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Stories published on Jun 8
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  • Stories published on Jun 8

Saturday, Jun 8


Haiti gangsters 'disembowel victims' as horror grips embattled Port-au-Prince


Gangs in Haiti are reportedly filling their victims' abdomens with projectiles in order to poison the bullets as the island spirals further into chaos.

Monday, May 27


Exclusive report from Haiti: Inside the brutal war between gangs and police in Port-au-Prince


Haiti has been in the grips of a renewed crisis ever since heavily armed gangs formed an alliance this February and forced Ariel Henry to step down as prime minister. The Caribbean nation has long been plagued by gang violence, with armed…

Monday, May 20


Wednesday, Apr 24


Haiti hangs on a knife edge as warlord Barbecue issues chilling warning to Port-au-Prince as he plots for coup to start TODAY


Gangs control most of the territory that surrounds the palace, but a transitional council charged with selecting a new prime minister and cabinet is demanding its members be sworn in there.


Haiti health system nears collapse as medicine dwindles, gangs attack hospitals and ports stay shut


PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — On a recent morning at a hospital in the heart of gang territory in Haiti’s capital, a woman began convulsing before her body went limp as a doctor and two nurses raced to save her.

Tuesday, Apr 23


Haiti health system nears collapse as medicine dwindles, gangs attack hospitals, and ports stay shut


Life-saving medication and equipment is dwindling or altogether absent at hospitals and clinics across Haiti’s capital as brutal gangs tighten their grip on Port-au-Prince and beyond.


Haiti health system nears collapse as medicine dwindles, gangs attack hospitals and ports stay shut


By DÁNICA COTO Associated Press PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — On a recent morning at a hospital in the heart of gang territory in Haiti’s capital, a woman began convulsing before her body went limp as a doctor and two nurses raced to save…

Haiti health system nears collapse as medicine dwindles, gangs attack hospitals and ports stay shut


Life-saving medication and equipment is dwindling or altogether absent at hospitals and clinics across Haiti's capital as brutal gangs tighten their grip on Port-au-Prince and beyond

Haiti health system nears collapse as medicine dwindles, gangs attack hospitals and ports stay shut


Life-saving medication and equipment is dwindling or altogether absent at hospitals and clinics across Haiti's capital as brutal gangs tighten their grip on Port-au-Prince and beyond.

Haiti health system nears collapse as medicine dwindles, gangs attack hospitals and ports stay shut


PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — On a recent morning at a hospital in the heart of gang territory in Haiti’s capital,…

Haiti health system nears collapse as medicine dwindles, gangs attack hospitals and ports stay shut


Life-saving medication and equipment is dwindling or altogether absent at hospitals and clinics across Haiti's capital as brutal gangs tighten their grip on Port-au-Prince and beyond.

Haiti health system nears collapse as medicine dwindles, gangs attack hospitals and ports stay shut


Life-saving medication and equipment is dwindling or altogether absent at hospitals and clinics across Haiti's capital as brutal gangs tighten their grip on Port-au-Prince and beyond.

Haiti health system nears collapse as medicine dwindles, gangs attack hospitals and ports stay shut


Life-saving medication and equipment is dwindling or altogether absent at hospitals and clinics across Haiti's capital as brutal gangs tighten their grip on Port-au-Prince and beyond.

Haiti health system nears collapse as medicine dwindles, gangs attack hospitals and ports stay shut


Life-saving medication and equipment is dwindling or altogether absent at hospitals and clinics across Haiti's capital as brutal gangs tighten their grip on Port-au-Prince and beyond.

Saturday, Apr 20


Haiti’s former capital seeks to revive its heyday as gang violence consumes Port-au-Prince


Right now, “Cap-Haïtien is the only city that connects Haiti to the world,” its mayor said.


Haiti's former capital seeks to revive its hey-day as gang violence consumes Port-au-Prince


They call it Okap, home to Haiti's kings, emancipated slaves and revolutionaries.

Haiti’s former capital seeks to revive its hey-day as gang violence consumes Port-au-Prince


By DÁNICA COTO Associated Press CAP-HAITIEN, Haiti (AP) — They call it Okap, home to Haiti’s kings, emancipated slaves and revolutionaries. Sitting on Haiti’s shimmering north coast, the city of Cap-Haïtien was abandoned as a capital…

Haiti's former capital seeks to revive its hey-day as gang violence consumes Port-au-Prince


They call it Okap, home to Haiti’s kings, emancipated slaves and revolutionaries

Wednesday, Apr 3


Surge in violence forces more than 53,000 to flee Port-au-Prince in less than 3 weeks


Haitians are fleeing Port-au-Prince mostly to escape unrelenting gang violence, according to a United Nations report released Tuesday.

Saturday, Mar 30


HAITI HELL: Jimmy Barbecue Chérizier Wants in on Political Negotiations – Rebel Gangs Control 80% of Capital Port-Au-Prince

While the Caribbean leaders of the CARICOM and the Haitian political power brokers negotiate the formation of an unelected Transition Council that will have political power to appoint the new Prime Minister and cabinet for the chaotic and…