
israeli / Čeština

Stories published on May 5
  • Related stories in the last 90 days
  • Stories published on May 5

Sunday, May 5


Dnes začíná nejen v Israeli den památky - Jom Ha šoa.


Od dnešního do zítřejšího večera budou na mnoha místech i u nás nás čtena jména těch, kteří byli zavražděni v rámci tzv. „konečného řešení židovského „problému“. V tento den v roce 1943 vypuklo povstání ve varšavském ghettu.

Saturday, Feb 17


Dvě petice o Israeli a pásmu Gaza


V minulých dnech se v souvislosti se situací v pásmu Gaza objevily dvě petice, jež popisují stejný stav ze dvou různých úhlů pohledu. Nabízím laskavému čtenáři svůj pohled na obě

Thursday, Feb 8


Výzva ke změně politiky české vlády vůči Israeli.

Kolega Lubomír Stejskal napsal blog, týkající se nedávné petice zhruba stovky českých intelektuálů, požadujících změnu postoje české vlády vůči politice státu Israel.

Friday, Oct 27


Jane Kaufman: Neobvyklá válka v Israeli se vymyká všem předpisům a očekávání


Takže militarističtí Hamas vytáhli do boje prý aby zabránili útoku Izraelců na ně. Zkoušeli před-zabránit...

Monday, May 22


Involuntarily in prison. A night in an Israeli detention center.


24-hour lighting, a dirty blanket, food on the floor, and denial of contact with the Czech embassy. What awaits you if an immigration officer discovers Arabic stamps in your passport?

Monday, Nov 7


Václav Klaus in Europa Stands debate organized by Israeli television TV7 in Helsinki


The Former President of the Czech Republic Václav Klaus attended the Europa Stands debate organized by the Israeli television station TV7 in Helsinki.

Wednesday, Jun 15


Tuesday, Jun 14


Statement by President von der Leyen with Israeli Prime Minister Bennett


Thank you very much Prime Minister, Thank you for the warm welcome I receive here in Jerusalem. And indeed, the European Union and Israel share ties and unique bonds because we have a shared history and we share values. And therefore, I am…

Wednesday, May 11


Al Džazíry Jordánu na izraelskou břehu Západním reportérka palestinském zemřela armádou Israeli úřady


Al Džazíry Jordánu na izraelskou břehu Západním reportérka palestinském zemřela armádou Israeli úřady. Na palestinském Západním břehu Jordánu kvůli střelbě izraelských vojáků zemřela reportérka televize Al-Džazíra, uvedla stanice a…

Tuesday, May 10


Křenek šestý na dráhových závodech v Israeli


Trojice závodníků Favoritu Brno U23 Adam Křenek, Štěpán Široký a Martin Čepek se v uplynulých dnech objevili na dráze v Israeli. Na UCI závodech Israel Open Track Cycling Championship 2022 a Grand Prix Tel Aviv. Adam Křenek obsadil šesté…

Monday, Sep 27


Israeli PM says Iran has crossed nuclear 'red lines'; Tehran calls it 'full of lies'

By Michelle Nichols, Matt Spetalnick and Stephen Farrell NEW YORK (Reuters) -Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Monday that Iran had crossed "all red lines" in its nuclear program and vowed that Israel would not allow Tehran to…

Friday, Jul 9


Israeli defense minister authorizes seizure of Hamas-tied crypto accounts


Hamas' efforts to raise funds via crypto had reportedly accelerated following the 11-day war between Israel and the organization in May of this year.


Israeli Knesset Creates Special NFT for New President Isaac Herzog


Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, has become the first national legislature to release a non-fungible token. The special NFT has been created for the country’s new president, Isaac Herzog, who took office this week after his election in…

Monday, Jul 5


Thursday, Jul 1


Israeli rugby teams show solidarity with Palestine


Maccabi Haifa Wild Boars amongst those calling for equality and inclusion after recent conflict. Itay Goder reports

Tuesday, Apr 6


Israeli President Reuven Rivlin picks Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to try to form a new government

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin picks Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to try to form a new government

Thursday, Mar 25


Netanyahu has no clear path to remain prime minister, official Israeli election results show


His bloc has fallen short of a majority. Political gridlock could continue.

Wednesday, Mar 24


Israeli parties scramble for coalition partners after election leaves Netanyahu’s fate unclear


The lack of a decisive winner could prolong Israel’s already unprecedented political stalemate.


Tight Israeli vote means Arab Islamist could choose next PM


After a hard-fought election, an Arab Islamist could choose Israel’s next prime minister


Far-right party set to gain new influence after Israeli vote


An alliance of far-right groups including openly racist and homophobic candidates appears poised to enter Israel’s parliament as an indispensable member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition