

Friday, Jul 5


Thank you!

I am deeply humbled by the support people have given me, electing me to be your MP. This is me with my family who taught me my values of hard work and service and are the sort of ordinary family I want to try and represent. Obviously a…

Sunday, Jun 30


5 Days to go

You might have seen I was a volunteer policeman-what's known as a special constable. I thought I might explain why I wanted to volunteer to do this.

Friday, Jun 28


6 Days to go...

Great to be out at events and knocking on doors speaking to residents in the sunshine! It's nice to be meeting residents that have already voted for me by post!

Thursday, Jun 27

8 Days to go....

Took a break from responding to emails and Facebook messages from residents to watch the debate this evening, and I think the difference between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer was stark.

Tuesday, Jun 25

9 Days to go... Transport Survey


Monday, Jun 24

10 Days to go...

I've been lucky to take breaks from campaigning in some great pubs locally! The hospitality trade is a really important part of the local economy and I have heard loud and clear that times are tough even with steps to help for example with…

Sunday, Jun 23

11 Days to go...

This weekend it has been great speaking to voters about their priorities both at events and door knocking. I get the chance to explain my plan for the area and get their feedback based on their priorities.

Saturday, Jun 22

12 Days to go... Northiam Bonfire Society Midsummer festival

Not one but two dog shows today! Great to visit Northiam Bonfire Society Midsummer Festival. And met dog twins! The two beautiful Cocker Spaniels are identitical twins! A first for me! Also great to talk to Northiam Heritage Society about…

12 Days to go...

You might have guessed I'm a dog lover! Great to visit Bodiam Fun Day & Dog Show. My favourite from Most Handsome Dog category got 5th place so what do I know! Also good to talk to local businesses owners like Zoe from ZBM Veterinary…

Friday, Jun 21

13 Days to go...

Great to spend some time with local groups that demonstrate the power and benefit of people volunteering and putting something into causes they care about. I was able to join Paul Lendon, former Bexhill Mayor, who helped found a local…

Thursday, Jun 20

14 Days to go... Oastbrook Estate Vineyard

Agriculture of all kinds is a key part of Bexhill & Battle and so is tourism. It was great to meet Nick from Oastbrook Estate Vineyard who combine both-producing local wines and hosting wine tasting and stays.

Wednesday, Jun 19


16 Days to go...

One of my favourite parts of an election campaign are house meetings! When you get the chance to meet with local voters who would like you to meet with them and some of their neighbours.

Monday, Jun 17


17 Days to go...

Great to visit Staplecross and speak to residents-every village will have it's own priorities and the next MP should make sure all the different parts of the constituency get their fair share of the MPs time and efforts


18 Days to go- Sussex Day...

Sussex Day celebrations at Battle Market Square! As well as enjoying the orchestra band and choir and speaking to residents I got the chance to talk to Darren Buss from Battle Chamber of Commerce who are happy to talk to all the candidates…


19 Days to go - Hurst Green Village Fete...

We Brits try not to let the rain stop us! Hurst Green Fete went indoors today! It was great to talk to Councillors (thanks Mary, Eleanor and Andrew) and residents about their priorities for the village-as well as enjoying some great tea…

19 Days to go - Sidley Festival...

Great to visit the Sidley Festival-people weren't deterred by the less than ideal weather!

Saturday, Jun 15


20 Days to go...

Brede & Udimore ward is moving into the Bexhill & Battle constituency from the Hastings & Rye constituency at this election.

Friday, Jun 14


21 Days to go...

I will always be willing to stand up for my constituents if the Government get things wrong. The plans for the Northeye Asylum Detention Centre are not the right ones for Bexhill. I will do my best to get the Home Office to reconsider. As…

Thursday, Jun 13


Day 22...

Too many politicians are the same, straight from the Westminster bubble without any real-world experience, just career politicians.

Tuesday, Jun 11


23 Days to go...

Before entering politics I spent the best part of a decade working as an NHS doctor in A&E and on national projects aimed at improving our NHS. I was also able to volunteer on the front line during the pandemic. I want to use my first-hand…


24 Days to go...

Road safety and good road infrastructure is an important issue across the Bexhill and Battle constituency. Historically, we have some of the most dangerous roads in England, including the A21 and the A259. As your MP, I would work with…

Sunday, Jun 9


25 Days to go...

It has been really helpful to be able to spend time talking to Huw Merriman - your MP for the last 9 years. I know there are different challenges in each of our towns & villages. My job wouldn't be one size fits all. But you don't want…

Saturday, Jun 8


Etchingham Village Fete

Etchingham Village Fete was a rip roaring success today with lots of money raised for charity. Money raised goes to the Church Fabric Fund and Etchingham Improvements Committee.

26 Days to go...

Bexhill & Battle has many village communities and a good MP would need to get out and about meeting people and making sure they are up to date with their issues and challenges.

Friday, Jun 7

27 Days to go...

First day as the official candidate! The campaign is flying by! It was good today to be working on leaflets! They are the bread and butter of the campaign and you'll be seeing lots from all the candidates in coming weeks.

28 Days to go...

And today I officially became a candidate!

Thursday, Jun 6

80 Years on from D Day

80 years ago today over 150,000 troops went to Normandy, thousands never to return. Today marks 80 years since D-Day and it was a privilege to attend the service today at Bexhill War Memorial.

Tuesday, Jun 4

29 Days to go...

Less than a month to go! I am focused on getting out and about and meeting as many people as I can to hear about their priorities for their MP and the next Government.

Saturday, May 25


Newsletter 199

Welcome to this week's newsletter. This will be my last newsletter!

Sunday, May 19


Newsletter 198

It looks like it will be a fun weekend in Crewe – Cheshire College South & West will be holding their annual Community Fun Day at their Crewe Campus from 11am to 2 pm tomorrow (Saturday). I encourage everyone to go – it promises to be a…