
black-holes / English

Stories published on May 26
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  • Stories published on May 26

Sunday, May 26


Spitzer gives scientists insights into black hole eating habits

Using data from NASA’s retired Spitzer Space Telescope, scientists have gained new insights into the…


A New Way to Measure the Rotation of Black Holes


Sometimes, astronomers get lucky and catch an event they can watch to see how the properties of some of the most massive objects in the universe evolve. That happened in February 2020, when a team of international astronomers led by…

They said it: BART to San Jose sucks up money like a black hole


“This BART project is sucking all of the transit money out of everything.”

They said it: BART to San Jose sucks up money like a black hole


“This BART project is sucking all of the transit money out of everything.”


Small Black Arrows: The British Museum – Review – ALBUM OF THE WEEK!


Small Black Arrows: The British Museum 42’s Records Vinyl | CD | DL Available 31st May Without doubt one of the best releases this year Small Black Arrows pierce a hole in your heart with some of the best music around. A Mercury hitting…


Black hole singularities defy physics. New research could finally do away with them.


Black hole singularities defy the laws of physics. New research presents a bold solution to this puzzle: Black holes may actually be a theoretical type of star called a 'gravastar,' filled with universe-expanding dark energy.


ALEX BRUMMER: Reeves will have to turn to wealth taxes to plug the £30bn black hole


Rachel Reeves recognises that if she is to march into No 11 Downing Street on July 5 it would be a big mistake to hit voters with huge tax rises straight away.

Saturday, May 25


First proof that 'plunging regions' exist around black holes in space


An international team led by researchers at Oxford University Physics have proved Einstein was correct about a key prediction concerning black holes. Using X-ray data to test Einstein's theory of gravity, their study gives the first…


Ayrshire NHS chief admits there is 'no credible plan' to address £26m black hole


Claire Burden says that NHS Ayrshire & Arran can no longer afford to run services "that are not funded".


Black Holes are Firing Beams of Particles, Changing Targets Over Time


Black holes seem to provide endless fascination to astronomers. This is at least partly due to the extreme physics that takes place in and around them, but sometimes, it might harken back to cultural touchpoints that made them interested…



NASA spots 16 'Death Star' black holes blasting powerful beams at multiple targets


Researchers using NASA's Chandra X-ray telescope have found that a group of "Death Star black holes are swiveling around and pointing at new targets, like the fictional space station in Star Wars."


Spin of Supermassive Black Hole Measured at a Quarter the Speed of Light


This week, science reporter Isaac Schultz described a groundbreaking effort to measure the spin of a supermassive black hole, and a fascinating experimental archaeology experiment in which marines fought each otherto test how well ancient…

Friday, May 24


Are stars vanishing into their own black holes? A bizarre binary system says 'yes'


An unusual binary system could be evidence that some massive stars can die quietly, without a supernova explosion.


Black hole spin speed revealed in new study of churning space-time


Scientists have calculated the speed of a spinning supermassive black hole by studying the 'spaghettified' remains of a star it destroyed.

Death Star Black Holes Are Like Fictional Space Stations in 'Star Wars'


Supermassive black holes were seen releasing jets in opposing directions. Continue reading to learn more.

Thursday, May 23


Using wobbling stellar material, astronomers measure the spin of a supermassive black hole for the first time


The results offer a new way to probe supermassive black holes and their evolution across the universe.