
research / English

Stories published on May 14
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  • Stories published on May 14

Tuesday, May 14


Research links sleep apnea severity during REM stage to verbal memory decline


A research team led by the University of California, Irvine has revealed the link between the frequency of sleep apnea events during the rapid-eye-movement stage and the severity of verbal memory impairment in older adults at risk for…

Meet the new insect killing Utah's fir trees: Research models impact of the balsam woolly adelgid


A nonnative tree-killing insect is invading northern Utah, attacking subalpine fir and potentially triggering yet another die-off of the region's long-stressed conifer forests.

PS5 shipped almost 5x more than Xbox Series X/S in Q1, research firm estimates

Xbox recently reported a 31% decline in first quarter hardware revenue


Texas A&M Research Collaboration Develops Lifesaving ‘Ark’ Technology For Chronic Kidney Disease Patients


The breakthrough device offers hope for prolonged dialysis treatment and improved patient outcomes.

A student’s visa has been cancelled for links to ‘weapons of mass destruction’. What’s going on with Australian research security?


As concerns over research security grow, Australia has no national policy or consistent approach.


Experts advocate for terminology change in brain injury research


A new editorial published this May in the British Journal of Sports Medicine by experts from Spaulding Rehabilitation, Boston University, Mayo Clinic, and the Concussion Legacy Foundation, argues that the term "subconcussion" is a…

Inflation Data Means 'If You Are Bullish, Buy Bitcoin, Bearish, Short Ethereum': 10x Research


This week’s inflation data releases could trigger a volatile few days for Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC), according to a new report by 10x Research, a firm specializing in institutional crypto research.

Research team makes hydroxylamine from air and water


A research team led by Prof. Zeng Jie and Prof Geng Zhigang from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) has proposed a new model for sustainable hydroxylamine (NH2OH) synthesis via a plasma-electrochemical cascade pathway …

An easy pill to swallow -- new 3D printing research paves way for personalized medication


A new technique for 3D printing medication has enabled the printing of multiple drugs in a single tablet, paving the way for personalised pills that can deliver timed doses.


Research unveils the dual subdomain structure of the centromere


Researchers from the Kops group in collaboration with researchers from the University of Edinburgh, made a surprising new discovery in the structure of the centromere, a structure that is involved in ensuring that chromosomes are…


CHOP got a $50 million gift from Mitchell Morgan and his family for its new research building


The Morgan Center for Research and Innovation is under construction next to the Robert Center for Pediatric Research on CHOP's Schuylkill Avenue campus near the South Street bridge.

Cold plunging might help heart health, research suggests


Scores of Instagram influencers claim that a dunk into a frigid bath will boost physical and mental health and help the body recover more quickly from exercise.

UNILAG Team Receives Heroic Welcome as Winner of CFA Institute Research Challenge for the 5th Consecutive Time


The Vice Chancellor of the University of Lagos, Professor Folasade T. Ogunsola, OON, FAS has commended the remarkable achievement of six (6) undergraduate students of the University who emerged winners of the 2024 CFA Institute Research…

Sul Ross State University STEM research initiative receives National Science Foundation grant


Sul Ross State University’s La Frontera Research Initiative (LFRI) for STEM has been awarded a grant for nearly $150,000 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support education students in rural border communities. According to the…

Places with more college graduates tend to foster better lifestyle habits overall, research finds


Having more education has long been linked to better individual health. But those benefits are also contagious, say the co-authors of a new working paper.

Credit card delinquencies rise as more Gen Z cardholders are maxed out, New York Fed research shows


While credit card balances edged down in the first quarter, more borrowers still fell behind on their card payments, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York found.


Binge drinking is a growing public health crisis—how research on alcohol use disorder has shifted


With the new Amy Winehouse biopic "Back to Black" in U.S. theaters as of May 17, 2024, the late singer's relationship with alcohol and drugs is under scrutiny again. In July 2011, Winehouse was found dead in her flat in north London from …

New research presents 'mini-brains' that could advance Alzheimer's treatment


Using an innovative new method, a University of Saskatchewan (USask) researcher is building tiny pseudo-organs from stem cells to help diagnose and treat Alzheimer's.

Credit card delinquencies rise as more Gen Z cardholders are maxed out, New York Fed research shows


Americans owe a collective $1.12 trillion on their credit cards, according to a new report on household debt from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.