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Stories published on Sep 12
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  • Stories published on Sep 12

Thursday, Sep 12


£10* unlimited day travel on Northern trains only with your Hull Daily Mail

It’s back! A fantastic offer saving you money on your travel this Autumn!


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Yet another sticking plaster for the NHS?


It is remarkable that this former Labour minister was able to get to grips with all the shortcomings of such a sprawling behemoth so rapidly - in just nine short weeks

Wednesday, Sep 11


Was Anne Boleyn really unfaithful, and did she actually love Henry VIII? The Mail's Robert Hardman and historian Kate Williams


Was Anne Boleyn really guilty of adultery with several men, including her brother? That question is explored in the latest episode of new Daily Mail podcast Queens, Kings and Dastardly Things.


Kamala Harris is declared the winner over Trump in Daily Mail's snap debate poll: Viewers give their verdict... and reveal whether the performances will change their votes


Kamala Harris was the winner of Tuesday night's debate, according to our snap poll of independent voters, who declared her the most presidential candidate and Donald Trump most aggressive.


Death notices and funeral announcements from Hull Daily Mail - September 11, 2024

Our thoughts are with those who have lost a loved one


Casey Wasserman Slams Daily Mail for Reporting Claims About Personal Life: “Consider the Source”

Casey Wasserman slammed The Daily Mail on Tuesday for a publishing a report detailing claims about his personal life — allegations that covered everything from infidelity to sleeping with a staffer at his company — in what marked his first…

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Just 68 days in and it's Starmergeddon


Outside Wandsworth, Pentonville and dozens of other jails yesterday we had the bizarre spectacle of celebrations and champagne corks popping as around 1,700 prisoners were given early release

Tuesday, Sep 10

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Labour plan to free hundreds of lags early is an unacceptable risk


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: The law-abiding public may conclude that under his leadership, the pendulum has swung too far in favour of the criminals - and away from the victims

Monday, Sep 9

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Prophecies of doom hurt our economy


It really is a wonder Keir Starmer doesn't parade around Westminster all day with a sandwich board saying: 'The End is Nigh.'

Sunday, Sep 8


Friday, Sep 6


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Sheer hypocrisy of Keir's crony culture


It was bad enough that prominent Labour donor Lord Alli was given an access-all-areas pass to Downing Street and was allowed to throw a jolly party there for friends and fellow fundraisers.


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Berlin's Rwanda bid exposes Labour folly


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Starmer wasted no time in axing the Conservatives' Rwanda scheme, which he sanctimoniously denounced as a 'gimmick'...

Thursday, Sep 5

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Now let's deliver justice over Grenfell


Reading the findings of the official report into the Grenfell Tower disaster elicits three powerful emotions - sadness, incomprehension and, finally, intense anger.

Wednesday, Sep 4



DAILY MAIL COMMENT: For Sir Keir Starmer, it's clearly party before country


In his first speech as Prime Minister, Keir Starmer promised to put country before party and 'tread more lightly' on the lives of the British people.

Tuesday, Sep 3


Watch Donald Trump's interview with the Daily Mail at Mar-a-Lago in FULL


Donald Trump sat down for a no-holds barred interview with DailyMail.com in the living room of his Mar-a-Lago home and political headquarters.


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: The danger of ignoring concerns of voters


The success of Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) in the German state elections may have shocked the country's ruling elite but it was no great surprise to anyone else.

Monday, Sep 2

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: There's no business like socialist business


Just as Gordon Brown had his 'prawn cocktail offensive' to seduce the City ahead of the landslide 1997 victory, so Sir Keir Starmer played footsie with corporate grandees before this election.

Sunday, Sep 1


Saturday, Aug 31


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Britain's very grim lesson in socialism


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: After the stern admonishments delivered by Sir Keir Starmer in his No 10 speech this week, millions of voters will feel like they have already been given detention.