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Stories published on Sep 5
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  • Stories published on Sep 5

Thursday, Sep 5


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Now let's deliver justice over Grenfell


Reading the findings of the official report into the Grenfell Tower disaster elicits three powerful emotions - sadness, incomprehension and, finally, intense anger.

Wednesday, Sep 4



DAILY MAIL COMMENT: For Sir Keir Starmer, it's clearly party before country


In his first speech as Prime Minister, Keir Starmer promised to put country before party and 'tread more lightly' on the lives of the British people.

Tuesday, Sep 3


Watch Donald Trump's interview with the Daily Mail at Mar-a-Lago in FULL


Donald Trump sat down for a no-holds barred interview with DailyMail.com in the living room of his Mar-a-Lago home and political headquarters.


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: The danger of ignoring concerns of voters


The success of Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) in the German state elections may have shocked the country's ruling elite but it was no great surprise to anyone else.

Monday, Sep 2

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: There's no business like socialist business


Just as Gordon Brown had his 'prawn cocktail offensive' to seduce the City ahead of the landslide 1997 victory, so Sir Keir Starmer played footsie with corporate grandees before this election.

Sunday, Sep 1


Saturday, Aug 31


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Britain's very grim lesson in socialism


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: After the stern admonishments delivered by Sir Keir Starmer in his No 10 speech this week, millions of voters will feel like they have already been given detention.

Friday, Aug 30


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Keir Starmer's removal of Margaret Thatcher's portrait is a peevish act of a political minnow against the achievements of a political giant


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: In the pantheon of British prime ministers, few, if any, had the vision, courage and moral clarity of Margaret Thatcher.


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Labour calls time on thousands of pubs


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: In this free country of ours, Labour's plan to extend the smoking ban to pub gardens is an authoritarian step too far, which will have no effect on public health.

Thursday, Aug 29


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: A Berlin bromance to threaten Brexit


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: It would be understandable for Brexiteers to feel anxious about the amount of time Sir Keir Starmer and Olaf Scholz are spending in each other's company.

Wednesday, Aug 28


Death notices and funeral announcements from Hull Daily Mail - August 28, 2024

Our thoughts are with those who have lost a loved one


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Sanctimonious, mendacious and lacking any vision


So now at least we know the truth. In his first major speech as Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer confirmed what every man and his dog had long suspected. Tax rises are on the way - and they will be brutal.

Tuesday, Aug 27


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: The perils of penny pinching on defence


China rattles its sabre at Taiwan and other neighbours, while waging a silent cyber campaign against Britain and the West.

Monday, Aug 26


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Excuses for Labour's broken promises


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Millions who voted Labour on July 4 may already be experiencing pangs of buyer's remorse. By tomorrow, it will be crystal clear they've been sold a pup.

Sunday, Aug 25


Death notices and funeral announcements from Hull Daily Mail - August 19-25, 2024

Our thoughts are with those who have lost a loved one

Saturday, Aug 24


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Labour in hot water over energy bills


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Following the lifting of Covid restrictions and Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine, gas and electricity bills inevitably skyrocketed.

Friday, Aug 23


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Free EU movement would mock Brexit


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Since becoming Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer has ditched so many supposedly cast-iron pledges it's positively dizzying.

Brits say Sir Keir Starmer was wrong to give train drivers bumper pay rises, the Daily Mail's EXCLUSIVE poll reveals


The damning verdict comes in a poll for the Mail, which finds that a majority think the Prime Minister should have squared up to militant rail barons - even if it meant more strikes.

Thursday, Aug 22


Trump thanks Daily Mail for letting him know manhunt underway for would-be assassin after Secret Service didn't tell him


Ronald Lee Syvrud, 66, is being urgently sought by Arizona authorities after he allegedly threatened to shoot former President Donald Trump during a trip to the southern border on Thursday.