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Stories published on Jun 15
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  • Stories published on Jun 15

Saturday, Jun 15


Iran and Sweden to swap prisoners, including convicted war criminal


Iran agreed Saturday to release two Swedish nationals held in Tehran for over two years in exchange for a convicted Iranian war criminal tied to the 1988 mass killing of protestors critical of the Islamic Republic in the capital city.…


What's Changed 15 Years After Iran's Green Movement


Experts say much is different about this year's presidential election—15 years after the Green Movement—a mass mobilization seeking change within the system.


Iran and Sweden exchange prisoners in Oman-mediated swap


A former Iranian official was released in Sweden in exchange for a European Union diplomat and a second Swede.


Iran Frees Two Swedish Citizens for Iranian Jailed in Sweden


The decision is the latest Iranian move to release European citizens amid tensions between Tehran and the EU.

Iran, Sweden exchange prisoners in Oman-mediated swap


Tehran: Iran and Sweden have completed a prisoner swap, according to the government of Oman, which mediated the process. Citizens from both countries were flown to Muscat, the capital of the small state on the Persian Gulf, on Saturday.…

Iran and Sweden swap prisoners: a diplomat for a judiciary official


Iran released a Swedish diplomat arrested in 2022, whilst Sweden released an Iranian official convicted of war crimes in 1988.

Sweden-Iran prisoner swap frees EU diplomat


Swede Johan Floderus, held by Tehran on spying charges, has been released as part of the deal. The exchange also drew criticism in some circles because it included freeing Hamid Nouri, an Iranian convicted of war crimes.


Iran and Sweden exchange prisoners in Oman-mediated swap


Iran and Sweden announced on Saturday a prisoner exchange that saw a former Iranian official jailed in Sweden freed as Stockholm said Tehran had released a European Union diplomat and a second Swede.

Iran and Sweden announce prisoner swap involving convicted war criminal


Hamid Nouri, who was convicted of war crimes for mass executions in Iran in 1988, will be freed in exchange for Swedish citizens Johan Floderus and Saeed Azizi


Iran, Sweden free prisoners in Oman-mediated swap


Iran and Sweden announced on Saturday a prisoner exchange that saw a former Iranian official jailed in Sweden freed as Stockholm said Tehran had released a European Union diplomat and a second Swede. “Hamid Noury, who has been in illegal…


Sweden frees an Iranian man convicted over 1988 mass executions in exchange for 2 men held by Iran


Iran and Sweden carried out a prisoner swap Saturday that saw Tehran release a European Union diplomat and another man in exchange for an Iranian convicted in Stockholm of committing war crimes over his part in 1988 mass executions in the…

Sweden frees an Iranian man convicted over 1988 mass executions in exchange for 2 men held by Iran


Iran and Sweden have carried out a prisoner swap that involves the release of Hamid Nouri, convicted of war crimes by Sweden over 1988 mass executions in the Islamic Republic.

Sweden frees an Iranian man convicted over 1988 mass executions in exchange for 2 men held by Iran


Iran and Sweden have carried out a prisoner swap that involves the release of Hamid Nouri, convicted of war crimes by Sweden over 1988 mass executions in the Islamic Republic.

Sweden frees an Iranian man convicted over 1988 mass executions in exchange for 2 men held by Iran


Iran and Sweden have carried out a prisoner swap that involves the release of Hamid Nouri, convicted of war crimes by Sweden over 1988 mass executions in the Islamic Republic.

Sweden frees an Iranian man convicted over 1988 mass executions in exchange for 2 men held by Iran


Iran and Sweden have carried out a prisoner swap that involves the release of Hamid Nouri, convicted of war crimes by Sweden over 1988 mass executions in the Islamic Republic.

Sweden frees an Iranian man convicted over 1988 mass executions in exchange for 2 men held by Iran


Iran and Sweden have carried out a prisoner swap that involves the release of Hamid Nouri, convicted of war crimes by Sweden over 1988 mass executions in the Islamic Republic.

Sweden frees an Iranian man convicted over 1988 mass executions in exchange for 2 men held by Iran


DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Iran and Sweden carried out a prisoner swap Saturday that saw Tehran release a…

France, Germany, UK condemn Iran’s latest nuclear measures


PARIS, June 15 — France, Germany and Britain today condemned Iran’s “latest measures”, after the United Nations atomic w...


EU diplomat Johan Floderus freed by Iran in prisoner exchange


In exchange for Floderus, Sweden has agreed to release Iranian former prison official Hamid Nouri.