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Stories published on Jun 17
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  • Stories published on Jun 17

Monday, Jun 17


Birth control, IVF and SCOTUS: Democrats target GOP vulnerabilities


Democratic leaders are deploying a series of "show votes" to put Republicans in the hot seat and draw attention to their divisions on hot-button issues, including a blocked vote on IVF this week.

Schumer pushes for bump stock ban after SCOTUS reverses Trump-era rule


Schumer revealed his plan to bring a bill to ban bump stocks to the Senate for a potential vote this week, noting that he will need Republican assistance.


SCOTUS Controversy About More Than 'Appeal to Heaven'

Don't get caught up in the soap opera featuring the wife of a Supreme Court justice and the radical flags flying outside their home. The Alito controversy is about much more than a flag.


Nothing 2(c) Here: SCOTUS Rules Trademark Act’s Prohibition Against Registering a Particular Living Individual’s Name Plays Well with First Amendment


275171 at https://natlawreview.com/article/nothing-2c-here-scotus-rules-trademark-acts-prohibition-against-registering

NBC Blames SCOTUS Bump Stock Ruling for Weekend Shootings, No Evidence


Over the weekend, three communities across the United States were victims of gun violence as parties and gatherings came to sudden ends when scumbags decided to kill people. NBC’s Today looked to exploit the tragedies on Monday by having…


Put out more flags: SCOTUS controversy is about much more than 'Appeal to Heaven'


Don’t get caught up in the soap opera featuring the wife of a Supreme Court justice and the radical flags flying outside their home. The Alito controversy is about much more than a flag.

Sunday, Jun 16


Sen. Chris Murphy calls SCOTUS "brazenly corrupt"


Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) called the Supreme Court "brazenly corrupt" on Sunday when asked if a president should be prevented from criticizing the nation's highest court.


Murphy: SCOTUS 'Becoming Brazenly Corrupt and Brazenly Political'


Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union" that the Supreme Court was "becoming brazenly corrupt and brazenly political."


SCOTUS Ruling a Rebuke of Conservative Appellate Court

All nine justices felt forced to correct a deeply flawed opinion by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals that would have eviscerated the court's standing doctrine.

Saturday, Jun 15


Biden unveils new ad touting his support for gun control after SCOTUS ruling on bump stocks, Hunter’s conviction


President Biden pulled the trigger on a new 30-second ad touting his support for gun control — just days after first son Hunter Biden was convicted on felony gun charges.


NASP Petitions SCOTUS to Reverse Lower Court Decision on Oklahoma Law and to Protect Specialty Pharmacies


"The Court's decision in this case will impact the nationwide efforts by States to regulate the manner in which pharmacy benefit managers conduct themselves toward specialty pharmacies, which are serving the most vulnerable residents of…



Raskin Claims SCOTUS Flies the NRA Flag 'Above the Constitution'


Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said Friday on MSNBC's "The Last Word" that the Supreme Court striking down a ban on bump stocks is like flying the National Rifle Association flag "way above the Constitution and the public safety."

CNN's Eisen: SCOTUS Taking Too Long to Rule on Absurd Trump Immunity Claim


On Friday's "Situation Room," CNN legal analyst Norm Eisen lamented the U.S. Supreme Court's deliberative process for former President Donald Trump's criminal prosecution immunity claim.


Employment Law This Week - SCOTUS Limits Availability of Injunctions in NLRB Unfair Labor Practice Cases [Video]


275152 at https://natlawreview.com/article/employment-law-week-scotus-limits-availability-injunctions-nlrb-unfair-labor

SCOTUS Rules 5-4 Against Illegal Aliens Fighting Their Deportations from U.S.


The Supreme Court on Friday ruled in a 5-4 opinion against three illegal aliens who fought their deportation orders from the United States.

Friday, Jun 14


Bump Stock Ruling May Presage Loper—and Clearer Answers to Immigration and Bankruptcy Questions - SCOTUS Today


275142 at https://natlawreview.com/article/bump-stock-ruling-may-presage-loper-and-clearer-answers-immigration-and-bankruptcy


Did the Liberal SCOTUS Justices Inadvertently Help the Second Amendment? | Opinion


Get your daily dose of politics, law, and culture with Josh Hammer Premium by subscribing to Newsweek today.


‘Sad Day’: SCOTUS Bump Stock Ruling Sparks Bipartisan Condemnation From NY Politicians


New York politicians wasted no time reacting to the Supreme Court’s decision striking down a federal ban on bump stocks, which allow semiautomatic rifles to fire more quickly.


Joe Biden Responds to SCOTUS Decision By Urging Congress to Ban Bump Stocks


President Biden reacted to SCOTUS's bump stock decision by asking Congress to pass legislation to ban the firearm accessories.