
abortion-rights / English

Stories published on Jun 26
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  • Stories published on Jun 26

Wednesday, Jun 26


Wisconsin Supreme Court seeks investigation after abortion draft order leaks


The chief justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court called for an investigation Wednesday after the leak of a draft order that showed the court would take a case brought by Planned Parenthood that seeks to declare that access to abortion is a…

Abortion Rights Advocates Applaud Reported Supreme Court Decision


Supporters of women's health care rights are praising what is believed to be the High Court's ruling on an Idaho emergency abortion access case.


Supreme Court Leaks Opinion Overturning Extreme Abortion Ban


The U.S. Supreme Court suffered another embarrassing leak of a major abortion rights ruling on Wednesday, when it briefly posted an order forcing Idaho to allow emergency abortions.


Birth control prescriptions are down in states with abortion bans


A study finds sharp drops in prescriptions for birth control and emergency contraception in states like Texas that implemented highly restrictive bans after the Supreme Court upended abortion rights.


Three female Republicans who tried to protect abortion rights in South Carolina lose primaries to men


Katrina Shealy, Sandy Senn and Penry Gustafson were among a bipartisan group of five women state senators, dubbed the ‘sister senators,’ who filibustered a near-total abortion ban in 2023

Abortion Map Shows Countries With Tougher Rules Than Any US State


Map shows countries where having an abortion is punishable by a prison sentence amid protests in Brazil over abortion rights.


Judge blocks Michigan's abortion waiting period, 2 years after voters approved abortion rights


A judge on Tuesday blocked Michigan's 24-hour waiting period for abortions, saying it conflicts with a 2022 voter-approved amendment to the state constitution that guarantees abortion rights.


Michigan judge blocks 24-hour abortion waiting period 2 years after rights were approved


A Michigan judge blocks enforcement of several state regulations on abortion. State regulations include Michigan’s 24-hour waiting period before a pregnancy can be terminated.



Latino voters in Arizona discuss abortion rights


Vice President Kamala Harris spoke Monday in the battleground state of Arizona about access to abortion services, specifically targeting Latinas. CBS News campaign reporter Nidia Cavazos spoke with voters on the issue.


Judge blocks Michigan's abortion waiting period, 2 years after voters approved abortion rights


A judge on Tuesday blocked Michigan's 24-hour waiting period for abortions, saying it conflicts with a 2022 voter-approved amendment to the state constitution that guarantees abortion rights.

Judge blocks Michigan’s abortion waiting period, 2 years after voters approved abortion rights


DETROIT (AP) — A judge on Tuesday blocked Michigan’s 24-hour waiting period for abortions, saying it conflicts with a 2022…

Tuesday, Jun 25


How Louisiana's extreme laws may push Southern states further to the right


Louisiana is leading red states pushing the legislative envelope: first to mandate the Ten Commandments in schools; first to criminalize the possession of drugs used in abortions; and now, first to legalize surgical castration for sex…


VP Harris campaigns on abortion rights in Arizona | Reporter Replay


Vice President Kamala Harris made the case on June 24 that re-electing President Biden would secure women’s reproductive rights as she urged people in Arizona to get out and vote. Harris, at a campaign event in Phoenix, vowed that if her…


On Dobbs Anniversary, Sherrod Discusses Stakes of Election, Fight To Protect Abortion Rights


COLUMBUS, OH – Yesterday, Sherrod Brown and Connie Schultz joined women’s rights activist and writer Gloria Steinem, Issue 1 Leader Kellie Copeland, and Ohioan Katie May for a Zoom press conference to mark the two-year anniversary of the…


WATCH: Protesters rally for abortion rights in Los Angeles


Demonstrators supporting abortion and women's rights gathered at Los Angeles City Hall on the second anniversary of the ruling overturning Roe v. Wade.


WATCH: Protesters rally for abortion rights in Los Angeles


Demonstrators supporting abortion and women's rights gathered at Los Angeles City Hall on the second anniversary of the ruling overturning Roe v. Wade.


Kamala Harris campaigns on abortion rights in Arizona on Dobbs anniversary


“I think most Americans in my travels agree that one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with their body,” the vice president said. “We trust women to…

Vice president holds College Park abortion rights rally with all the trappings of a campaign event


At the Monday campaign event doubling as an abortion rights rally, supporters held hundreds of “Biden-Harris” or “reproductive freedom” signs.