to see you at the next…