
supreme-court / English

Stories published on Jun 17
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  • Stories published on Jun 17

Monday, Jun 17


A ballot question could undermine efforts to remove 2 Arizona Supreme Court justices


Republican lawmakers in Arizona will ask voters whether state supreme court appointments should last for life. That would include two of the justices who voted to uphold an abortion ban from 1864.

Wisconsin Supreme Court will hear a challenge to governor's 400-year school funding veto


The Wisconsin Supreme Court will hear a challenge to Democratic Gov. Tony Evers' partial veto that locked in a school funding increase for the next 400 years, the justices announced Monday.

Wisconsin Supreme Court will hear a challenge to governor’s 400-year school funding veto


MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The Wisconsin Supreme Court will hear a challenge to Democratic Gov. Tony Evers’ partial veto locking in a school funding increase for the next 400 years. The Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce Litigation Center filed…

Wisconsin Supreme Court will hear a challenge to governor’s 400-year school funding veto


MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The Wisconsin Supreme Court will hear a challenge to Democratic Gov. Tony Evers’ partial veto that…

Nvidia gets Supreme Court review on shareholder crypto suit


Nvidia is seeking to stop an investor suit that accuses the company of being deceptive about how dependent it was on revenue from crypto mining before a 2018 market downturn.


The Supreme Court Can Stop Social Media Censorship | Opinion


It is extremely important for the Court to get this case right. Social media operates as the modern public square.

Supreme Court Hands Starbucks Win Against National Labor Relations Board


275191 at https://natlawreview.com/article/supreme-court-hands-starbucks-win-against-national-labor-relations-board

Jack Smith’s Moment of Truth at the Supreme Court


All eyes are on SCOTUS.

Supreme Court Will Consider Whether Employers Have Heightened Burden for Demonstrating Overtime Exemption


275190 at https://natlawreview.com/article/supreme-court-will-consider-whether-employers-have-heightened-burden-demonstrating


Judge Blames Alito, Thomas for People Losing Faith in Supreme Court


"I think the partisan criticism has affected the public's perception of the validity of the court system," Shira Scheindlin said.

How John Roberts Lost His Court

A self-described documentary filmmaker, trolling a gala dinner for a gotcha moment by engaging Supreme Court justices in conversation and surreptitiously recording their words, arguably scored with Justice Samuel Alito when he told her he…

US Supreme Court to Hear Nvidia’s Bid to Dismiss Crypto-Related Lawsuit


The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear Nvidia’s appeal to dismiss a securities fraud lawsuit accusing the company of misleading investors about its sales to the cryptocurrency industry. Nvidia’s appeal follows a lower court’s decision…


US Supreme Court To Hear Nvidia's Appeal Of Shareholder Crypto Suit


The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to listen to NVIDIA Corp’s (NASDAQ:NVDA) appeal of a lower-court ruling that claims the AI chipmaker misled investors about its cryptocurrency exposure.

North Carolina Supreme Court let off 2 Republican judges who violated code


The decisions came despite the Judicial Standards Commission’s recommendations to publicly reprimand the judges, and these are likely the only times in more than a decade in which the court didn’t follow the commission’s guidance.


VIDEO: Huge Cannabis March In Brazil As Supreme Court Considers Decriminalization


Watch the video of this Massive Cannabis March In Brazil advocating for cannabis reform as Supreme Court reconsiders decriminalization...

CFPB asks appeals court to reject payday efforts to keep litigating


Payday lenders want an appeals court to rehear a novel claim about the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's funding despite a Supreme Court ruling last month that upheld the agency's funding as constitutional.

US Supreme Court refuses to take up challenge to Florida’s online sports betting compact


The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to take up a challenge to an agreement that gave the Seminole Tribe exclusive rights to handle online sports betting in Florida, dealing a blow to the deal’s opponents.


Supreme Court releases new orders ahead of opinions in controversial cases


The Supreme Court released new orders Monday, signaling what cases they'll take up in the next term. The justices are also expected to release decisions for several controversial cases later this week. CBS News legal contributor Jessica…