
conservatives / English

Stories published on May 25
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  • Stories published on May 25

Saturday, May 25


Teenagers will be forced into National Service if Conservatives win election


Rishi Sunak has vowed to bring back National Service if he wins the election.

Sunak vows to bring back national service if Conservatives win general election


Under the proposals, 18-year-olds would be given a choice between a full-time placement in the armed forces for 12 months or spending one weekend a month for a year volunteering in their community.


Conservatives scoff at attempt to take colonial-era flag and connect Justice Alito to 'MAGA battle flag'


Conservatives ripped Democratic Party leaders and the media for linking Supreme Court Justice Alito to pro-Trump insurrectionists because a colonial era flag once flew outside his home.


Supreme Court Justice Sonia “Wise Latina” Sotomayor Reveals She Has “Cried” Over Conservative Rulings From the Court (VIDEO)

Far-Left Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor told a Harvard audience Friday she breaks down in tears after conservative rulings.


MUST-SEE: Steve Bannon Criticizes Conservative Elites for Lacking the Courage to Prevent Western Cultural Collapse — Advocates for Populist Nationalism

In a recent interview on GB News America with Steven Edginton, former Trump advisor Steve Bannon delivered a scathing critique of conservative parties in the UK and the US, accusing them of betraying their voters and failing to uphold…


NDP MP raps Conservative over ‘fake news’ video


A video titled 'Breaking News: Trudeau Resigns' produced for Conservative MP Branden Leslie contained doctored television news clips mixed with real news and out-of-context news.


Liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor says she sometimes cries over rulings made by conservative-majority court and hints more right-wing bombshells are to come


Liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor admits she sometimes finds herself in tears over the rulings of the conservative dominated high court.

Walsall Council to appoint new leader following Conservative Party’s suspension of Mike Bird


Walsall Council is set to appoint a new leader following the Conservative Party’s suspension of previous boss Mike Bird.


Rishi Sunak and the conservative dilemma


The right likes markets but not their cultural consequences


Conservative 5th circuit slams 2 HPD officers for believing a drunk driver over a Good Samaritan


Records show when the officers got on scene, they believed the drunk driver's side of the story. The criminal case was dismissed months later in 2019, but the damage to Good Samaritan's life was already done.

Friday, May 24


Christians celebrate as JPMorgan Chase dumps controversial payment rules that targeted conservatives


JPMorgan Chase's decision to rollback a controversial rule that targeted conservatives was greeted with joy by Christians. The senior counsel at the ADF hailed it as a 'significant step.'

Record exodus of MPs from Conservative Party - privately, many believe defeat is inevitable


On the final day the House of Commons sat before the election, the view from the back of the chamber said it all.


Why Senate conservatives are taking a populist turn


During the Obama years, conservatives were all about forcing fodder for the national GOP base onto the Senate’s legislative fights. Recall former Sen. David Vitter’s (R-La.) push to throw Congress onto the Affordable Care Act exchanges,…

‘Non-competition’ plan from BC United rejected by BC Conservatives


The BC Conservatives are second in the polls, behind the governing NDP. And the party won't agree to a cooperation deal with third-place BC United ahead of the October election.


Why Is Pope Francis Criticizing Catholic Conservatives?

I was standing in St. Peter's Square when Pope Francis was announced as the next pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church.


The ashes of the Conservative Party?


A host of prominent Tories face being kicked out of Parliament on 4 July unless Rishi Sunak can lead his party to an electoral miracle

Chase Bank Rolls Back 'De-Banking' Policy that Hurt Conservatives


JPMorgan Chase bank has apparently rolled back a policy that led to the de-banking of several conservatives and nonprofit groups.


Independent Toronto MP Kevin Vuong asks Poilievre to let him join Conservative caucus


Independent Toronto MP Kevin Vuong says he is asking Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre to let him join the Tory caucus.

Are consumers any better off after 14 years of Conservative government?


We analyse a key point of contention in the general election campaign: the government’s record on pay, housing, energy and food bills


‘The Seed of the Sacred Fig’ Review: Exiled Iranian Director Shows A Conservative Family Split Apart By Protests In Heartfelt, Politically Fiery Melodrama – Cannes Film Festival


Woman, life, freedom. Down with theocracy! The slogans shouted in the bloody streets of Tehran over the past year echo through The Seed of the Sacred Fig, Mohammad Rasoulof’s long, heartfelt story of an Iranian family that starts to tear…