
supreme-court / English

Stories published on May 24
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  • Stories published on May 24

Friday, May 24


Justice Sotomayor Describes Frustration With Being a Liberal on the Supreme Court


In a conversation at Harvard, the justice spoke of her despair at some of the court’s decisions, but she urged optimism and a focus on future generations.


South Carolina's only Black supreme court justice retired, raising diversity concerns


The palmetto state is one of only two in the nation where state supreme court justices are elected by the state legislature. Advocates are pushing for more diversity on the high court.

Clarence Thomas Celebrates 70th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education By Saying Supreme Court ‘Overreached Its Authority’

A report from American University's School of Education found segregated schools hurt Black and Latino students at disproportionate levels.

Republican AGs ask Supreme Court to block climate change lawsuits brought by several states


Republican attorneys general in 19 states have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to block several Democratic-led states from pursuing climate change lawsuits against the oil and gas industry in their own state courts.


Republican AGs ask Supreme Court to block climate change lawsuits brought by several states


Nineteen Republican state attorneys general have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to get involved in a dispute over climate-change lawsuits

Republican AGs ask Supreme Court to block climate change lawsuits brought by several states


By DAVID A. LIEB Associated Press Nineteen Republican state attorneys general have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to get involved in a dispute over climate-change lawsuits. The Republican attorneys general want the high court to block…

Nevada voter ID initiative survives, clears Supreme Court


The Nevada Supreme Court ruled in favor of the initiative petition that would require citizens to present photo identification to vote.

Supreme Court Chief Justice Faces New Pressure Amid Alito Backlash


Two top Democrats request an immediate conversation with John Roberts amid reports on Justice Samuel Alito.


Supreme Court stays Uttarakhand HC’s relocation order


A bench comprising justices PS Narasimha and Sanjay Karol sought a response from the state government to a plea filed by the Uttarakhand High Court Bar Association challenging the high court’s directive.


Supreme Court Rejects Democrat Attempt to Flip Congressional Seat in South Carolina


The Supreme Court rejected the NAACP's attempts to redraw South Carolina’s congressional districts to flip a Republican seat to Democrats.

Democrats press Chief Justice Roberts to address ethics at Supreme Court


Sens. Dick Durbin and Sheldon Whitehouse say flags flown outside the homes of Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. mean he must recuse himself from Jan. 6-related cases.


Supreme Court Decision Could Increase Copyright Trolling in the Second Circuit


274233 at https://natlawreview.com/article/supreme-court-decision-could-increase-copyright-trolling-second-circuit

BJP moves Supreme Court against Calcutta HC bar on publishing ads


The HC has issued an injunction against publishing “derogatory” and “slanderous” advertisements against West Bengal’s ruling party, All India Trinamool Congress, till June 4


Supreme Court: Pure Omissions Cannot Support Rule 10b-5(b) Liability


274223 at https://natlawreview.com/article/supreme-court-pure-omissions-cannot-support-rule-10b-5b-liability

Shabbir Ali warns Modi of ‘contempt of court case’ over Muslim quota


Hyderabad: Telangana government advisor Mohammed Shabbir Ali has warned that he would file a contempt of court case against Prime Minister Narendra Modi if he continued to mislead the country over Muslim reservations. Addressing media in…

Out of order: Who will keep the Supreme Court accountable if it won’t police itself?


Hopefully, the Supreme Court will decide to clean its own house. But if it won’t, Congress should.


New Jersey Supreme Court Rules Nondisparagement Clauses in Settlement Agreements May Violate the NJ Law Against Discrimination


274220 at https://natlawreview.com/article/new-jersey-supreme-court-rules-nondisparagement-clauses-settlement-agreements-may


Morning Digest: How the Supreme Court's new ruling shreds voting rights—again


The Morning Digest is compiled by David Nir, Jeff Singer, and Stephen Wolf, with additional contributions from the Daily Kos Elections team.

Voter Turnout Data: Supreme Court Rejects Plea To Direct EC To Upload Polling Station-Wise Voter Turnout Data Amid Lok Sabha Elections, Says 'Hands-Off Approach' Needed


The Supreme Court on Friday refused an NGO's plea to issue the Election Commission directions to upload polling station-wise voter turnout data on its website during the Lok Sabha polls, saying a "hands-off approach" needs to be adopted…

Democrats slam ‘out of control’ Supreme Court after Alito’s second Jan 6 flag scandal


‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag marks the second symbol synonymous with the 2021 US Capitol riots seen flying outside a property owned by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito