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Stories published on Apr 10
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  • Stories published on Apr 10

Wednesday, Apr 10


Ex-worker at NH youth detention center describes escalating retaliation for complaints


A woman who worked at New Hampshire’s youth detention center three decades ago says supervisors and staff were dismissive at best and menacing at worst when she reported suspected abuse.


NH authorities monitoring surge in meth availability


Police say makeshift labs and backyard “cooks” have been replaced with a much purer product being produced by cartels in Mexico and South America.

Listen: How children were ‘let down’ by NHS gender identity services


Dr Hilary Cass explains her report into NHS gender care


Vikram Mansharamani seeking GOP nomination for N.H. congressional seat


Mansharamani, a businessman from Lincoln who finished fourth in the GOP’s 2022 primary for US Senate, described himself as a frank outsider who can clean up the nation’s “completely dysfunctional” capital.

NHS manager jailed for defrauding GP surgery

A former NHS manager has been jailed for three years for defrauding a GP surgery in High Wycombe. Nabeel Asghar, 43, of Brands Hill, High Wycombe, was jailed at Aylesbury Crown Court last month. Asghar served as the Practice Manager at…

Our NHS NEEDS reform & the middle class lefties who rail at me are WRONG… but it will be privatised over my dead body


PATIENT care will not be sacrificed to appease the “ideological hobby horses” of left-wing purists, Wes Streeting vowed as he stared down a torrent of outrage.


NH town creates public art ordinance after free speech debate over doughnut mural


Voters in a New Hampshire town have passed an ordinance addressing what local officials call “a path forward” for the installation of murals and other public artwork.


Patients let down by an out-of-touch NHS | Letters


Readers highlight inefficiencies in the health service’s outdated mode of communication

NHS manager jailed for defrauding GP surgery


A former NHS manager has been jailed for three years for defrauding a GP surgery in High Wycombe. Nabeel Asghar,… Continue reading NHS manager jailed for defrauding GP surgery

Children were being 'coached' on what to say to NHS doctors to get puberty blockers, author of bombshell report into trans care reveals


Respected paediatrician Dr Hilary Cass revealed children had been told not to disclose history of abuse over fears medics would shy away from offering them puberty blockers.


NHS Report Finds ‘Remarkably Weak Evidence’ to Support Medical Gender Transition for Minors


The report found that puberty blockers did not alleviate gender dysphoria or increase body satisfaction, but did harm bone density.

NH authorities search for escaped transitional housing inmate


New Hampshire corrections officials are searching for an inmate reported missing from a transitional housing unit.

Anne-Marie welcomes new Northumberland NHS statistics

North Northumberland's NHS check-up is out – and it shows we're in great health! An extra 155 GPs, 106 nurses, 36 hospital doctors and 2 million more GP appointments per year across our local NHS – plus the steel frame is now complete on…


NHS Report Finds Child Transgender 'Medicine' Built on 'Shaky Foundations', Rejects Puberty Blockers


Evidence for helping children to change gender including hormone blockers is built on "shaky foundations", a major review has found.


Migraine pill that helps prevent recurring headaches is approved by NHS


A migraine pill which could change the lives of thousands of people who suffer from the "incredibly debilitating" condition should be made accessible on the NHS "swiftly", a charity has said.

Popular UTI remedy backed by NHS deemed ‘ineffective’, study reveals


WOMEN who suffer UTIs will be frsutrated to hear an NHS-backed remedy has been deemed ‘ineffective’ in a study.

Popular UTI remedy backed by NHS deemed ‘ineffective’, study reveals


WOMEN who suffer UTIs will be frsutrated to hear an NHS-backed remedy has been deemed ‘ineffective’ in a study.

Popular UTI remedy backed by NHS deemed ‘ineffective’, study reveals

WOMEN who suffer UTIs will be frsutrated to hear an NHS-backed remedy has been deemed ‘ineffective’ in a study.

Fact-checking PM's claims on prisons, crime and the NHS


Rishi Sunak makes a series of claims, also covering small boats and defence spending.

NHS treatment of kids questioning their gender is ‘scandalous’ & docs rely on ‘very weak evidence’, Wes Streeting blasts


WES Streeting has slammed the “scandalous” way children questioning their gender have been treated by the NHS.