
iran / English

Stories published on Jun 24
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  • Stories published on Jun 24

Monday, Jun 24


Why did planes from Lithuania mysteriously land in Iran?


The planes were meant to go to Sri Lanka and the Philippines but never made it.


International alarm grows over third Lebanon war involving Iran


International alarm grows over potential third Lebanon war involving Iran. Netanyahu warns of Iran's multi-front threats while diplomats urge diplomatic solutions amid escalating tensions.

Escalating Israel-Hezbollah clashes threaten to spark regional war and force US into conflict with Iran


A full-blown war between Israel and Hezbollah would likely set the entire region on fire, involving Iran and its proxies, and could drag the US into direct confrontation with Tehran.

Iran’s onerous hijab law for women is now a campaign issue


All six of the men running for president, five of them conservative, have sought to distance themselves from the methods of enforcing the law, which include violence, arrests, and monetary fines.


Iran, Bahrain to start talks on releasing Iranian funds, resuming political relations


Bahrain, home to the US Navy Fifth Fleet, has long blamed Tehran for stirring up its own majority Shi'ite Muslim population against the country's Sunni monarchy.

Iran sees perspective of establishment of ‘Asian union’ in future — top diplomat


This would also motivate Asian countries to establish Asian coalitions and, eventually, an ‘Asian union’ in due time, and the Asia Cooperation Dialogue could play the decisive role in this regard," Ali Bagheri Kani noted


Iran’s Shia-only elections expose age-old intolerance


In Iran, minorities, whether religious or ethnic, are second-class citizens and nothing more.



Iran's young voters navigate presidential race shaped by 2022 clashes


For young voters in Iran, the memories of the 2022 clashes against rulers have shaped the upcoming presidential race, revealing deep-seated divisions within the population.

Iran’s Onerous Hijab Law for Women Is Now a Campaign Issue


In a sign that a women-led movement has gained ground, all of the men running for president have distanced themselves from the harsh tactics used to enforce mandatory hijab.

Crypto Craze in Iran: 'Hamster Kombat' App Soars Amid Economic Turmoil


The "Hamster Kombat" app is gaining popularity amid the heatwave, underscoring Iran's economic struggles.


The Hamster Kombat crypto app that’s spreading through desperate Iran


Taxi drivers tap on their phones, ignoring police, in the hope to make money

Iran court overturns death sentence of rapper Toomaj Salehi – now facing retrial


Coldplay and Sting were among musicians who called for the rapper's release


Senior Turkish diplomat attends Iran forum to advance Asia co-op


Deputy Foreign Minister professor Burhanettin Duran represents Türkiye in the 19th edition of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue Forum held in Tehran. Speaking on the sidelines of the e...


Iran and Bahrain agree to talk about how they might resume diplomatic relations severed since 2016


The report said both sides agreed on creating the framework to start talks on the requirements for resuming diplomatic relations


Iran and Bahrain agree to talk about how they might resume diplomatic relations severed since 2016


TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran and Bahrain have agreed to talk about how they might resume bilateral relations after nearly…

Iran and Bahrain agree to talk about how they might resume diplomatic relations severed since 2016


TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran and Bahrain have agreed to talk about how they might resume bilateral relations after more than eight years. The report Monday from Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency said Iran’s acting foreign minister Ali Bagheri…


Iran Oil Minister Denies Claims of “Massive Discounts” on Oil


Iran’s oil minister Javad Owji has struck back at allegations that the government has been discounting the price of the oil it exports, saying discounts under the current government were in fact smaller than those during the previous…