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Stories published on May 27
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  • Stories published on May 27

Monday, May 27


Texas GOP Amendment Would Stop Democrats Winning Any State Election


A Texas Republican proposal would require anyone holding statewide office to have the support of a majority of Texas counties.


Biden’s Reelection Strategy Is To ‘Get More People To Smoke Marijuana,’ GOP Senator Claims

President Joe Biden’s strategy to win reelection this November is “to get more people to smoke marijuana,” a GOP senator is claiming. In an interview with Ask a Pol that was published on Friday, Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) said he thinks…



GOP in limbo on Garland contempt vote as some Republicans cast doubts


The House GOP effort to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress is in limbo, with Republicans unsure whether they have the votes to pass the measure. Two committees last week easily passed resolutions to censure…


Kevin McCarthy's ghost is haunting House GOPs' next big legislative fight


House lawmakers are jumping into the next big government funding fight with an ambitious schedule to pass all of their spending bills, but they are still constrained by policies instituted under former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.


GOP Rep. Mast Says Federal Money Used to Fund On-Campus Anti-Israel Movement


During an appearance on this week's broadcast of FNC's "Sunday Morning Futures," Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) explained how federal taxpayer dollars are being funneled through innocuous-sounding organizations to fund the anti-Israeli sentiment…


GOP rep Gonzales doubles down on criticism of 'neo-Nazi' opponent in runoff


Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) again called his primary opponent a “neo-Nazi” on Sunday as he prepares for a close runoff election Tuesday that has divided the GOP. The two-term border district congressman fought back against members of his…

Sunday, May 26


GOP-led House faces RECA deadline on aid for Trinity Test victims


The Republican-controlled U.S. House has just a few days to vote on a bipartisan Senate bill that would expand compensation for victims of the Trinity Test — the world's first atomic explosion.


How Uvalde’s GOP congressman is navigating a tense runoff and plotting to take out right-wing ‘anarchists’


CNN By Manu Raju and Shania Shelton, CNN (CNN) — Rep. Tony Gonzales called his GOP opponent in Texas a “neo-Nazi” and an “anarchist” intent on “burning the place down” — and said Republican hardliners seeking to oust him are a bunch of…


Amid intraparty animus, Texas GOP moves further to the right with new platform, party chair


Gathering amid depleted finances and spirited infighting, the Texas Republican Party concluded its 2024 convention in San Antonio on Saturday by electing a new party chair and adopting its latest party platform.


Chris Murphy Blames Trump, GOP for Border 'Mess' — They Think 'It Helps' Republicans


Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) said Sunday on CBS's "Face the Nation" that former President Donald Trump wanted to keep the U.S.-Mexico border a "mess."


Republican Says There's 'Probably a Laundry List' of 'Scumbags' in GOP


Texas Representative Tony Gonzales said not all of his Republican colleagues are "rewarding citizens" and "productive members of society."


Proposed Texas GOP platform calls for the Bible in schools, electoral changes that would lock Democrats out of statewide office


Sign up for The Brief, The Texas Tribune’s daily newsletter that keeps readers up to speed on the most essential Texas news. Republican Party of Texas delegates voted Saturday on a platform that called for new laws to require the Bible to…


Hillary Clinton praises ‘tremendously impressive’ GOP tactics, lamenting Dems have ‘nothing like it’


“They are relentless. You know, they take a loss, they get back up, they regroup, they raise more money," Clinton said.

Trump Ally Urges Senate GOP to Punt Funding Fight


“Close Trump ally Russell Vought urged Senate Republicans in a closed-door lunch to delay this year’s government funding fight to 2025 — to maximize options in a potential second Trump



Hill GOP urges Trump to consider a running mate with center-right appeal — maybe even Haley


Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.) advised Trump to look at a VP pick who "really reflects areas where he needs to be more competitive to win.”


Runoffs test leaders’ hold on Texas GOP


AUSTIN, Texas -- Primary runoffs in Texas on Tuesday are a test for two prominent Republicans: U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales, who has broken ranks over guns and the border, and powerful state House Speaker Dade Phelan, who angered the party's…


At North Carolina's GOP convention, governor candidate Robinson energizes Republicans for election


Before Mark Robinson, North Carolina's GOP candidate for governor, even stepped on stage at the state party's convention Saturday, several state candidates took time in their own speeches to energize the crowd by vouching for Robinson's…

At North Carolina's GOP convention, governor candidate Robinson energizes Republicans for election


North Carolina's Republican candidate for governor Mark Robinson delivered a speech focused on the economy and education at the NCGOP Convention's Old North State Dinner in Greensboro Saturday