
scottish-government / English

Stories published on Jun 24
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  • Stories published on Jun 24

Monday, Jun 24


Scots can make history and boot out this rotten Tory Government in ten days


In his Record column, Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar says Labour will clean up Westminster and Holyrood.

Sunday, Jun 23


Will of Scottish people should not be ‘thwarted’ by UK government – Swinney


The Scottish First Minister was commenting on the potential for another Scottish independence referendum.

Will of Scottish people should not be ‘thwarted’ by UK government – Swinney


The Scottish First Minister was commenting on the potential for another Scottish independence referendum.

Will of Scottish people should not be ‘thwarted’ by UK government – Swinney


The Scottish First Minister was commenting on the potential for another Scottish independence referendum.

Saturday, Jun 22


Scottish Greens call for gender laws block to be lifted


The Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill was stopped by the UK Government from gaining royal assent.

Scottish Greens call for gender laws block to be lifted


The Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill was stopped by the UK Government from gaining royal assent.

Scottish Greens call for gender laws block to be lifted


The Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill was stopped by the UK Government from gaining royal assent.

Friday, Jun 21


Keir Starmer says Labour government won't lift block on Scottish gender law


The UK Labour leader said there was " a lot to learn" from how gender issues have been dealt with in Scotland.


Starmer rejects independence negotiations if SNP wins majority of Scottish seats


SNP leader John Swinney said his party winning a majority of Scottish seats at the General Election would increase pressure on an incoming government.

Starmer rejects independence negotiations if SNP wins majority of Scottish seats


SNP leader John Swinney said his party winning a majority of Scottish seats at the General Election would increase pressure on an incoming government.

Starmer rejects independence negotiations if SNP wins majority of Scottish seats


SNP leader John Swinney said his party winning a majority of Scottish seats at the General Election would increase pressure on an incoming government.


Starmer: Labour government will not lift UK block on Scottish gender reforms


Leader tells journalists on visit to West Lothian: ‘There would be no change of position on that’


Scottish Government must reverse cuts to housing programme


Record View says if the SNP does not tackle the nationwide housing emergency it will be letting our children down.

Thursday, Jun 20


Starmer urges Scottish voters to end ‘era of economic turmoil’ and vote Labour


The Labour leader has pledged to put Scotland ‘at the heart of government’ and deliver 69,000 jobs across the country.

Starmer urges Scottish voters to end ‘era of economic turmoil’ and vote Labour


The Labour leader has pledged to put Scotland ‘at the heart of government’ and deliver 69,000 jobs across the country.

Starmer urges Scottish voters to end ‘era of economic turmoil’ and vote Labour


The Labour leader has pledged to put Scotland ‘at the heart of government’ and deliver 69,000 jobs across the country.


Private rental sector needs clarity from Scottish Government - David Alexander


Progress will only be made through cooperation and open and frank discussion with all involved in the sector, writes David Alexander

Wednesday, Jun 19

These are the key steps Scottish firms want the next UK government to enact


“Each of those policy priorities can go a long way to deliver a strong platform for sustained growth and employment.”

As SNP launches its manifesto, Scottish Government's worst blunder is coming home to roost


The collapsed deposit return scheme could end up costing the Scottish taxpayer a small fortune

Homelessness is a real danger as Scottish Government must take action


Record View says Holyrood’s housing emergency will not be worth the paper it is written on if nothing is done to make more homes available.