
bitcoin-mining / Čeština

Stories published on Apr 27
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  • Stories published on Apr 27

Saturday, Apr 27


Bitcoin mining vs. battery storage


Někdy si říkám, že jsme ve špatném byznysu. Sítě na battery storage se staví podobně jako sítě na bitcoin (baterie jsou také v kontejnerech, že to vypadá skoro identicky). Ale rozdíl: Banky financují bateriové projekty a rády. Oproti…

Thursday, Mar 21


Jak vydělat 1000 dolarů v hodnotě bitcoinu pomocí kryptoměny Simpleminers Cloud Mining Platform


12. března dosáhla cena bitcoinu historického maxima 72 953 dolarů a investoři, kteří dnes alokují bitcoin, budou pětkrát až desetkrát jistější než před několika lety. Po tomto kole cenového karnevalu se důvěra investorů v bitcoiny…

Tuesday, Feb 8


Na burzu Nasdaq přijde Bitcoin Mining ETF spoločnosti Valkyrie Capital


Valkyrie Bitcoin Miners ETF (WGMI), který investuje do veřejných společností v odvětví těžby bitcoinů. Společnosti jsou prověřovány na základě využívání obnovitelné energie.

Thursday, Jul 15


China’s Bitcoin hash power fell before the crackdown: Cambridge data


Cambridge research shows that China’s Bitcoin mining power fell by 40% before the crackdown, while the United States’ hash power has quadrupled.

Wednesday, Jul 14


Bitcoin mining ban an easy decision for China, says Bitmain EMEA partner


Half of what was lost due to China’s crackdown on Bitcoin mining will never go back online, Phoenix Store’s CEO says.

Tuesday, Jul 13


The9 signs green Bitcoin mining deal with Russian firm BitRiver


BitRiver utilizes only surplus hydroelectric power to operate its data centers in Russia and CIS countries.

Monday, Jul 12


Green energy-focused Bitcoin miner Hive joins North American mining pool


Hive aims to take advantage of the East-to-West shift in Bitcoin mining power after regulators in China have renewed efforts to crack down on the industry.

Saturday, Jul 10

Riot Blockchain Bitcoin Production Jumps More Than 400% Year-on-Year Amidst Mining Exodus


Riot Blockchain, a Nasdaq-listed mining company, reported Thursday on its Bitcoin production last month. The company’s numbers jumped a little more than 400% year-on-year, as a result of the increase in mining power. The recent mining…

Friday, Jul 9


123-Year-Old Hydroelectric Plant Sees New Life Mining Bitcoin — Revenue 3x Higher Than Selling to the Grid


On Thursday local reports from Mechanicville, the city located in Saratoga County, New York, say that an old hydroelectric plant constructed back in 1897 was almost dismantled, but today the plant is mining bitcoins. The Mechanicville…


US-based Bitcoin miner Gryphon buys 7,200 rigs from Bitmain


Gryphon has doled out $48 million to buy Bitmain’s latest Bitcoin mining hardware set for release in the summer.


1 miliarda korun za zařízení na těžbu Bitcoin a fúzi se Sphere 3D vedenou na Nasdaq hlásí Gryphon Digital Mining


Společnost Gryphon Digital Mining nedávno uskutečnila fúzi se společností Sphere 3D vedenou na Nasdaq. Dnes na Twitteru oznámila, že uzavřela dohodu o nákupu 7 200 těžebních zařízení Antminer S19J Pro od společnosti Bitmain Technologies…


Hydro plant from 1897 earns 3x as much mining BTC as selling power to the grid


An historic renewable energy facility in New York has tripled its profits by mining Bitcoin.

Tuesday, Jul 6


New York locals accuse gas-fired mining operation of heating Seneca Lake


Residents are concerned over the environmental impact of Greenidge’s gas-fired Bitcoin mining plant, asserting that the firm is heating the lake and may be killing marine life.

Monday, Jul 5


As Miners Leave Bitcoin in Droves, Space Allocation Dedicated to Filecoin and Chia Surges


While a large quantity of hashrate has stopped dedicating resources to the Bitcoin network, a great number of alternative mining ecosystems are swelling with new participants. China’s ASIC exodus has ignited a significant increase in…


China crypto ban a ‘huge opportunity for Canada,’ mining group head says


The diversified location of Bitcoin mining facilities following China's crackdown is great news for the rest of the world, iMining CEO Khurram Shroff says.


An even bigger mining difficulty drop? 5 things to watch in Bitcoin this week


Bitcoin may be fresh from its biggest difficulty plunge ever, but estimates warn tat the next may eclipse even that as miners continue to struggle.

Sunday, Jul 4


Bitcoin Mining Report Claims Miner Energy Consumption Mix 56% Sustainable in Q2


During the last three months, there’s been a significant focus on the effects bitcoin mining has on the global environment. While many have claimed bitcoin mining is bad for the environment and many others have stressed that it affects the…


Bitcoin Mining Profitability to Rise 35% While Ousted Chinese Miners Face Delays Relocating


Analysts are predicting a rise in Bitcoin mining profitability of about 35% during the short term. This would be the effect of the bitcoin mining crackdown in China. Since the crackdown happened, a significant portion of hashrate stemming…


‘We Want You,’ Pro-Bitcoin Senator Cynthia Lummis Invites Crypto Miners to Wyoming


U.S. lawmaker and bitcoin advocate Cynthia Lummis has indicated that cryptocurrency miners are welcome in Wyoming. In a recent interview, the senator defended bitcoin’s carbon footprint and later invited miners to her home state on social…


Bitcoin Miner Greenidge Generation Plans to Develop South Carolina Mining Facility


On Friday, the bitcoin mining operation Greenidge Generation Holdings announced the company is expanding to South Carolina in order to develop the firm’s next bitcoin mining facility. Greenidge details that the carbon-neutral Spartanburg…