
elections / English

Stories published on Jun 15
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  • Stories published on Jun 15

Saturday, Jun 15


New General Election poll puts Labour on course for 262-seat majority


Meanwhile, a voting intention poll by Savanta also contained bad news for Rishi Sunak, with a warning the Tories could face "electoral extinction".

Tinubu congratulates President Ramaphosa on re-election in South Africa


President Tinubu calls for the strengthening of bilateral ties between Nigeria and South Africa as strategic partners in Africa for the overall advancement of the continent.

Reminder: Trump’s Handpicked RNC Chair Michael Whatley Is an Election-Denying MAGA Loyalist


As Trump’s handpicked RNC Chair Michael Whatley speaks at the Turning Point Action conference in Michigan, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: “When Donald Trump handpicked Michael Whatley to be his new…

Labour’s chocolate box urban utopia is one election promise it can’t fulfil | Rowan Moore


Mooted Edwardian-style new towns are charming, but less than ideal for the disabled – and the images are curiously caucasian


Police fire tear gas into crowds across France as hundreds of thousands mass to protest far-right resurgence following Macron's snap election gamble


The CGT union claimed a quarter of a million marched in Paris, with 640,000 taking to the streets across the country. Police put the national figure closer to 270,000

Jo Cox would be ‘gutted’ to see election used to spread division, says widower


Brendan Cox said their children will mark the anniversary, and what would have been her coming 50th birthday, by putting on a mini concert.

Lara Trump's Vow to 'Prosecute' Election Cheats Raises Eyebrows


Lara Trump, RNC co-chair and daughter-in-law to Donald Trump, warned election cheats that "we will track you down."

Himachal govt. contemplating resuming student elections in HPU, colleges, says CM Sukhu


Mr. Sukhu added that the government was working to make Himachal a self-reliant State by improving the quality of education in all the government run institutions

Bill Maher issues stark warning to Joe Biden that the Democrats' immigration policy is 'going to get them 'f***ed on Election Day'


Bill Maher predicts the Democrats will lose the election badly if they keep on the way they are going with immigration, after seeing the results of the European Union election last week.

Northern Ireland's five key election battlegrounds for UK General Election 2024


Certain constituencies around Northern Ireland are set to be more competitive than others


Tinubu congratulates Ramaphosa on re-election


President Bola Tinubu has extended his warm congratulations to President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa on his re-election.

Could the 2024 presidential election hinge on Pennsylvania voters?


Host Tamala Edwards and the Panelists discussed the upcoming Presidential election .. with the polling website 538 touting that the election could come down to Pennsylvania ...with other polls showing the race between Pres. Biden and Fmr.…

Bill Maher says Democrats will be ‘f–ked on Election Day’ for this reason


"Real Time" host Bill Maher continued offering his dire warning to Democrats on the issue of immigration, insisting they'll be "f---ed" in November following this week's European election results.

Joe Biden Mulls Legal Status For Undocumented Spouses, Amid Election-Year Focus On Immigration: Report


Biden considers granting legal status to undocumented spouses amid election-year focus on immigration, aiming to energize liberal voters.


Tinubu Reacts As Ramaphosa Wins Re-election As South African President


President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has conveyed his congratulations to his South African counterpart, Cyril Ramaphosa, on his re-election. The Nigerian leader also commended the South African people for their peaceful conduct during and after the…

South Africa: Tinubu Congratulates Ramaphosa On Re-election


President Bola Tinubu has called for the strengthening of bilateral ties between Nigeria and South Africa as strategic partners in Africa for the overall advancement of the continent. The president made the statement when he extended his…

2023 elections: Oyo stakeholders seek improvement in electoral processes


Tribune Online; 2023 elections: Oyo stakeholders seek improvement in electoral processes