
campaigners / English

Stories published on Jun 26
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  • Stories published on Jun 26

Wednesday, Jun 26


Birmingham campaigners make urgent demand to council over 'lifeline' service

Birmingham residents have organised protests, campaigns and petitions in recent weeks


Campaigners issue urgent 30mph plea after young woman and dog killed in rush-hour tragedy

The victim was walking along West Boulevard in Quinton when she was hit by a vehicle at around 8.40am on Monday

There is a 'conspiracy of silence' over social care reform, warn campaigners


very little time has been given to solving the UK's social care crisis in the general election campaign


Knife crime campaigners warn closure of community centres risks higher levels of youth violence


After The Independent revealed the scale of the problem of knife crime in schools, campaigners warn about the loss of community facilities


Lake District sewage campaigners launch nuisance complaint in legal first


Statutory nuisance complaint lodged by Save Windermere against United Utilities is a first over sewage pollution


Make this the last inaccessible election for blind people in UK, campaigners demand


RNIB calls on all parties to commit to remove barriers that prevent people with sight loss voting on their own

Birmingham 'lags behind' other cities for cycling as campaigners make two key demands

Birmingham leads the way for cycling in the West Midlands, but the region is far behind other major UK cities like London and Manchester

Tuesday, Jun 25


Eight-year-old North Tyneside wildlife campaigner joins London protest urging Government to act on climate change

Seren Studholme was one of approximately 60,000 protesters who took part in the Restore Nature Now march in the capital on Saturday


Next UK Government must reform energy market to bring down soaring bills, warn campaigners


EXCLUSIVE: Housing coalition says both Westminster and Holyrood need to act to help hook households up to clean, cheap heat.

Julian Assange: Campaigner or attention seeker?


The Wikileaks founder has won both support and criticism for his whistleblowing efforts.

Monday, Jun 24



Rishi Sunak and Douglas Ross are rivals for the crown of worst ever Tory campaigner


Daily Record Political Editor Paul Hutcheon says Rishi Sunak knows the election is over and will be relieved when polls close.


Families urged to boycott a Stockport park's summer fair as campaigners call for donkey ride ban

An animal rights organisation says it 'teaches children a dangerous lesson that animals exist merely for our amusement' and is urging families to stay away


Poverty campaigners demand new Government ends 'punishing' two child benefit cap


EXCLUSIVE: The Poverty Alliance has called for people on low incomes to be central to government policy.

Sunday, Jun 23


Campaigners warn Scottish schools could be breaking the law if they don't provide pupils with enough single-sex toilets


Scotland's schools are breaking the law every day by failing to provide boys and girls with enough separate toilets, according to a campaign group.


Saturday, Jun 22


India News | BSP Declares Star Campaigners for Uttarakhand Bypolls


Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Voting for the assembly by-polls in the Badrinath and Manglaur seats will be held on July 10.


Windrush campaigners demand citizenship for victims in first 100 days of new govt


Windrush campaigners are calling on the next government to grant citizenship to all victims of the immigration scandal in the first 100 days after the election.

Friday, Jun 21


Infected blood campaigners fear they're 'in limbo' and vow to continue fight for fair compensation for NHS scandal

Campaigners like Sean Cavens are adamant that full compensation for the contaminated blood scandal must do more than simply leave them "no worse off"


Windrush campaigners demand citizenship for all families in first 100 days of new government


Ahead of Windrush Day anti-racism charities have unveiled a ‘Home Office Scandal Manifesto’ with demands ahead of the election