
menopause / English

Stories published on May 29
  • Related stories in the last 90 days
  • Stories published on May 29

Wednesday, May 29


Why 30 Isn’t Too Young to Start Thinking About—And Preparing for—Menopause


Building up your bone health, picking up some weights, and doing Kegels can help you now and later on, too.


You’re NOT ready! Discover how menopause can affect your vagina


Tribune Online; You’re NOT ready! Discover how menopause can affect your vagina

Monday, May 27



Why old people's illnesses are soaring in youngsters - from type 2 diabetes and arthritis to early menopause and even strokes


Serious health conditions such as type 2 diabetes and arthritis are normally associated with getting older. But, disturbingly, these conditions are increasingly being seen in younger people.


It's nuts! Holland & Barrett accused of 'exploiting vulnerable women' by selling £3.79 bar of chocolate-covered 'menopause almonds'


The health food giant claims the sweet treat, which contains a woman's entire daily allowance of saturated fat, soothes menopause symptoms and provides 'mood support'.

Sunday, May 26


How do I help an employee who is going through the menopause?

APPRENTICE star and West Ham United vice-chair Karren Brady answers your careers questions.

How do I help an employee who is going through the menopause?


APPRENTICE star and West Ham United vice-chair Karren Brady answers your careers questions.

How do I help an employee who is going through the menopause?


APPRENTICE star and West Ham United vice-chair Karren Brady answers your careers questions.

Saturday, May 25


Women's heart risk spikes after menopause, study shows


At first, no one thought Nina White had a heart attack. Every detail of that day 10 years ago, when she was just 51, is sharp in her memory. She thought the tightness in her chest was overexertion from multiple trips up the ladder to the…

Friday, May 24


'An insult to women': Holland & Barrett accused of 'menowashing' with £3.79 chocolate-covered 'menopause almond' bar that claims to ease hormonal changes


The health food giant claims the sweet treat, which contains a woman's entire daily allowance of saturated fat, can soothe menopause symptoms and provide 'mood support'.

Wednesday, May 22


Women’s heart risk spikes after menopause, study shows


Heart disease is the leading killer of women as well as men, but it’s often under-recognized in women, said Dr. Dena Krishnan.

Women’s heart risk spikes after menopause, study shows


Heart disease is the leading killer of women as well as men, but it’s often under-recognized in women, said Dr. Dena Krishnan.

Women’s heart risk spikes after menopause, study shows


Heart disease is the leading killer of women as well as men, but it’s often under-recognized in women, said Dr. Dena Krishnan.

Women’s heart risk spikes after menopause, study shows


Heart disease is the leading killer of women as well as men, but it’s often under-recognized in women, said Dr. Dena Krishnan.


Joe Wicks faces backlash after introducing new ‘menopause workouts’


Joe's latest workouts are proving more controversial with fans.

Tuesday, May 21


Most common warning signs of condition often mistaken for depression or menopause

Symptoms like weight gain or low mood can be mistaken for menopause or depression when really it might be a thyroid condition

Monday, May 20


GP issues warning over serious condition often mistaken for depression or menopause


A thyroid condition can be easily mistaken for other common conditions such as depression or the menopause - but there are several ways to spot the differences

Understanding perimenopause vs. menopause


Menopause marks a significant transition for women, yet understanding its precursor, perimenopause, and its symptoms can be complex.


Warning signs of condition mistaken for depression or menopause


On average it takes four and half years to get a diagnosis, even though there is a 10-minute test